Can somebody, anybody define what hell is a Christian in this country?

Christians are people who hate the poor hate the gays hate Blacks and hate immigrants ,,,they also hate any sex that is not for procreation...

Put it this way, American Christians hate anything that isn't cloaked in white skin and is poor. They do occasionally allow a few rich token blacks in, however.
You are the biggest racist I know.
Republicans don't discriminate. They hate all poor people.

Bruce Jenner, Ben carson and Marco rubio all like each other.
What does republican have to do with the topic? Learn to read.
Christianity is not defined by haters of Christ, nor is it appraised by various political litmus tests. Nor is it held to impossibly high standards of holiness and piety. Christianity is described best as follows:

A Christian is one who by a sheer act of grace is a recipient of God's mercy, purchased not by acts of righteousness, but by nothing less than the precious blood of Christ. Christians, by baptism into Christ's holy Church are undeserving beneficiaries of forgiveness, redemption, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and have the promise of eternal life.

You have your definition and I have mine. I'm Catholic so my definition is going to be the correct one recognized for 2000 years.
I highly doubt the OP cares about what defines a Christian
Coming from people like you, actually I don't give a
You just proved my point next and fuck off while your at it.

Since when do I give a rats fuck about you and your thoughts? Do tell?
Since you keep replying to me along with the fact you reply like a brat who can't handle getting back what you try and dish out.

True, so on that note, I bid you a most wonderful holiday this week and hope you choke on a turkey gizzard. Good bye, sir
I highly doubt the OP cares about what defines a Christian
Coming from people like you, actually I don't give a
You just proved my point next and fuck off while your at it.

Since when do I give a rats fuck about you and your thoughts? Do tell?
Since you keep replying to me along with the fact you reply like a brat who can't handle getting back what you try and dish out.

True, so on that note, I bid you a most wonderful holiday this week and hope you choke on a turkey gizzard. Good bye, sir
And I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends and a very merry Christmas, good health, prosperity, and blessing with utmost sincerity.

I think I just defined Christianity for you.
How mundane it must be to live in a world where everyone is perceived as either "liberal" or "conservative"

I think we all might have something we could agree on if we put aside the hate....we all know something isn't right with the world or our country....we need to define that and work together to make things impossible as it seems.
Christians are people who hate the poor hate the gays hate Blacks and hate immigrants ,,,they also hate any sex that is not for procreation...

Put it this way, American Christians hate anything that isn't cloaked in white skin and is poor. They do occasionally allow a few rich token blacks in, however.
You are the biggest racist I know.

Wait til you get out of prison, you'll meet quite a few more.
Matthew 7:15-20

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

So how would you characterize the "fruits" of USMB Christians? All I'm seeing is hatred and "not my problem." Convince me otherwise.

I don't know about other Christians on here - I can't speak for them nor do I really know everything they say - I try not to be hateful about how I talk to people. Only others can vouch for me. (Why would you just blindly believe what I have to say).

I know that the Bible says the greatest command is to love God and the 2nd great command is to love others.
The problem is how people interpret love.
Here are the fruits of the Spirit (what Christians should have) - they must be cultivated and we must strive to show forth these fruits: (I've underlined the ones I feel people REALLY struggle with.....)

Galatians 5:22-23 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

I will vouch for you as a person of good will yes ...I recognize that
however I am speaking globally about how self identified Christians align themselves politically...they dropped a bomb on Jesus ... the one theme repeated over and over is that the poor have to be loved ...its the same as if that was not in the Bible...speaking politically the Christians love Ayn Rand more than they love Jesus.... it is those Christians I want to give hell to...
Jesus to Christians

Thor, your such a good person....this is not a personal attack on anyone, yet everyone seems to want to own the thread???
Christians are people who hate the poor hate the gays hate Blacks and hate immigrants ,,,they also hate any sex that is not for procreation...

Put it this way, American Christians hate anything that isn't cloaked in white skin and is poor. They do occasionally allow a few rich token blacks in, however.
You are the biggest racist I know.

Wait til you get out of prison, you'll meet quite a few more.
I retired as a Correctional Officer in 09.
Put it this way, American Christians hate anything that isn't cloaked in white skin and is poor. They do occasionally allow a few rich token blacks.

I am cloaked in white skin and I am very poor and I am an American Christian. Also, I've been told by many blacks, whites, and Hispanics that I am very kind and giving and patient and this means the world to me.
I am cloaked in white skin, but I am very poor, and I am an American Christian. I have had many blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, Russians, Polish People, Gays, Lesbians tell me I am kind, patient, and giving the last 10 years.

Surely I am not the only American Christian like this.
What's your deal man? Such asininity is barely worth a cogent response... however, addressing your accusations in order:

1) The people you see as immigrants are here illegally. They violated our borders, our sovereignty and our laws, and thus don't deserve the reward of citizenship. I was taught that actions had consequences. You want to spare them from the consequences.

2) In most cases, those "unarmed black men" did something to warrant the use of deadly force, and yet you don't condemn "The Reverend" Al Sharpton, for spreading lies and sowing racial hatred among the black community, hatred of whites...

3) It's ironic you would care so much for children... after they leave the womb. You should be willing to ensure the welfare of the child inside and out.

4) Those Christians who "shoot people in public venues" are Christians in name only, and don't represent the faith in any positive way. It isn't honest for you to judge the rest on the acts of those few. Gee, I wonder why you won't do that with Islam? I mean, to hear it from you, we must be no different from the people who slaughtered over a hundred people in Paris.

5) Helping the poor should be out of free will, not of compulsion. You want to force us to help the poor.

6) We don't hate Latinos. The consistent theme here is "hate" but you can't show us how we "hate."

7) Lastly, who made you the judge of morality?

I'll just stop here because the sheer ignorance of the rest of your post is killing innocent brain cells.

I'm just calling you fake fucks out, own it, fake fuck

Own what? Why don't you own up to the fact that your attitude is just as un-Christian as you claim us to be?

Who made you the sole judge of what a true Christian is? You judge us by what you think a Christian should be. Your definitions, not ours.

No, what I did, Christian was breeze over the bs threads you morons post every holiday effin season about liberals attacking fuckin Christians and Chrismas and called you fools out on it. Especially since none of you are real christians....
love in Christ is not a symbol, its not a word, its not found in some fake as ornament or tree, its not hidden in a dollar sign its how we as human beings react to one another, treat one another, help and love one another....ITS A HUMAN THING, NOT A REACTIONARY EVENT THAT YOU FAKE MF'S GO THROUGH EACH SUNDAY. I could love every motherfucker on the planet, give them everything their hearts desire, but if these people don't love me back???? What good is all this? We are not judged by how many people we love, but by how many people love me back. And that love has to be genuine and spiritually real. Do you understand?

You've lost it. What qualifies you to be the judge of Christianity? You certainly show no love to Christians like me, that's for sure. And how do you expect anyone to "love you back" when you are so outrightly hostile, and refer to us as "fake?"

Just who do you think you are?

For the last time Christian, I am reacting to the bs you morons post here day after day after fuckin day about Obama, liberals and this bull shit about liberals attacking Xmas and Immigrants....PALEEZE PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION!! This isn't personal, okay? I don't know you, could give a f about you, move on

And what does this have to do with being Christian? So, I guess, being Christian precludes us from having an opinion or opposing viewpoint from you. No, it is personal, you attack my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, you attack me personally.
In this country, more "Christians" choose to follow themselves rather than Christ. Self-centeredness takes place of selflessness, hatred over compassion, greed over altruism, death over life. But that doesn't mean there aren't Christians who lead themselves in a godly and Christlike manner.

And then there are people like you who do nothing but look down your nose at Christians in general. The Bible is real, and Sunday isn't the only day we have to worship. Glorifying God and praising his name is something us Christians are supposed to do 24/7/365.
You know who thinks about God more than Christians? Muslims. And there countries are going to shit. Looks like more God isn't the answer.

Yeah, the liberal revulsion to Christianity is clearly evident here.
In this country, more "Christians" choose to follow themselves rather than Christ. Self-centeredness takes place of selflessness, hatred over compassion, greed over altruism, death over life. But that doesn't mean there aren't Christians who lead themselves in a godly and Christlike manner.

And then there are people like you who do nothing but look down your nose at Christians in general. The Bible is real, and Sunday isn't the only day we have to worship. Glorifying God and praising his name is something us Christians are supposed to do 24/7/365.
You know who thinks about God more than Christians? Muslims. And there countries are going to shit. Looks like more God isn't the answer.

Yeah, the liberal revulsion to Christianity is clearly evident here.

So you got the point. Excellent. Religion is not the answer, unless the answer is lets go to war.
I'm afraid the Christians I hear mostly on this forum are a bloodthirsty lot who do not even protest the calls for Muslim genocide or do not protest tearing bits out of your constitution to persecute the meek or who show no mercy for peacemakers and do not mourn for the deaths of innocents

And you ignore the ones who don't, simply to justify your blatant stereotypes of Christians. I don't call for genocide of Muslims. It's wrong. Vile. Detestable. Hitler-esque. Closing down mosques? I don't think so. That is un-American. I would be wrong as a Christian to deny the religious freedom of others while protesting why I think mine are being taken away from me.

I protest all the lives lost at the hands of ISIS, and ISIS should be destroyed. I don't want to turn away the refugees, but they will most certainly have terrorists hiding among them, so, when should compassion trump safety?

"Blessed are the peacemakers." Right. So, why is it we must make peace but not our enemies? Our enemies don't want to make peace, they wish to take up arms against us. Take this for example:

Ezekiel 33:6

'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand."

Obama is the watchman who doesn't blow the trumpet. So when the sword falls and takes the life of an innocent, the blood will be on his hands.
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In this country, more "Christians" choose to follow themselves rather than Christ. Self-centeredness takes place of selflessness, hatred over compassion, greed over altruism, death over life. But that doesn't mean there aren't Christians who lead themselves in a godly and Christlike manner.

And then there are people like you who do nothing but look down your nose at Christians in general. The Bible is real, and Sunday isn't the only day we have to worship. Glorifying God and praising his name is something us Christians are supposed to do 24/7/365.
You know who thinks about God more than Christians? Muslims. And there countries are going to shit. Looks like more God isn't the answer.

Yeah, the liberal revulsion to Christianity is clearly evident here.

So you got the point. Excellent. Religion is not the answer, unless the answer is lets go to war.

Of course, religion is never the answer. But when it comes to the Syrian refugees, you don't hesitate to play the Jesus card. So is religion the answer or not?
You know who thinks about God more than Christians? Muslims. And there [sic] countries are going to shit. Looks like more God isn't the answer.

Looks like you are an ignorant, semi-literate bigot.
Christians are people who hate the poor hate the gays hate Blacks and hate immigrants ,,,they also hate any sex that is not for procreation...

Put it this way, American Christians hate anything that isn't cloaked in white skin and is poor. They do occasionally allow a few rich token blacks in, however.
You are the biggest racist I know.
Republicans don't discriminate. They hate all poor people.......

Mindless, hyper-partisan bobble-heads like you don't discriminate because you don't think at all, fish.

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