Can somebody, anybody define what hell is a Christian in this country?

In this country, more "Christians" choose to follow themselves rather than Christ. Self-centeredness takes place of selflessness, hatred over compassion, greed over altruism, death over life. But that doesn't mean there aren't Christians who lead themselves in a godly and Christlike manner.

And then there are people like you who do nothing but look down your nose at Christians in general. The Bible is real, and Sunday isn't the only day we have to worship. Glorifying God and praising his name is something us Christians are supposed to do 24/7/365.
You know who thinks about God more than Christians? Muslims. And there countries are going to shit. Looks like more God isn't the answer.

Yeah, the liberal revulsion to Christianity is clearly evident here.

So you got the point. Excellent. Religion is not the answer, unless the answer is lets go to war.

Of course, religion is never the answer. But when it comes to the Syrian refugees, you don't hesitate to play the Jesus card. So is religion the answer or not?
You said it yourself. Religion is never the answer.

Actually, I do know that some religions have done a lot of good in this world. Too bad there aren't more of them. I mean good religions. And even the good ones are lies. Maybe Santa taught you how to be nice not naughty but still you were lied to.
Christians are people who hate the poor hate the gays hate Blacks and hate immigrants ,,,they also hate any sex that is not for procreation...

Put it this way, American Christians hate anything that isn't cloaked in white skin and is poor. They do occasionally allow a few rich token blacks in, however.
You are the biggest racist I know.
Republicans don't discriminate. They hate all poor people.......

Mindless, hyper-partisan bobble-heads like you don't discriminate because you don't think at all, fish.
If we were in prison you'd be the fish. Holding my pocket like a leash.
You said it yourself. Religion is never the answer.

Actually, I do know that some religions have done a lot of good in this world. Too bad there aren't more of them. I mean good religions. And even the good ones are lies. Maybe Santa taught you how to be nice not naughty but still you were lied to.

Maybe you should review the tolerance aspect of liberalism. I don't see how liberals like you claim to be tolerant when you're consistently railing against Christianity.
What qualifies you to be the judge of Christianity?

What qualifies Christians to judge everybody else?

Your instructions are in the Bible. Follow them.

I do. But I find it funny to be lectured by athiests and non Christians about how to be a Christian. Utterly laughable. If those instructions apply to me, they apply to you.

Judge not, lest you be judged.

Got it?
Republicans don't discriminate. They hate all poor people.

Prove it. Such a blanket statement is pure opinion unless substantiated.
All you have to do is look at their policies. Why are you arguing? I'm defending Republicans. I'm explaining how they are not racist. Is Ben Carson racist to blacks? Is Bruce Jenner a homophobe? No they are not. They only care about their finances.

And more poor/middle class people should be voting the same way Carson and Jenner vote. They don't care about bullshit wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism. That's just what the GOP uses to sucker middle class and poor voters into voting against themselves. All the GOP cares about is fiscal policies. And the GOP represent the rich the best.

The problem is, the GOP doesn't represent you best. You vote against your own financial interests because of social wedge issues. And you are so brainwashed that you believe their policies would benefit you. I don't even need to know what you do for a living to know you aren't rich enough for that to be true. And if you are, fuck off for trying to convince us the GOP's policies are best for us. If you aren't one of us, then piss off. But I suspect you are one of us. A dumb one of us, but one of us none the less.
You said it yourself. Religion is never the answer.

Actually, I do know that some religions have done a lot of good in this world. Too bad there aren't more of them. I mean good religions. And even the good ones are lies. Maybe Santa taught you how to be nice not naughty but still you were lied to.

Maybe you should review the tolerance aspect of liberalism. I don't see how liberals like you claim to be tolerant when you're consistently railing against Christianity.
I'm completely tolerant of Christianity. Just as you are tolerant of Atheism or Islam.
What qualifies you to be the judge of Christianity?

What qualifies Christians to judge everybody else?

Your instructions are in the Bible. Follow them.

I do. But I find it funny to be lectured by athiests and non Christians about how to be a Christian. Utterly laughable. If those instructions apply to me, they apply to you.

Judge not, lest you be judged.

Got it?
Well when it is you Christians who have turned us former Christians into Atheists, you may want to evaluate your behavior and see why people run from your completely made up religion.
I'm completely tolerant of Christianity. Just as you are tolerant of Atheism or Islam.

Um... so when you say you are tolerant of Christianity (or other religions)

"Actually, I do know that some religions have done a lot of good in this world. Too bad there aren't more of them. I mean good religions. And even the good ones are lies."

Is it really tolerant to tell people their faith is based on lies?
Well when it is you Christians who have turned us former Christians into Atheists

I haven't done anything of the sort. We don't turn anyone into anything. You make the decision to be an Atheist. Not us. That's your call.

you may want to evaluate your behavior and see why people run from your completely made up religion.

And do you hope to garner more Christians to your cause by calling their faith "made up"?
I'm completely tolerant of Christianity. Just as you are tolerant of Atheism or Islam.

Um... so when you say you are tolerant of Christianity (or other religions)

"Actually, I do know that some religions have done a lot of good in this world. Too bad there aren't more of them. I mean good religions. And even the good ones are lies."

Is it really tolerant to tell people their faith is based on lies?
When you try to impose your religion into my life/country/government, yes, it is my obligation to point out your fairy tale is made up.

But I'm completely ok with you practicing your little fake ass religion. Go to church, do good things, worship, pray, donate 10% of your pay to the church, send your kids to get molested by the priests, get married, buried, etc. I wish there was an atheist church for me to attend on Sundays and meet with like minded people. I'm jealous.
Christians are people who hate the poor hate the gays hate Blacks and hate immigrants ,,,they also hate any sex that is not for procreation...

Put it this way, American Christians hate anything that isn't cloaked in white skin and is poor. They do occasionally allow a few rich token blacks in, however.
You are the biggest racist I know.
Republicans don't discriminate. They hate all poor people.......

Mindless, hyper-partisan bobble-heads like you don't discriminate because you don't think at all, fish.
If we were in prison you'd be the fish. Holding my pocket like a leash.

I don't doubt you have all sorts of experience being a prison bitch, fish, but that's not the topic.
It time to dust off the fake bible, pretend we all go to church every Sunday and get ready for the joyful spirit of the holiday season, THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. Its also time for the so called Christians in this country to drudge of the usual anti Obama liberal attacks on our beloved Christian values.

The same Christians, that deny immigrants a place of refuge, the same Christians that throw rally's for cops that kill unarmed black men, the same Christians that value the almighty dollar over a child needing welfare, the same Christians bomb abortion clinics but shit on babies born poor, the same Christians that shoot and kill unarmed people in public venues, including a elementary school, the same Christians that deny the poor socialized tax payer programs, while they sit on their ass getting tax payer money doing absolutely nothing to earn it, ie the congress, the same Christians that uses racial overtones to get votes, ie the GOP, the same Christians that hate on Latino's, but hire them to work for them, the same Christians that a nigga on the one hand, but will drop her panties in a heart beat, ie ww, the same Christians that beat their kids, their wives, each other, constituting the highest domestic cases in decades in this country, and the same exact Christians that throughout our nations history, do all this and MORE ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD????

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So was it OK with you when President Obama who says he is a Christian and stopped the Iraqi refugees for 6 months in 2011 for the same National Security reasons?
Well when it is you Christians who have turned us former Christians into Atheists

I haven't done anything of the sort. We don't turn anyone into anything. You make the decision to be an Atheist. Not us. That's your call.

you may want to evaluate your behavior and see why people run from your completely made up religion.

And do you hope to garner more Christians to your cause by calling their faith "made up"?
a. Yes, you Christians have turned us into non believers. Maybe you need to work on your pitch because we aren't buying your current schpeal.

b. It took some tough love from an atheist to wake me up. Even though I was convinced all religions were made up, I still believed in God. My atheist friends had to bluntly point out to me that I have absolutely zero reason to believe in a god if I don't believe any of the organized religions. If God never visited and told Moses or Joe Smith or Mohammad anything ever, and if the Greek Gods were all made up, maybe just maybe so too is the entire concept of God. In fact I'm sure of it.

The best you have for belief in god is wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance and you were scared into thinking if you didn't believe you'd go to hell. Sorry pal, if you can't convince me with logic that your god is real and craves worshipping, telling me I'll go to hell for not believing doesn't work on atheists. That only works on Christians. Otherwise what possible reason would they have to believe in talking snakes and virgin births.

Then you want to say this is a Christian nation? No way. No talking snakes. Then we'd be just as dumb as Muslims in Turkey. They believe all kinds of stupid shit. So do Christians in America. Fortunately they don't speak for America as a whole.
a. Yes, you Christians have turned us into non believers. Maybe you need to work on your pitch because we aren't buying your current schpeal.

Perhaps you could work on yours. "Your religion is a lie! It's fake, wake up and smell the napalm!"
But I'm completely ok with you practicing your little fake ass religion. Go to church, do good things, worship, pray, donate 10% of your pay to the church, send your kids to get molested by the priests, get married, buried, etc. I wish there was an atheist church for me to attend on Sundays and meet with like minded people. I'm jealous.

And you are graciously allowed to practice your little fake ass atheism where you try to hide from your existential fears by feeding your hilariously misplaced ego until you convince yourself you are God (even if you're too stupid to realize what you're doing). You are so devout that you attend your church every single day where you suckle at the teat of leftist media and entertainment that flatter your fake ass nihilistic nonsense. Way to go, fish.

You bash all Christians without seeking out those who do exemplify being a good Christian. They're all the same to you!
But I'm completely ok with you practicing your little fake ass religion. Go to church, do good things, worship, pray, donate 10% of your pay to the church, send your kids to get molested by the priests, get married, buried, etc. I wish there was an atheist church for me to attend on Sundays and meet with like minded people. I'm jealous.

And you are graciously allowed to practice your little fake ass atheism where you try to hide from your existential fears by feeding your hilariously misplaced ego until you convince yourself you are God (even if you're too stupid to realize what you're doing). You are so devout that you attend your church every single day where you suckle at the teat of leftist media and entertainment that flatter your fake ass nihilistic nonsense. Way to go, fish.
That's funny coming from a right winger like you because often I think you guys worship capitalism far more than you do God. In fact I'm sure of it.

So I don't worship the left the way you guys worship the right.

Didn't you guys once try to make Reagan a Saint?

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