Can Palestinian's and Israeli's ever be friends?

Can Palestinian's and Israeli's ever be friends?

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Israel was created at the expense of many.... And continues, at the expense of many....

But that is a very different issue to whether Jews should have a 'homeland' or not....

Hence, I do not support Israel or the Israeli government!

Only if you subscribe to islamonazi propaganda and lies. The expense was created by the arab league when they illegally invaded Palestine with the intentions of wiping out the Jews and destroying Israel.
If you do not support Israel or its government then you cant support the Jews having a homeland as that mean an Israeli bation with an Israeli government.

It was only a matter of time before you made the disclosure once and for all that you are just an islamonazi Jew hater

Yes, well your brainwashed zionut mentality is clear for all to see Phoney...

You simply cannot differentiate between, people and politics can you!

What a moronic schmuck!

It is yiou that cant differentiate as Israel is the people not the government, unless you want to run with your claim that the government are the people and so all Israelis are responsible for the deaths in gaza and so they are all war criminals.

No Phoney...

Israel is a country!

Jeez and they still pay you for posts like that?

They will be after their money back!

Such an idiot Phoney!

Not as much an idiot as you who has just admitted that you are a Jew hater.
Yes Israel is a country and you admit to hating it as a country, which means that you also hate all the people who live there.
Now I don't hate any muslim country, just the extremists that live there and cause untold suffering for every one else. So what does this make me ?

Unfortunately it is YOU who is the extremist Phoney... An immature, uneducated juvenile extremist...

If you are unable to differentiate between a country and a people then you are not capable of holding an adult debate....

Just how old are you Phoney?

Not old enough to be commenting on grown up conversations!

Perhaps this is more to your intellectual capacity...
Humanity, et al,


Teach me about this!

If you are unable to differentiate between a country and a people then you are not capable of holding an adult debate....

Just how old are you Phoney?

Not old enough to be commenting on grown up conversations!

Perhaps this is more to your intellectual capacity...

Can a country exist without a people to establish either the distinct political entity; or people relative to a particular political geography???

When you say "country" are you not "denoting groupings of people or objects?"

I don't know. Maybe you could shed some light on this question and give me an example of a country that does not imply "independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics."

Most Respectfully,


A country is a region that is identified as a distinct entity in political geography. A country may be an independent sovereign state or one that is occupied by another state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics.


Dictionary entry overview: What does political entity mean?
The noun POLITICAL ENTITY has 1 sense:
1. a unit with political responsibilities
Familiarity information: POLITICAL ENTITY used as a noun is very rare.
A unit with political responsibilities​
Classified under:
Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects​
political entity; political unit
Hypernyms ("political entity" is a kind of...):
social unit; unit (an organization regarded as part of a larger social group)​
Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "political entity"):
body politic; commonwealth; country; land; nation; res publica; state (a politically organized body of people under a single government)

revolutionary group (a political unit organized to promote revolution)

lunatic fringe (a political unit with extreme and fanatical views)

amphictyony (an association of neighboring states or tribes in ancient Greece; established originally to defend a common religious center)

cadre; cell (a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement)

Palestine Authority; Palestine National Authority; Palestinian National Authority(combines the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a political unit with limited autonomy and a police force; created in 1993 by an agreement between Israel and the PLO)

union (a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations)

Holy Roman Empire (a political entity in Europe that began with the papal coronation of Otto I as the first emperor in 962 and lasted until 1806 when it was dissolved by Napoleon)

lobby; pressure group; third house (a group of people who try actively to influence legislation)
Holonyms ("political entity" is a member of...):
form of government; political system (the members of a social organization who are in power)​
1. A simple question, yet so much air and no answer.
Oh, I answered. You just didn't like it.

Non Jews in Israel have full citizenship, what stops those 'indigenous'
to determine themselves? Who are they? How did they end up in Palestine and dd thy have any distinct palestinian culture and religion?
Non-Jewish Israeli's are treated like 2nd class citizens.

I was referring to the indigenous people living in the West Bank.

2.This elections between the two gangs started with violence, continues with it and is the reason why they didn't have elections since.
Except for the fact that they stopped their violence long enough to create a unity government, but Israel attacked Gaza in order to break up that government. Israel doesn't want Fatah and Hamas to settle their differences and become a political movement.

3.This is the the exact argument used by terrorists to justify murders of civilians in clubs,hospitals, buses and so on... You're a sheeple thinking You have rights and control over Your govt.
I didn't say "rights and control", I said you are "responsible".

Do you call yourself a democracy? Do you vote for your elected leaders? Do those leaders do things in your name? Then you are responsible.

Stop electing fascists and megalomaniacs like Netanfuckyou.

4. the naked king here is You, after stating that You care not for Israel or the balestinians You still spit all the hatred and blood libels based on Your hurt ego some thousand miles away having no clue about the ME.
Cursing all the time is a sign of weakness and stress, Do You have any reason to take this conflict pesonally?
No. Not at all. And since I could care less, why would it hurt my ego?

BTW, in regards to the profanity, that's just the way I talk.

1. You still fail to answer. Stating that the question is 'dumbass'
doesn't make it irrelevant, especially since You brought the matter first.

2. Hamas and Fatah will never unite because the they'll actually have to take responsibility for their crimes against balestinians. It's much more natural for them to filling their pockets with aid money and blame the jooooooz. Don't shoot rockets into Israel to justify your dictatorship in Gaza, don't kidnap and kill children- the balestinians won't suffer.

3. How can You be responsible for something You don't have control over? I don't call myself 'democracy' and speak only for myself, I don't vote,didn't serve either, no-one does things in my name except those who work for me.

On the other hand- You fail to take responsibility for your actions,word and blood libels against Israelis, Balestinians and Americans.

4. You could care less?? Wouldn't be wasting your time here..might save some lives actually...
Only if you subscribe to islamonazi propaganda and lies. The expense was created by the arab league when they illegally invaded Palestine with the intentions of wiping out the Jews and destroying Israel.
If you do not support Israel or its government then you cant support the Jews having a homeland as that mean an Israeli bation with an Israeli government.

It was only a matter of time before you made the disclosure once and for all that you are just an islamonazi Jew hater

Yes, well your brainwashed zionut mentality is clear for all to see Phoney...

You simply cannot differentiate between, people and politics can you!

What a moronic schmuck!

It is yiou that cant differentiate as Israel is the people not the government, unless you want to run with your claim that the government are the people and so all Israelis are responsible for the deaths in gaza and so they are all war criminals.

No Phoney...

Israel is a country!

Jeez and they still pay you for posts like that?

They will be after their money back!

Such an idiot Phoney!

Not as much an idiot as you who has just admitted that you are a Jew hater.
Yes Israel is a country and you admit to hating it as a country, which means that you also hate all the people who live there.
Now I don't hate any muslim country, just the extremists that live there and cause untold suffering for every one else. So what does this make me ?

Unfortunately it is YOU who is the extremist Phoney... An immature, uneducated juvenile extremist...

If you are unable to differentiate between a country and a people then you are not capable of holding an adult debate....

Just how old are you Phoney?

Not old enough to be commenting on grown up conversations!

Perhaps this is more to your intellectual capacity...

As I said it is you with that mentality as you said you hate Israel meaning that you admit to being a RACIST ISLAMONAZI JEW HATING POS. And now you are trying to deflect away from your slip up and put the blame elsewhere.
1. A simple question, yet so much air and no answer.
Oh, I answered. You just didn't like it.

Non Jews in Israel have full citizenship, what stops those 'indigenous'
to determine themselves? Who are they? How did they end up in Palestine and dd thy have any distinct palestinian culture and religion?
Non-Jewish Israeli's are treated like 2nd class citizens.

I was referring to the indigenous people living in the West Bank.

2.This elections between the two gangs started with violence, continues with it and is the reason why they didn't have elections since.
Except for the fact that they stopped their violence long enough to create a unity government, but Israel attacked Gaza in order to break up that government. Israel doesn't want Fatah and Hamas to settle their differences and become a political movement.

3.This is the the exact argument used by terrorists to justify murders of civilians in clubs,hospitals, buses and so on... You're a sheeple thinking You have rights and control over Your govt.
I didn't say "rights and control", I said you are "responsible".

Do you call yourself a democracy? Do you vote for your elected leaders? Do those leaders do things in your name? Then you are responsible.

Stop electing fascists and megalomaniacs like Netanfuckyou.

4. the naked king here is You, after stating that You care not for Israel or the balestinians You still spit all the hatred and blood libels based on Your hurt ego some thousand miles away having no clue about the ME.
Cursing all the time is a sign of weakness and stress, Do You have any reason to take this conflict pesonally?
No. Not at all. And since I could care less, why would it hurt my ego?

BTW, in regards to the profanity, that's just the way I talk.

No you did not answer it, you just wrote garbage

Would that be the indigenous Jews as well that were forcibly evicted and all their property stolen by the Palestinians in 1949 ?

When was this as since 2007 there has been no unity government as one side or the other finds a way to stop the talks.

So all palestinians are responsible for the terrorist attacks on Israel, meaning that they are all valid military targets. So we wont hear your whinging about farmers and fishermen getting fired on anymore will we. Guess you just shot yourself in the foot again ! ! ! !

Like the trailer park trash you are
You are just NASTY Pheo...........leave the abusing to me Dickhead,you just are no good at it at all....Call Me SIR..LOL
1. A simple question, yet so much air and no answer.
Oh, I answered. You just didn't like it.

Non Jews in Israel have full citizenship, what stops those 'indigenous'
to determine themselves? Who are they? How did they end up in Palestine and dd thy have any distinct palestinian culture and religion?
Non-Jewish Israeli's are treated like 2nd class citizens.

I was referring to the indigenous people living in the West Bank.

2.This elections between the two gangs started with violence, continues with it and is the reason why they didn't have elections since.
Except for the fact that they stopped their violence long enough to create a unity government, but Israel attacked Gaza in order to break up that government. Israel doesn't want Fatah and Hamas to settle their differences and become a political movement.

3.This is the the exact argument used by terrorists to justify murders of civilians in clubs,hospitals, buses and so on... You're a sheeple thinking You have rights and control over Your govt.
I didn't say "rights and control", I said you are "responsible".

Do you call yourself a democracy? Do you vote for your elected leaders? Do those leaders do things in your name? Then you are responsible.

Stop electing fascists and megalomaniacs like Netanfuckyou.

4. the naked king here is You, after stating that You care not for Israel or the balestinians You still spit all the hatred and blood libels based on Your hurt ego some thousand miles away having no clue about the ME.
Cursing all the time is a sign of weakness and stress, Do You have any reason to take this conflict pesonally?
No. Not at all. And since I could care less, why would it hurt my ego?

BTW, in regards to the profanity, that's just the way I talk.

No you did not answer it, you just wrote garbage

Would that be the indigenous Jews as well that were forcibly evicted and all their property stolen by the Palestinians in 1949 ?

When was this as since 2007 there has been no unity government as one side or the other finds a way to stop the talks.

So all palestinians are responsible for the terrorist attacks on Israel, meaning that they are all valid military targets. So we wont hear your whinging about farmers and fishermen getting fired on anymore will we. Guess you just shot yourself in the foot again ! ! ! !

Like the trailer park trash you are
You are just NASTY Pheo...........leave the abusing to me Dickhead,you just are no good at it at all....Call Me SIR..LOL

I prefer to call you what you are shite
1. A simple question, yet so much air and no answer.
Oh, I answered. You just didn't like it.

Non Jews in Israel have full citizenship, what stops those 'indigenous'
to determine themselves? Who are they? How did they end up in Palestine and dd thy have any distinct palestinian culture and religion?
Non-Jewish Israeli's are treated like 2nd class citizens.

I was referring to the indigenous people living in the West Bank.

2.This elections between the two gangs started with violence, continues with it and is the reason why they didn't have elections since.
Except for the fact that they stopped their violence long enough to create a unity government, but Israel attacked Gaza in order to break up that government. Israel doesn't want Fatah and Hamas to settle their differences and become a political movement.

3.This is the the exact argument used by terrorists to justify murders of civilians in clubs,hospitals, buses and so on... You're a sheeple thinking You have rights and control over Your govt.
I didn't say "rights and control", I said you are "responsible".

Do you call yourself a democracy? Do you vote for your elected leaders? Do those leaders do things in your name? Then you are responsible.

Stop electing fascists and megalomaniacs like Netanfuckyou.

4. the naked king here is You, after stating that You care not for Israel or the balestinians You still spit all the hatred and blood libels based on Your hurt ego some thousand miles away having no clue about the ME.
Cursing all the time is a sign of weakness and stress, Do You have any reason to take this conflict pesonally?
No. Not at all. And since I could care less, why would it hurt my ego?

BTW, in regards to the profanity, that's just the way I talk.

No you did not answer it, you just wrote garbage

Would that be the indigenous Jews as well that were forcibly evicted and all their property stolen by the Palestinians in 1949 ?

When was this as since 2007 there has been no unity government as one side or the other finds a way to stop the talks.

So all palestinians are responsible for the terrorist attacks on Israel, meaning that they are all valid military targets. So we wont hear your whinging about farmers and fishermen getting fired on anymore will we. Guess you just shot yourself in the foot again ! ! ! !

Like the trailer park trash you are
You are just NASTY Pheo...........leave the abusing to me Dickhead,you just are no good at it at all....Call Me SIR..LOL

I prefer to call you what you are shite
As I said you are just NASTY......shite is not abuse Dickhead.............Now Kneel and call ME SIR......LOL
Humanity, et al,


Teach me about this!

If you are unable to differentiate between a country and a people then you are not capable of holding an adult debate....

Just how old are you Phoney?

Not old enough to be commenting on grown up conversations!

Perhaps this is more to your intellectual capacity...

Can a country exist without a people to establish either the distinct political entity; or people relative to a particular political geography???

When you say "country" are you not "denoting groupings of people or objects?"

I don't know. Maybe you could shed some light on this question and give me an example of a country that does not imply "independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics."

Most Respectfully,


A country is a region that is identified as a distinct entity in political geography. A country may be an independent sovereign state or one that is occupied by another state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics.


Dictionary entry overview: What does political entity mean?
The noun POLITICAL ENTITY has 1 sense:
1. a unit with political responsibilities
Familiarity information: POLITICAL ENTITY used as a noun is very rare.
A unit with political responsibilities​
Classified under:
Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects​
political entity; political unit
Hypernyms ("political entity" is a kind of...):
social unit; unit (an organization regarded as part of a larger social group)​
Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "political entity"):
body politic; commonwealth; country; land; nation; res publica; state (a politically organized body of people under a single government)

revolutionary group (a political unit organized to promote revolution)

lunatic fringe (a political unit with extreme and fanatical views)

amphictyony (an association of neighboring states or tribes in ancient Greece; established originally to defend a common religious center)

cadre; cell (a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement)

Palestine Authority; Palestine National Authority; Palestinian National Authority(combines the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a political unit with limited autonomy and a police force; created in 1993 by an agreement between Israel and the PLO)

union (a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations)

Holy Roman Empire (a political entity in Europe that began with the papal coronation of Otto I as the first emperor in 962 and lasted until 1806 when it was dissolved by Napoleon)

lobby; pressure group; third house (a group of people who try actively to influence legislation)
Holonyms ("political entity" is a member of...):
form of government; political system (the members of a social organization who are in power)​
So Rocco,Israel has a Lunatic Fringe...even against its own country men and what would a Country like that be called ??????? steve
Last edited:
1. A simple question, yet so much air and no answer.
Oh, I answered. You just didn't like it.

Non Jews in Israel have full citizenship, what stops those 'indigenous'
to determine themselves? Who are they? How did they end up in Palestine and dd thy have any distinct palestinian culture and religion?
Non-Jewish Israeli's are treated like 2nd class citizens.

I was referring to the indigenous people living in the West Bank.

2.This elections between the two gangs started with violence, continues with it and is the reason why they didn't have elections since.
Except for the fact that they stopped their violence long enough to create a unity government, but Israel attacked Gaza in order to break up that government. Israel doesn't want Fatah and Hamas to settle their differences and become a political movement.

3.This is the the exact argument used by terrorists to justify murders of civilians in clubs,hospitals, buses and so on... You're a sheeple thinking You have rights and control over Your govt.
I didn't say "rights and control", I said you are "responsible".

Do you call yourself a democracy? Do you vote for your elected leaders? Do those leaders do things in your name? Then you are responsible.

Stop electing fascists and megalomaniacs like Netanfuckyou.

4. the naked king here is You, after stating that You care not for Israel or the balestinians You still spit all the hatred and blood libels based on Your hurt ego some thousand miles away having no clue about the ME.
Cursing all the time is a sign of weakness and stress, Do You have any reason to take this conflict pesonally?
No. Not at all. And since I could care less, why would it hurt my ego?

BTW, in regards to the profanity, that's just the way I talk.

No you did not answer it, you just wrote garbage

Would that be the indigenous Jews as well that were forcibly evicted and all their property stolen by the Palestinians in 1949 ?

When was this as since 2007 there has been no unity government as one side or the other finds a way to stop the talks.

So all palestinians are responsible for the terrorist attacks on Israel, meaning that they are all valid military targets. So we wont hear your whinging about farmers and fishermen getting fired on anymore will we. Guess you just shot yourself in the foot again ! ! ! !

Like the trailer park trash you are
You are just NASTY Pheo...........leave the abusing to me Dickhead,you just are no good at it at all....Call Me SIR..LOL

I prefer to call you what you are shite
As I said you are just NASTY......shite is not abuse Dickhead.............Now Kneel and call ME SIR......LOL

I am your superior in every way shite so prostrate yourself and be humbled in my presence. For the record dildo is trailer park trash descended from many trailer park scum, what we in the UK call Irish travellers
Humanity, et al,


Teach me about this!

If you are unable to differentiate between a country and a people then you are not capable of holding an adult debate....

Just how old are you Phoney?

Not old enough to be commenting on grown up conversations!

Perhaps this is more to your intellectual capacity...

Can a country exist without a people to establish either the distinct political entity; or people relative to a particular political geography???

When you say "country" are you not "denoting groupings of people or objects?"

I don't know. Maybe you could shed some light on this question and give me an example of a country that does not imply "independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics."

Most Respectfully,


A country is a region that is identified as a distinct entity in political geography. A country may be an independent sovereign state or one that is occupied by another state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics.


Dictionary entry overview: What does political entity mean?
The noun POLITICAL ENTITY has 1 sense:
1. a unit with political responsibilities
Familiarity information: POLITICAL ENTITY used as a noun is very rare.
A unit with political responsibilities​
Classified under:
Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects​
political entity; political unit
Hypernyms ("political entity" is a kind of...):
social unit; unit (an organization regarded as part of a larger social group)​
Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "political entity"):
body politic; commonwealth; country; land; nation; res publica; state (a politically organized body of people under a single government)

revolutionary group (a political unit organized to promote revolution)

lunatic fringe (a political unit with extreme and fanatical views)

amphictyony (an association of neighboring states or tribes in ancient Greece; established originally to defend a common religious center)

cadre; cell (a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement)

Palestine Authority; Palestine National Authority; Palestinian National Authority(combines the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a political unit with limited autonomy and a police force; created in 1993 by an agreement between Israel and the PLO)

union (a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations)

Holy Roman Empire (a political entity in Europe that began with the papal coronation of Otto I as the first emperor in 962 and lasted until 1806 when it was dissolved by Napoleon)

lobby; pressure group; third house (a group of people who try actively to influence legislation)
Holonyms ("political entity" is a member of...):
form of government; political system (the members of a social organization who are in power)​
So Rocco,Israel has a Lunatic Fringe...even against its own country men and what would a Country like that be called ??????? steve

The same as all the other countries with a lunatic fringe of course. What do you call Australia with its lunatic fringe, or Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Brazil et al
Oh, I answered. You just didn't like it.

Non-Jewish Israeli's are treated like 2nd class citizens.

I was referring to the indigenous people living in the West Bank.

Except for the fact that they stopped their violence long enough to create a unity government, but Israel attacked Gaza in order to break up that government. Israel doesn't want Fatah and Hamas to settle their differences and become a political movement.

I didn't say "rights and control", I said you are "responsible".

Do you call yourself a democracy? Do you vote for your elected leaders? Do those leaders do things in your name? Then you are responsible.

Stop electing fascists and megalomaniacs like Netanfuckyou.

No. Not at all. And since I could care less, why would it hurt my ego?

BTW, in regards to the profanity, that's just the way I talk.

No you did not answer it, you just wrote garbage

Would that be the indigenous Jews as well that were forcibly evicted and all their property stolen by the Palestinians in 1949 ?

When was this as since 2007 there has been no unity government as one side or the other finds a way to stop the talks.

So all palestinians are responsible for the terrorist attacks on Israel, meaning that they are all valid military targets. So we wont hear your whinging about farmers and fishermen getting fired on anymore will we. Guess you just shot yourself in the foot again ! ! ! !

Like the trailer park trash you are
You are just NASTY Pheo...........leave the abusing to me Dickhead,you just are no good at it at all....Call Me SIR..LOL

I prefer to call you what you are shite
As I said you are just NASTY......shite is not abuse Dickhead.............Now Kneel and call ME SIR......LOL

I am your superior in every way shite so prostrate yourself and be humbled in my presence. For the record dildo is trailer park trash descended from many trailer park scum, what we in the UK call Irish travellers
I thought it was Tinkers.........Pheo Time to take that Silver Spoon Out of Your Arse,and Shove IT IN YOUR ABUSIVE MOUTH.......Now Address me as your King,King of Kings..............get up off the floor and stand like a Man for a change before me
Humanity, et al,


Teach me about this!

If you are unable to differentiate between a country and a people then you are not capable of holding an adult debate....

Just how old are you Phoney?

Not old enough to be commenting on grown up conversations!

Perhaps this is more to your intellectual capacity...

Can a country exist without a people to establish either the distinct political entity; or people relative to a particular political geography???

When you say "country" are you not "denoting groupings of people or objects?"

I don't know. Maybe you could shed some light on this question and give me an example of a country that does not imply "independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics."

Most Respectfully,


A country is a region that is identified as a distinct entity in political geography. A country may be an independent sovereign state or one that is occupied by another state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics.


Dictionary entry overview: What does political entity mean?
The noun POLITICAL ENTITY has 1 sense:
1. a unit with political responsibilities
Familiarity information: POLITICAL ENTITY used as a noun is very rare.
A unit with political responsibilities​
Classified under:
Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects​
political entity; political unit
Hypernyms ("political entity" is a kind of...):
social unit; unit (an organization regarded as part of a larger social group)​
Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "political entity"):
body politic; commonwealth; country; land; nation; res publica; state (a politically organized body of people under a single government)

revolutionary group (a political unit organized to promote revolution)

lunatic fringe (a political unit with extreme and fanatical views)

amphictyony (an association of neighboring states or tribes in ancient Greece; established originally to defend a common religious center)

cadre; cell (a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement)

Palestine Authority; Palestine National Authority; Palestinian National Authority(combines the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a political unit with limited autonomy and a police force; created in 1993 by an agreement between Israel and the PLO)

union (a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations)

Holy Roman Empire (a political entity in Europe that began with the papal coronation of Otto I as the first emperor in 962 and lasted until 1806 when it was dissolved by Napoleon)

lobby; pressure group; third house (a group of people who try actively to influence legislation)
Holonyms ("political entity" is a member of...):
form of government; political system (the members of a social organization who are in power)​
So Rocco,Israel has a Lunatic Fringe...even against its own country men and what would a Country like that be called ??????? steve

The same as all the other countries with a lunatic fringe of course. What do you call Australia with its lunatic fringe, or Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Brazil et al
Off Topic Yet Again...we are talking Israel....The Original and Worst Loony Fringe.....THE ZIONISTS........but then you ain't that makes you an IDIOT-ZIONISTA.......LOL
1. You still fail to answer. Stating that the question is 'dumbass'
doesn't make it irrelevant, especially since You brought the matter first.
It just makes it dumb.

2. Hamas and Fatah will never unite because the they'll actually have to take responsibility for their crimes against balestinians. It's much more natural for them to filling their pockets with aid money and blame the jooooooz. Don't shoot rockets into Israel to justify your dictatorship in Gaza, don't kidnap and kill children- the balestinians won't suffer.
They did unite. Israel attacked to break it up.

Don't want rockets? End the occupation.

3. How can You be responsible for something You don't have control over? I don't call myself 'democracy' and speak only for myself, I don't vote,didn't serve either, no-one does things in my name except those who work for me.
You're responsible for your government. The fact that you don't vote, just says you're a shitty citizen.

On the other hand- You fail to take responsibility for your actions,word and blood libels against Israelis, Balestinians and Americans.
I take responsibility for everything I say. You obviously, feel differently.

4. You could care less?? Wouldn't be wasting your time here..might save some lives actually...
I'm not wasting my time. This is what I do for kicks. I enjoy getting in the face of some hypocritical Israeli kiss-ass. It's my Disneyland!
1. You still fail to answer. Stating that the question is 'dumbass'
doesn't make it irrelevant, especially since You brought the matter first.
It just makes it dumb.

2. Hamas and Fatah will never unite because the they'll actually have to take responsibility for their crimes against balestinians. It's much more natural for them to filling their pockets with aid money and blame the jooooooz. Don't shoot rockets into Israel to justify your dictatorship in Gaza, don't kidnap and kill children- the balestinians won't suffer.
They did unite. Israel attacked to break it up.

Don't want rockets? End the occupation.

3. How can You be responsible for something You don't have control over? I don't call myself 'democracy' and speak only for myself, I don't vote,didn't serve either, no-one does things in my name except those who work for me.
You're responsible for your government. The fact that you don't vote, just says you're a shitty citizen.

On the other hand- You fail to take responsibility for your actions,word and blood libels against Israelis, Balestinians and Americans.
I take responsibility for everything I say. You obviously, feel differently.

4. You could care less?? Wouldn't be wasting your time here..might save some lives actually...
I'm not wasting my time. This is what I do for kicks. I enjoy getting in the face of some hypocritical Israeli kiss-ass. It's my Disneyland!

I get it it's all about You

So in conclusion:
-Failed to point at indigenous people of Palestine and their origin.
-Doesn't give a rat's ass about either Palestinians or Israeli's
-Drudges questions on topic to spread unrelated filth and blood lbels.

Isn't that a definition of a troll?
No you did not answer it, you just wrote garbage

Would that be the indigenous Jews as well that were forcibly evicted and all their property stolen by the Palestinians in 1949 ?

When was this as since 2007 there has been no unity government as one side or the other finds a way to stop the talks.

So all palestinians are responsible for the terrorist attacks on Israel, meaning that they are all valid military targets. So we wont hear your whinging about farmers and fishermen getting fired on anymore will we. Guess you just shot yourself in the foot again ! ! ! !

Like the trailer park trash you are
You are just NASTY Pheo...........leave the abusing to me Dickhead,you just are no good at it at all....Call Me SIR..LOL

I prefer to call you what you are shite
As I said you are just NASTY......shite is not abuse Dickhead.............Now Kneel and call ME SIR......LOL

I am your superior in every way shite so prostrate yourself and be humbled in my presence. For the record dildo is trailer park trash descended from many trailer park scum, what we in the UK call Irish travellers
I thought it was Tinkers.........Pheo Time to take that Silver Spoon Out of Your Arse,and Shove IT IN YOUR ABUSIVE MOUTH.......Now Address me as your King,King of Kings..............get up off the floor and stand like a Man for a change before me

Nope you are wrong again as Tinkers went from town to town mending and sharpening. Irish travellers are failed Aussies that lie, steal and destroy and then run back to their mansions when the heat gets too much.

Time for you to know who is the boss, so grovel like the worthless POS that you are
You are just NASTY Pheo...........leave the abusing to me Dickhead,you just are no good at it at all....Call Me SIR..LOL

I prefer to call you what you are shite
As I said you are just NASTY......shite is not abuse Dickhead.............Now Kneel and call ME SIR......LOL

I am your superior in every way shite so prostrate yourself and be humbled in my presence. For the record dildo is trailer park trash descended from many trailer park scum, what we in the UK call Irish travellers
I thought it was Tinkers.........Pheo Time to take that Silver Spoon Out of Your Arse,and Shove IT IN YOUR ABUSIVE MOUTH.......Now Address me as your King,King of Kings..............get up off the floor and stand like a Man for a change before me

Nope you are wrong again as Tinkers went from town to town mending and sharpening. Irish travellers are failed Aussies that lie, steal and destroy and then run back to their mansions when the heat gets too much.

Time for you to know who is the boss, so grovel like the worthless POS that you are
Humanity, et al,


Teach me about this!

If you are unable to differentiate between a country and a people then you are not capable of holding an adult debate....

Just how old are you Phoney?

Not old enough to be commenting on grown up conversations!

Perhaps this is more to your intellectual capacity...

Can a country exist without a people to establish either the distinct political entity; or people relative to a particular political geography???

When you say "country" are you not "denoting groupings of people or objects?"

I don't know. Maybe you could shed some light on this question and give me an example of a country that does not imply "independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics."

Most Respectfully,


A country is a region that is identified as a distinct entity in political geography. A country may be an independent sovereign state or one that is occupied by another state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics.


Dictionary entry overview: What does political entity mean?
The noun POLITICAL ENTITY has 1 sense:
1. a unit with political responsibilities
Familiarity information: POLITICAL ENTITY used as a noun is very rare.
A unit with political responsibilities​
Classified under:
Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects​
political entity; political unit
Hypernyms ("political entity" is a kind of...):
social unit; unit (an organization regarded as part of a larger social group)​
Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "political entity"):
body politic; commonwealth; country; land; nation; res publica; state (a politically organized body of people under a single government)

revolutionary group (a political unit organized to promote revolution)

lunatic fringe (a political unit with extreme and fanatical views)

amphictyony (an association of neighboring states or tribes in ancient Greece; established originally to defend a common religious center)

cadre; cell (a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement)

Palestine Authority; Palestine National Authority; Palestinian National Authority(combines the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a political unit with limited autonomy and a police force; created in 1993 by an agreement between Israel and the PLO)

union (a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations)

Holy Roman Empire (a political entity in Europe that began with the papal coronation of Otto I as the first emperor in 962 and lasted until 1806 when it was dissolved by Napoleon)

lobby; pressure group; third house (a group of people who try actively to influence legislation)
Holonyms ("political entity" is a member of...):
form of government; political system (the members of a social organization who are in power)​
So Rocco,Israel has a Lunatic Fringe...even against its own country men and what would a Country like that be called ??????? steve

The same as all the other countries with a lunatic fringe of course. What do you call Australia with its lunatic fringe, or Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Brazil et al
Off Topic Yet Again...we are talking Israel....The Original and Worst Loony Fringe.....THE ZIONISTS........but then you ain't that makes you an IDIOT-ZIONISTA.......LOL

Nope on topic it is you and your islamonazi Jew hatred that is the epitome of the lunatic fringe.

You have been told about using Zionist as a racist term so be warned
theliq, et al,

Yes, a uninteresting question!

So Rocco,Israel has a Lunatic Fringe...even against its own country men and what would a Country like that be called ??????? steve

Well, if you are just describing the population and its varying characteristics, then you would say it is a "politically diverse" population; or ethnically or racially diverse; exposing the predominate characteristic(s) that make them different. It may even be described (sometimes) as multicultural; depending on the nature of the delineation in the differences.Whether the difference makes them confrontational is a separate distinguishing factor.

This is opposed to a "homogeneous population" when there is no auxiliary or specific data or description that can be used to distinguish between different population constituents; or (sometimes more importantly) there is no auxiliary or specific data that the constituents themselves used as a differentiator.

The country is called by its generally accepted name that applies to a specific geopolitical territory. The distinction of the country is based on the emphasis being presented.
• Example
If you want to emphasize the religious aspect, you could describe Afghanistan and Iran as Islamic Republics. If you want a differentiator between the two Republics:
∆∆ Than you could say that Afghanistan is:

80% Sunni
20% Shi'ite
∆∆ Then you could say that Iran is:

10% Sunni
80% Shi'ite

"So, what would a Country like that be called?" Well it could be called "Islamic." But that would be valid only for a set of discrete discriminator similar to what I set-out here.


Some believe that in the Region of the Middle East, Persian Gulf, and Near East Asia, the most deadly of confrontations is the conflict between the Sunni and Shi'ite factions of Islam. This is a conflict that is --- as you say --- "even against its own country men and women."

BUT, what is more important to understand is that there are very few and very small place where the population is homogeneous and totally harmonious. (It is the nature of the species to advance conflict.)

Most Respectfully,
1. You still fail to answer. Stating that the question is 'dumbass'
doesn't make it irrelevant, especially since You brought the matter first.
It just makes it dumb.

2. Hamas and Fatah will never unite because the they'll actually have to take responsibility for their crimes against balestinians. It's much more natural for them to filling their pockets with aid money and blame the jooooooz. Don't shoot rockets into Israel to justify your dictatorship in Gaza, don't kidnap and kill children- the balestinians won't suffer.
They did unite. Israel attacked to break it up.

Don't want rockets? End the occupation.

3. How can You be responsible for something You don't have control over? I don't call myself 'democracy' and speak only for myself, I don't vote,didn't serve either, no-one does things in my name except those who work for me.
You're responsible for your government. The fact that you don't vote, just says you're a shitty citizen.

On the other hand- You fail to take responsibility for your actions,word and blood libels against Israelis, Balestinians and Americans.
I take responsibility for everything I say. You obviously, feel differently.

4. You could care less?? Wouldn't be wasting your time here..might save some lives actually...
I'm not wasting my time. This is what I do for kicks. I enjoy getting in the face of some hypocritical Israeli kiss-ass. It's my Disneyland!

Nope it makes you dumb

When did the unite then, as even they say they cant be in the same room.

Don't want the occupation or blockade stop the rockets and terrorism it is that easy to do.
1. You still fail to answer. Stating that the question is 'dumbass'
doesn't make it irrelevant, especially since You brought the matter first.
It just makes it dumb.

2. Hamas and Fatah will never unite because the they'll actually have to take responsibility for their crimes against balestinians. It's much more natural for them to filling their pockets with aid money and blame the jooooooz. Don't shoot rockets into Israel to justify your dictatorship in Gaza, don't kidnap and kill children- the balestinians won't suffer.
They did unite. Israel attacked to break it up.

Don't want rockets? End the occupation.

3. How can You be responsible for something You don't have control over? I don't call myself 'democracy' and speak only for myself, I don't vote,didn't serve either, no-one does things in my name except those who work for me.
You're responsible for your government. The fact that you don't vote, just says you're a shitty citizen.

On the other hand- You fail to take responsibility for your actions,word and blood libels against Israelis, Balestinians and Americans.
I take responsibility for everything I say. You obviously, feel differently.

4. You could care less?? Wouldn't be wasting your time here..might save some lives actually...
I'm not wasting my time. This is what I do for kicks. I enjoy getting in the face of some hypocritical Israeli kiss-ass. It's my Disneyland!

I get it it's all about You

So in conclusion:
-Failed to point at indigenous people of Palestine and their origin.
-Doesn't give a rat's ass about either Palestinians or Israeli's
-Drudges questions on topic to spread unrelated filth and blood lbels.

Isn't that a definition of a troll?

Yep that is dildo to a "T"
Oh, I answered. You just didn't like it.

Non-Jewish Israeli's are treated like 2nd class citizens.

I was referring to the indigenous people living in the West Bank.

Except for the fact that they stopped their violence long enough to create a unity government, but Israel attacked Gaza in order to break up that government. Israel doesn't want Fatah and Hamas to settle their differences and become a political movement.

I didn't say "rights and control", I said you are "responsible".

Do you call yourself a democracy? Do you vote for your elected leaders? Do those leaders do things in your name? Then you are responsible.

Stop electing fascists and megalomaniacs like Netanfuckyou.

No. Not at all. And since I could care less, why would it hurt my ego?

BTW, in regards to the profanity, that's just the way I talk.

No you did not answer it, you just wrote garbage

Would that be the indigenous Jews as well that were forcibly evicted and all their property stolen by the Palestinians in 1949 ?

When was this as since 2007 there has been no unity government as one side or the other finds a way to stop the talks.

So all palestinians are responsible for the terrorist attacks on Israel, meaning that they are all valid military targets. So we wont hear your whinging about farmers and fishermen getting fired on anymore will we. Guess you just shot yourself in the foot again ! ! ! !

Like the trailer park trash you are
You are just NASTY Pheo...........leave the abusing to me Dickhead,you just are no good at it at all....Call Me SIR..LOL

I prefer to call you what you are shite
As I said you are just NASTY......shite is not abuse Dickhead.............Now Kneel and call ME SIR......LOL

I am your superior in every way shite so prostrate yourself and be humbled in my presence. For the record dildo is trailer park trash descended from many trailer park scum, what we in the UK call Irish travellers

Nasty, racist little prick!

YOU may call them Irish travelers... The educated, non racist people in the UK do not!
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