Can President Obama Kiss a Rig?


Jul 27, 2010
I'm not sure if this will make the national news or not - Clayton Williams making uncouth statements has become accepted as the norm - but he put two of these signs out on the major streets in front of our office building this morning:


Whether you like CW or not, this does bring a very important question to mind. Can President Obama kiss a rig? I thought oil to him was like water to a witch. So I would say, No, Claytie, despite your generous offer, President Obama can not kiss your rig.
Great suggestions! I'll forward them on to Mr. Williams immediately.

What do you think about "Pressure test his tubing" ...
More dishonesty. Can you honestly say Obama hurts big oil when its record profits have come during his time in office? Not sure what other empirical evidence you'd need - rhetoric duddn't really factor much into reality.
More dishonesty. Can you honestly say Obama hurts big oil when its record profits have come during his time in office? Not sure what other empirical evidence you'd need - rhetoric duddn't really factor much into reality.

"Big Oil"? Over 90% of exploration and drilling in this country is done so by Independents. And yes, Obama is out to fuck over the entire industry.
More dishonesty. Can you honestly say Obama hurts big oil when its record profits have come during his time in office? Not sure what other empirical evidence you'd need - rhetoric duddn't really factor much into reality.

"Big Oil"? Over 90% of exploration and drilling in this country is done so by Independents. And yes, Obama is out to fuck over the entire industry.

Well, he's doing a helluva job, record profits and all. Maybe oil should keep his failing ass around.
More dishonesty. Can you honestly say Obama hurts big oil when its record profits have come during his time in office? Not sure what other empirical evidence you'd need - rhetoric duddn't really factor much into reality.

"Big Oil"? Over 90% of exploration and drilling in this country is done so by Independents. And yes, Obama is out to fuck over the entire industry.

Well, he's doing a helluva job, record profits and all. Maybe oil should keep his failing ass around.

And as we're constantly reminded by the left, profits are the bane of this country- records or no records. The oil and gas industry reinvests over 100% of profits back into the business of finding more... oil and gas.

Profits are the solution, not the problem.
"Big Oil"? Over 90% of exploration and drilling in this country is done so by Independents. And yes, Obama is out to fuck over the entire industry.

Well, he's doing a helluva job, record profits and all. Maybe oil should keep his failing ass around.

And as we're constantly reminded by the left, profits are the bane of this country- records or no records. The oil and gas industry reinvests over 100% of profits back into the business of finding more... oil and gas.

Profits are the solution, not the problem.

I have no complaints of profits.
More dishonesty. Can you honestly say Obama hurts big oil when its record profits have come during his time in office? Not sure what other empirical evidence you'd need - rhetoric duddn't really factor much into reality.

Yes... American Energy Roadblocks by the Obama Administration - House Committee on Natural Resources

Obama was the last hope for America and he decided to sell us out to the neocons. Obama supports the energy thieves as well as Wall Street speculation that is keeping our fuel prices rising as well as causing the uncontrolled inflation on our necessary products need to survive with.

Obama as much as the right wants to paint him as a Muslim lover is not supportive of Muslims and he is only a lip service Christian. Obama went into his transition meeting with Bush and come out a true fascist neocon. :confused:
Well, he's doing a helluva job, record profits and all. Maybe oil should keep his failing ass around.

And as we're constantly reminded by the left, profits are the bane of this country- records or no records. The oil and gas industry reinvests over 100% of profits back into the business of finding more... oil and gas.

Profits are the solution, not the problem.

I have no complaints of profits.

Only the profits of the oil and gas industry?
And as we're constantly reminded by the left, profits are the bane of this country- records or no records. The oil and gas industry reinvests over 100% of profits back into the business of finding more... oil and gas.

Profits are the solution, not the problem.

I have no complaints of profits.

Only the profits of the oil and gas industry?

I was complaining about them?
More dishonesty. Can you honestly say Obama hurts big oil when its record profits have come during his time in office? Not sure what other empirical evidence you'd need - rhetoric duddn't really factor much into reality.

Yes... American Energy Roadblocks by the Obama Administration - House Committee on Natural Resources

Exxon reports profit of nearly $16 billion - Jul. 26, 2012

What... Your response is a link to Exxon's profits? Why don't you address how Obama's policies are damaging to our nation's energy independence? You don't think a company can profit even when the Government is attacking it?

What... Your response is a link to Exxon's profits? Why don't you address how Obama's policies are damaging to our nation's energy independence? You don't think a company can profit even when the Government is attacking it?

I think if it's profiting record amounts, then it's doing alot better than most in a recession.
Lets just pause a moment, vetoed a much needed pipel line. Gas has amost doubled since taking office. Canada is taking to China about an oil deal and I remember Brazil doing some oil deals that will cost us money. We could be oil independent in a few years if he would get out of the way.
More dishonesty. Can you honestly say Obama hurts big oil when its record profits have come during his time in office? Not sure what other empirical evidence you'd need - rhetoric duddn't really factor much into reality.

G.T., you're a generally stand up guy...most of the time. Do not come in here and call me dishonest and then cite "empirical evidence" that President Obama is a neutral to positive agent in the oil and gas industry.

Your empirical evidence only proves that the demand for oil and gas is sufficient and persistent enough that anything which threatens the supply will increase the price and thus the profits of the industry. So thank you for proving everyone with direct knowledge of the industry correct while intending the exact opposite. The oil and gas industry profits do not indicate one way or the other President Obama's sentiments towards the industry - his actions do.

I can tell you from personal experience which is "empirical evidence" that this administration has pulled some pretty flimsy bullshit to try and trip up the oil and gas industry. They tried using a potentially "endangered" lizard to stop drilling in a huge area of West Texas - much of it beyond the recognized habitat of the lizard - and then only relented when the industry itself sectioned of a reserve of sorts. This administration literally threatened the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people out here by over dramatizing the existence of a lizard.

So again, what is your empirical evidence to the contrary? Because you have yet to provide any. Unless you're assertion is that Obama loves the oil and gas industry and is making it harder to produce more simply to prop up prices so the current players can make more money. If anyone is being dishonest, it is you for pushing that load of bull.

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