Can somebody please 'splain me to this?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
'Woke imperialism strikes again': CNN faces backlash after it defends keeping US troops in Afghanistan by citing women’s rights

“Concerns mount that US withdrawal from Afghanistan could risk progress on women's rights,” read the headline on the article published by the cable news channel on Saturday. Citing a chorus of Democratic and Republican lawmakers as well as several Afghan officials, the piece makes a case for keeping American troops in the war-ravaged country until “the conditions on the ground are right – regardless of the date on the calendar.”

I mean, really?
'Woke imperialism strikes again': CNN faces backlash after it defends keeping US troops in Afghanistan by citing women’s rights

“Concerns mount that US withdrawal from Afghanistan could risk progress on women's rights,” read the headline on the article published by the cable news channel on Saturday. Citing a chorus of Democratic and Republican lawmakers as well as several Afghan officials, the piece makes a case for keeping American troops in the war-ravaged country until “the conditions on the ground are right – regardless of the date on the calendar.”

I mean, really?
It's simple:

War by Democrats is good.

I thought Joe said he got it and that there's different cultural norms.


It just shows how off the wall these folks are. Any other time they would be screaming get the troops out and calling our troops over there a imperialist invasion. Getting them out was what Trump was doing lets not forget.
In 1990, CNN told us that Iraqis were throwing newborn babies out of incubators in Kuwait. Their lies led to war.
In 2003, CNN told us that Saddam kept chemical weapons in the basements of Mosques in Baghdad. Their lies led to war.
'Woke imperialism strikes again': CNN faces backlash after it defends keeping US troops in Afghanistan by citing women’s rights

“Concerns mount that US withdrawal from Afghanistan could risk progress on women's rights,” read the headline on the article published by the cable news channel on Saturday. Citing a chorus of Democratic and Republican lawmakers as well as several Afghan officials, the piece makes a case for keeping American troops in the war-ravaged country until “the conditions on the ground are right – regardless of the date on the calendar.”

I mean, really?
It's simple:

War by Democrats is good.
If not for democrats how many wars would the USA have been involved in?
'Woke imperialism strikes again': CNN faces backlash after it defends keeping US troops in Afghanistan by citing women’s rights

“Concerns mount that US withdrawal from Afghanistan could risk progress on women's rights,” read the headline on the article published by the cable news channel on Saturday. Citing a chorus of Democratic and Republican lawmakers as well as several Afghan officials, the piece makes a case for keeping American troops in the war-ravaged country until “the conditions on the ground are right – regardless of the date on the calendar.”

I mean, really?
It's simple:

War by Democrats is good.
If not for democrats how many wars would the USA have been involved in?
At least one thermonuclear exchange with the Soviet union. Kennedy saved all our asses. It may be ancient history to some but the human race nearly went extinct in 1962.
'Woke imperialism strikes again': CNN faces backlash after it defends keeping US troops in Afghanistan by citing women’s rights

“Concerns mount that US withdrawal from Afghanistan could risk progress on women's rights,” read the headline on the article published by the cable news channel on Saturday. Citing a chorus of Democratic and Republican lawmakers as well as several Afghan officials, the piece makes a case for keeping American troops in the war-ravaged country until “the conditions on the ground are right – regardless of the date on the calendar.”

I mean, really?
It's simple:

War by Democrats is good.
If not for democrats how many wars would the USA have been involved in?
'Woke imperialism strikes again': CNN faces backlash after it defends keeping US troops in Afghanistan by citing women’s rights

“Concerns mount that US withdrawal from Afghanistan could risk progress on women's rights,” read the headline on the article published by the cable news channel on Saturday. Citing a chorus of Democratic and Republican lawmakers as well as several Afghan officials, the piece makes a case for keeping American troops in the war-ravaged country until “the conditions on the ground are right – regardless of the date on the calendar.”

I mean, really?
It's simple:

War by Democrats is good.
If not for democrats how many wars would the USA have been involved in?
At least one thermonuclear exchange with the Soviet union. Kennedy saved all our asses. It may be ancient history to some but the human race nearly went extinct in 1962.
Kennedy would be drummed out of the Democratic Party today.
'Woke imperialism strikes again': CNN faces backlash after it defends keeping US troops in Afghanistan by citing women’s rights

“Concerns mount that US withdrawal from Afghanistan could risk progress on women's rights,” read the headline on the article published by the cable news channel on Saturday. Citing a chorus of Democratic and Republican lawmakers as well as several Afghan officials, the piece makes a case for keeping American troops in the war-ravaged country until “the conditions on the ground are right – regardless of the date on the calendar.”

I mean, really?
We should be trying to "bribe them to be Good instead of Bad", like criminals do.

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