Can somebody, anybody define what hell is a Christian in this country?

It time to dust off the fake bible, pretend we all go to church every Sunday and get ready for the joyful spirit of the holiday season, THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. Its also time for the so called Christians in this country to drudge of the usual anti Obama liberal attacks on our beloved Christian values.

The same Christians, that deny immigrants a place of refuge, the same Christians that throw rally's for cops that kill unarmed black men, the same Christians that value the almighty dollar over a child needing welfare, the same Christians bomb abortion clinics but shit on babies born poor, the same Christians that shoot and kill unarmed people in public venues, including a elementary school, the same Christians that deny the poor socialized tax payer programs, while they sit on their ass getting tax payer money doing absolutely nothing to earn it, ie the congress, the same Christians that uses racial overtones to get votes, ie the GOP, the same Christians that hate on Latino's, but hire them to work for them, the same Christians that a nigga on the one hand, but will drop her panties in a heart beat, ie ww, the same Christians that beat their kids, their wives, each other, constituting the highest domestic cases in decades in this country, and the same exact Christians that throughout our nations history, do all this and MORE ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD????

View attachment 55386

Well let's see, a Christian probably does not lie continually like Obama and Hillary.

A Christian probably does not use profane language like you have.

A Christian probably would abhor, not only killing unborn children, but then using their body parts to sell in a billion dollar abortion industry.

A Christian would seek to give to the poor themselves, rather than rely on a corrupt bureaucrat to do it for them.

A Christian would want children in schools to learn about moral behavior, rather than ban the use of the word "God" and talk of moral behavior.
a. Yes, you Christians have turned us into non believers. Maybe you need to work on your pitch because we aren't buying your current schpeal.

Perhaps you could work on yours. "Your religion is a lie! It's fake, wake up and smell the napalm!"
Try to convince me your religion isn't made up without resorting to scaring me that if I don't believe it I won't get to enter the kingdom of heaven.

And don't get upset and cry when I tell you the Bible is not evidence. Was not written by God. Was clearly written by ancient superstitious liars 1500 years ago.

And what's with the old testament? Did God really say and believe all that crazy shit? Because if not, are you saying god made mistakes writing his first book? CLEARLY that book was written by men. So if that religion is made up, if Moses never talked to God, then your Christian religion is a lie based off an even older lie.

I could give you all the evidence in the world and you would still insist Christianity is made up and full of lies. So, my time would be wasted on trying. It isn't my place to determine who does or who doesn't make it into heaven.

The Bible is all that matters to me. If you don't believe it, so be it. That is your right.

But remember, there are Atheists out there who do some of the same, deplorable things you accuse Christians of doing. And you aren't saying one word about them (at least not here anyways).
Actually, I wanted to apologize for those atheists who spray painted on a church, "don't believe everything you read". I would never do that and don't approve of that.

I would have to admit there are asshole atheists too. I agree.

And I don't hate all Christians or any Christians. I dislike religion and think the masses are victims of religion. I hope humanity evolves beyond these ancient religions.

But I do feel bad telling good religious people the truth. It's like telling kids Santa isn't real.
In this country, more "Christians" choose to follow themselves rather than Christ. Self-centeredness takes place of selflessness, hatred over compassion, greed over altruism, death over life. But that doesn't mean there aren't Christians who lead themselves in a godly and Christlike manner.

And then there are people like you who do nothing but look down your nose at Christians in general. The Bible is real, and Sunday isn't the only day we have to worship. Glorifying God and praising his name is something us Christians are supposed to do 24/7/365.
You know who thinks about God more than Christians? Muslims. And there countries are going to shit. Looks like more God isn't the answer.

Suprisingly enough, America is doing just fine.
Often secular societies do the best.
It time to dust off the fake bible, pretend we all go to church every Sunday and get ready for the joyful spirit of the holiday season, THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. Its also time for the so called Christians in this country to drudge of the usual anti Obama liberal attacks on our beloved Christian values.

The same Christians, that deny immigrants a place of refuge, the same Christians that throw rally's for cops that kill unarmed black men, the same Christians that value the almighty dollar over a child needing welfare, the same Christians bomb abortion clinics but shit on babies born poor, the same Christians that shoot and kill unarmed people in public venues, including a elementary school, the same Christians that deny the poor socialized tax payer programs, while they sit on their ass getting tax payer money doing absolutely nothing to earn it, ie the congress, the same Christians that uses racial overtones to get votes, ie the GOP, the same Christians that hate on Latino's, but hire them to work for them, the same Christians that a nigga on the one hand, but will drop her panties in a heart beat, ie ww, the same Christians that beat their kids, their wives, each other, constituting the highest domestic cases in decades in this country, and the same exact Christians that throughout our nations history, do all this and MORE ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD????

View attachment 55386

Well let's see, a Christian probably does not lie continually like Obama and Hillary.

A Christian probably does not use profane language like you have.

A Christian probably would abhor, not only killing unborn children, but then using their body parts to sell in a billion dollar abortion industry.

A Christian would seek to give to the poor themselves, rather than rely on a corrupt bureaucrat to do it for them.

A Christian would want children in schools to learn about moral behavior, rather than ban the use of the word "God" and talk of moral behavior.
A. Schools can and do teach morality. But you are right. Let's teach Islam.

B. If you Christians gave enough we wouldn't need government social programs.

How about instead of 10% of your pay going to your church you all give it to charity. Problem would be solved. Seems the church or middle man's getting in the way.
a. Yes, you Christians have turned us into non believers. Maybe you need to work on your pitch because we aren't buying your current schpeal.

Perhaps you could work on yours. "Your religion is a lie! It's fake, wake up and smell the napalm!"
Try to convince me your religion isn't made up without resorting to scaring me that if I don't believe it I won't get to enter the kingdom of heaven.

And don't get upset and cry when I tell you the Bible is not evidence. Was not written by God. Was clearly written by ancient superstitious liars 1500 years ago.

And what's with the old testament? Did God really say and believe all that crazy shit? Because if not, are you saying god made mistakes writing his first book? CLEARLY that book was written by men. So if that religion is made up, if Moses never talked to God, then your Christian religion is a lie based off an even older lie.

I could give you all the evidence in the world and you would still insist Christianity is made up and full of lies. So, my time would be wasted on trying.......

No point wasting time on a mindless bigot like that. He begs you not to scare him because he's obviously more than scared enough already.
No I'm open please convince me. You've given such compelling arguments. Not
What qualifies you to be the judge of Christianity?

What qualifies Christians to judge everybody else?

Your instructions are in the Bible. Follow them.

I do. But I find it funny to be lectured by athiests and non Christians about how to be a Christian. Utterly laughable. If those instructions apply to me, they apply to you.

Judge not, lest you be judged.

Got it?
Well when it is you Christians who have turned us former Christians into Atheists, you may want to evaluate your behavior and see why people run from your completely made up religion.

Well that was a mouthful but I have to agree. I was on a Christian message board, well first I got kicked off the RC one, of which I'm RC, and the I got completely kicked off even further to the Secular/Humanism part and then I debated with an Evan, and I was banned for life. That message board made me see the light.
They get so defensive. Start telling me I'm not smart enough to get it or I'm evil. Anything to change the subject from the fact that their basic premise is a fairy tale. I'm sorry but think about what a Christian is telling you as if you are a baby. And these are adults who still believe this stuff. Virgin births and performing miracles? How dumb are people? Seriously. I'm sorry if I'm offensive but I can't sit silent while the world is stuck on stupid. It's holding us back.

How do I know? I simply study religions. It's all there. Read about all of them and the truth will set you free. Hallelujah.
Christians in America are good at quoting single lines of scripture from the bible and interpreting the meaning as defense of their own personal view or actions.

Christians in America pick and choose which tenants of Christ's teaching they follow.
Christians in America are good at quoting single lines of scripture from the bible and interpreting the meaning as defense of their own personal view or actions.

Christians in America pick and choose which tenants of Christ's teaching they follow.
So most aren't real Christians. I know conservative born again evangelicals and Catholics would agree those half hearted Christians aren't doing enough to enter the kingdom of heaven. The churches wont push this too much because they don't want to lose memberships. Imagine telling 66% of the congregation they're going to hell even though they go to church every week and donate 10%. Imagine a preacher telling those members they're going to hell anyways.
Show me where it says for ,you to give the job of feeding and clothing the poor to the govern. My Bible tells me it is MY responsibility to personally get involved and help those in need, and the weary. My time and money goes much further to help, than the bureaucracy of the government.
14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
Show me where it says for ,you to give the job of feeding and clothing the poor to the govern. My Bible tells me it is MY responsibility to personally get involved and help those in need, and the weary. My time and money goes much further to help, than the bureaucracy of the government.
14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
Then why haven't we solved poverty? We wouldn't need social programs if Christians gave enough.
It time to dust off the fake bible, pretend we all go to church every Sunday and get ready for the joyful spirit of the holiday season, THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. Its also time for the so called Christians in this country to drudge of the usual anti Obama liberal attacks on our beloved Christian values.

The same Christians, that deny immigrants a place of refuge, the same Christians that throw rally's for cops that kill unarmed black men, the same Christians that value the almighty dollar over a child needing welfare, the same Christians bomb abortion clinics but shit on babies born poor, the same Christians that shoot and kill unarmed people in public venues, including a elementary school, the same Christians that deny the poor socialized tax payer programs, while they sit on their ass getting tax payer money doing absolutely nothing to earn it, ie the congress, the same Christians that uses racial overtones to get votes, ie the GOP, the same Christians that hate on Latino's, but hire them to work for them, the same Christians that a nigga on the one hand, but will drop her panties in a heart beat, ie ww, the same Christians that beat their kids, their wives, each other, constituting the highest domestic cases in decades in this country, and the same exact Christians that throughout our nations history, do all this and MORE ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD????

View attachment 55386

Well let's see, a Christian probably does not lie continually like Obama and Hillary.

A Christian probably does not use profane language like you have.

A Christian probably would abhor, not only killing unborn children, but then using their body parts to sell in a billion dollar abortion industry.

A Christian would seek to give to the poor themselves, rather than rely on a corrupt bureaucrat to do it for them.

A Christian would want children in schools to learn about moral behavior, rather than ban the use of the word "God" and talk of moral behavior.

How about instead of 10% of your pay going to your church you all give it to charity. Problem would be solved. Seems the church or middle man's getting in the way.

How about it's none of your fucking business how people direct their charitable giving?

Of course you leftist drones can't comprehend giving, only taking at the point of the government rifle.
It time to dust off the fake bible, pretend we all go to church every Sunday and get ready for the joyful spirit of the holiday season, THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. Its also time for the so called Christians in this country to drudge of the usual anti Obama liberal attacks on our beloved Christian values.

The same Christians, that deny immigrants a place of refuge, the same Christians that throw rally's for cops that kill unarmed black men, the same Christians that value the almighty dollar over a child needing welfare, the same Christians bomb abortion clinics but shit on babies born poor, the same Christians that shoot and kill unarmed people in public venues, including a elementary school, the same Christians that deny the poor socialized tax payer programs, while they sit on their ass getting tax payer money doing absolutely nothing to earn it, ie the congress, the same Christians that uses racial overtones to get votes, ie the GOP, the same Christians that hate on Latino's, but hire them to work for them, the same Christians that a nigga on the one hand, but will drop her panties in a heart beat, ie ww, the same Christians that beat their kids, their wives, each other, constituting the highest domestic cases in decades in this country, and the same exact Christians that throughout our nations history, do all this and MORE ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD????

View attachment 55386

Well let's see, a Christian probably does not lie continually like Obama and Hillary.

A Christian probably does not use profane language like you have.

A Christian probably would abhor, not only killing unborn children, but then using their body parts to sell in a billion dollar abortion industry.

A Christian would seek to give to the poor themselves, rather than rely on a corrupt bureaucrat to do it for them.

A Christian would want children in schools to learn about moral behavior, rather than ban the use of the word "God" and talk of moral behavior.

How about instead of 10% of your pay going to your church you all give it to charity. Problem would be solved. Seems the church or middle man's getting in the way.

How about it's none of your fucking business how people direct their charitable giving?

Of course you leftist drones can't comprehend giving, only taking at the point of the government rifle.
As a society, as We the People, we decide how to help the poor. You don't like it go back to Japan.
It time to dust off the fake bible, pretend we all go to church every Sunday and get ready for the joyful spirit of the holiday season, THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. Its also time for the so called Christians in this country to drudge of the usual anti Obama liberal attacks on our beloved Christian values.

The same Christians, that deny immigrants a place of refuge, the same Christians that throw rally's for cops that kill unarmed black men, the same Christians that value the almighty dollar over a child needing welfare, the same Christians bomb abortion clinics but shit on babies born poor, the same Christians that shoot and kill unarmed people in public venues, including a elementary school, the same Christians that deny the poor socialized tax payer programs, while they sit on their ass getting tax payer money doing absolutely nothing to earn it, ie the congress, the same Christians that uses racial overtones to get votes, ie the GOP, the same Christians that hate on Latino's, but hire them to work for them, the same Christians that a nigga on the one hand, but will drop her panties in a heart beat, ie ww, the same Christians that beat their kids, their wives, each other, constituting the highest domestic cases in decades in this country, and the same exact Christians that throughout our nations history, do all this and MORE ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD????

View attachment 55386

Well let's see, a Christian probably does not lie continually like Obama and Hillary.

A Christian probably does not use profane language like you have.

A Christian probably would abhor, not only killing unborn children, but then using their body parts to sell in a billion dollar abortion industry.

A Christian would seek to give to the poor themselves, rather than rely on a corrupt bureaucrat to do it for them.

A Christian would want children in schools to learn about moral behavior, rather than ban the use of the word "God" and talk of moral behavior.

How about instead of 10% of your pay going to your church you all give it to charity. Problem would be solved. Seems the church or middle man's getting in the way.

How about it's none of your fucking business how people direct their charitable giving?

Of course you leftist drones can't comprehend giving, only taking at the point of the government rifle.
We just know you won't give enough on your own. Proof you won't is you don't so the government has to get involved.

Maybe if you weren't such a greedy asshole.
It time to dust off the fake bible, pretend we all go to church every Sunday and get ready for the joyful spirit of the holiday season, THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. Its also time for the so called Christians in this country to drudge of the usual anti Obama liberal attacks on our beloved Christian values.

The same Christians, that deny immigrants a place of refuge, the same Christians that throw rally's for cops that kill unarmed black men, the same Christians that value the almighty dollar over a child needing welfare, the same Christians bomb abortion clinics but shit on babies born poor, the same Christians that shoot and kill unarmed people in public venues, including a elementary school, the same Christians that deny the poor socialized tax payer programs, while they sit on their ass getting tax payer money doing absolutely nothing to earn it, ie the congress, the same Christians that uses racial overtones to get votes, ie the GOP, the same Christians that hate on Latino's, but hire them to work for them, the same Christians that a nigga on the one hand, but will drop her panties in a heart beat, ie ww, the same Christians that beat their kids, their wives, each other, constituting the highest domestic cases in decades in this country, and the same exact Christians that throughout our nations history, do all this and MORE ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD????

View attachment 55386

Simple answer, and if you do not know what a Christian is then you have never met one in your life.

Someone can claim to be a Christian and can go to Church daily, but still not embody the teachings of Christ.

So when you meet a true Christian I promise you will know, and know it is not lip service weekend warrior types either.
Actually, I wanted to apologize for those atheists who spray painted on a church, "don't believe everything you read". I would never do that and don't approve of that.

I would have to admit there are asshole atheists too. I agree.

Then you have my respect. Good on you.

And I don't hate all Christians or any Christians. I dislike religion and think the masses are victims of religion. I hope humanity evolves beyond these ancient religions.

You and I will be long dead before people so easily give up their faith. Victims to you perhaps. Don't worry about us. Live your own life, leave us alone. If you want to join us, that's your choice. But don't try to convert us.

But I do feel bad telling good religious people the truth. It's like telling kids Santa isn't real.

Your "truth" had no more effect on me now than when you first tried to apprise me of it. I would much rather people worship God than Santa Claus anyways.

However, as many times as people like you attempt to disprove God, there are always other things that come about that you can't explain with science or logic. This quest of yours to pry us away from an "ancient religion" is wholly arrogant, and woefully misguided. What I've seen of Atheism is that it comes with a giant Napoleon complex. You specifically, exemplify that.

By trying to conquer everyone who you perceive to be "victims" of faith and neutralize those beliefs which you believe victimized them, you believe you are saving them from a doomed existence.

That, my friend, is you trying to play God.
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How do I know? I simply study religions. It's all there. Read about all of them and the truth will set you free. Hallelujah.

Ha. "Truth," in your case, is a subjective term. You study religions, but you're not part of any of them. You're convinced that you are above all the dissonance that religion brings.
In this country, more "Christians" choose to follow themselves rather than Christ. Self-centeredness takes place of selflessness, hatred over compassion, greed over altruism, death over life. But that doesn't mean there aren't Christians who lead themselves in a godly and Christlike manner.

And then there are people like you who do nothing but look down your nose at Christians in general. The Bible is real, and Sunday isn't the only day we have to worship. Glorifying God and praising his name is something us Christians are supposed to do 24/7/365.
You know who thinks about God more than Christians? Muslims. And there countries are going to shit. Looks like more God isn't the answer.

Suprisingly enough, America is doing just fine.
Often secular societies do the best.

In your opinion.
If you don't believe non Christians go to hell then I don't consider you a real Christian.

It is up to them to deny or accept God. But after they've made their decision, then heaven or hell will await them in the afterlife.
We just know you won't give enough on your own......

Do "we" know that, comrade? What "we" know is that you lefty leeches can't comprehend giving, only taking from others. This brings us back to "none of your fucking business," comrade. The country you want to live in isn't the United States of America, leech. Americans are a good and generous people. YOU are not an American, fish.

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