can someone please explain to me why they choose to be cannonfodder a.k.a. a soldier?

Peace Thru Strength. Always been the right plan. It is unfortunate corrupt govt has abused that Strength, but it is a necessary evil.

We ever disarm a world of hurt from nations that hate us will come.

i'm a strictly defensively oriented hetro man, so i choose to defend my country by serving as a volunteer in it's resistance ranks.
currently, or since 9/11, i volunteered as online peace activist, and i've been assertive in my tone as an opinionmaker towards countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, The UK, The USA and China (that last one on Trump's cue by the way).

that means i'm one of those guys behind the curtains that decides where the war hungry get sent, when, and when we pull out of unwinnable wars.
and don't get me wrong, i've just got minor influence and i know it, but still..

i'd like to know : why do men choose to fire bullets and grenades at soldiers of another country?
why do you force me to figure out where to assign troops and how many civilian lives to put at risk of serious harm or death?
why do you force your politicians and diplomats into wars?
because ultimately, i think the root of this problem is simply our violent greedy nature.

Well, I’m the case of battles like Verdun, partly because they were conscripted and partly out of genuine patriotism.

And who’s forcing politicians? Most wars are 100% the fault of politicians.
Peace Thru Strength. Always been the right plan. It is unfortunate corrupt govt has abused that Strength, but it is a necessary evil.

We ever disarm a world of hurt from nations that hate us will come.
Partly true. If we were to let our military crumble, we’d leave ourselves open to possible foreign aggression. That’s true of any nation.

But don’t forget the USA has been uniquely blessed by geography to protect us in ways most countries aren’t.

We are surrounded by two vast oceans on either side. To our north is a sparsely populated country with neither the ability nor the inclination to hurt a fly. To our south is an impoverished country incapable of keeping its own shit together, let alone pose a serious threat.

Our unique position has allowed us to pick and choose our battles to an extent no other great power has ever enjoyed.
I would defend my country and my countrymen, but I won't blindly defend this federal government. It needs to be dismantled in so many ways
That's the bottom line, i and most people i know will fight and if they have to die defending our Country, problem we have had for many years is the criminal politicians present Imperialist and illegal wars as defending our Countries, with many of the ignorant herd buy into it.

i'm a strictly defensively oriented hetro man, so i choose to defend my country by serving as a volunteer in it's resistance ranks.
currently, or since 9/11, i volunteered as online peace activist, and i've been assertive in my tone as an opinionmaker towards countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, The UK, The USA and China (that last one on Trump's cue by the way).

that means i'm one of those guys behind the curtains that decides where the war hungry get sent, when, and when we pull out of unwinnable wars.
and don't get me wrong, i've just got minor influence and i know it, but still..

i'd like to know : why do men choose to fire bullets and grenades at soldiers of another country?
why do you force me to figure out where to assign troops and how many civilian lives to put at risk of serious harm or death?
why do you force your politicians and diplomats into wars?
because ultimately, i think the root of this problem is simply our violent greedy nature.

If you can't figure that out, don't enlist in the US Military where you probably won't have to fire on a enemy up close but you just may have to if it's called on.

I served for 20+ years in the USAF and never had to be a front seat participant. But that doesn't mean that I didn't kill. Hell, the USAF kills at a much higher rate than the Army does but doesn't usually get up close and personal. I don't know why anyone would volunteer to get up close and personal in a battle but I am damned proud of those that do.
I joined due to a lack of work in the civilian world ... and I was right, four years later there was plenty of work ... it kinda sucks having to run M-60 fire over innocent women and children, but the pay wasn't bad ...

Yeah, right ... I was a solder jockey, worst wound I received was a UTI I caught at the local whorehouse ... I'm sure all manner of atrocities came through Command Headquarters Communications Center ... I just didn't bother reading any of it ... my concern was the Soviet spy on the power pole reading my electric use ... monitoring what I was soldering and why ...

What seems missing is that folks are shooting at you ... not as hard a choice to shoot back ... "what if" China invaded and took over Hawai'i, for the purposes of controlling Pacific shipping traffic? ... would you volunteer to evict them? ... or are you going to let them take California? ...

Yeah, it kinda sucks having to run M-60 fire over innocent women and children, but the pay isn't bad ...
I joined due to a lack of work in the civilian world ... and I was right, four years later there was plenty of work ... it kinda sucks having to run M-60 fire over innocent women and children, but the pay wasn't bad ...

Yeah, right ... I was a solder jockey, worst wound I received was a UTI I caught at the local whorehouse ... I'm sure all manner of atrocities came through Command Headquarters Communications Center ... I just didn't bother reading any of it ... my concern was the Soviet spy on the power pole reading my electric use ... monitoring what I was soldering and why ...

What seems missing is that folks are shooting at you ... not as hard a choice to shoot back ... "what if" China invaded and took over Hawai'i, for the purposes of controlling Pacific shipping traffic? ... would you volunteer to evict them? ... or are you going to let them take California? ...

Yeah, it kinda sucks having to run M-60 fire over innocent women and children, but the pay isn't bad ...
were i still of fighting age, i might actually join up for a fight over Hawaii.
but i'm not.

and why on earth would you fire a gun at the innocent?
and why on earth would you fire a gun at the innocent?

Orders ... better to ask why the American Voters elected Ronald Reagan ... he said "kill" and We the People cheered ... so we killed them all and let God sort it out ... and the Soviet Union was no more within a decade ... that's a "win" situation ...

It's horrible but it works ... and the pay isn't all that bad ...

Orders ... better to ask why the American Voters elected Ronald Reagan ... he said "kill" and We the People cheered ... so we killed them all and let God sort it out ... and the Soviet Union was no more within a decade ... that's a "win" situation ...

It's horrible but it works ... and the pay isn't all that bad ...

with all due respect to you and your service, the same can be said about the Roman empire, which buckled and then fell under the weight of it's ego and pride.
with all due respect to you and your service, the same can be said about the Roman empire, which buckled and then fell under the weight of it's ego and pride.

The same is said of all war ... kill or be killed ... someday you should come down from your ivory tower and see the reality of human conflict ... it's not pretty ...
The same is said of all war ... kill or be killed ... someday you should come down from your ivory tower and see the reality of human conflict ... it's not pretty ...
i'm just saying unipolarism and imperialism might well NOT be the best option for our futures.
you wouldn't know the truth if it ripped your head off and shit down your throat.
you're talking about your truths there bro.
and i'm not about to let your truths rip my head off.
i kinda dislike most of your truths,
at other times i agree with 'm,
but i'm not going to let them drive me nuts.
My father went into the military in 1943 because he was drafted.

I joined in 1966 because I wanted adventure. It was the right thing for me to do at the time but I never believed in any of the silly ass patriotism or duty to the country bullshit. This country doesn't give a shit about me and none of the wars that I know of in my life time including the one I served in had anything to do with the real security of the country.

My son joined the Army after 911 because he needed to make a change in his life. It worked and thanks to being sent to Iraq and being in combat nowadays he has a pretty good PTSD problem. He tries to hide it and doesn't bitch about it but I can see he has problems.

Wars suck.
Of course, I should have known this would be nothing but a BS political rant, as are most of the responses.

For some, nothing will ever explain why some choose to serve their country. And for the other braindead types that see evil behind everybody they see as the enemy, they also will never comprehend.

This is literally one of the most retarded and self-pontificating threads I have ever seen in here. And I have seen a lot of them over the years.

i'm a strictly defensively oriented hetro man, so i choose to defend my country by serving as a volunteer in it's resistance ranks.
currently, or since 9/11, i volunteered as online peace activist, and i've been assertive in my tone as an opinionmaker towards countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, The UK, The USA and China (that last one on Trump's cue by the way).

that means i'm one of those guys behind the curtains that decides where the war hungry get sent, when, and when we pull out of unwinnable wars.
and don't get me wrong, i've just got minor influence and i know it, but still..

i'd like to know : why do men choose to fire bullets and grenades at soldiers of another country?
why do you force me to figure out where to assign troops and how many civilian lives to put at risk of serious harm or death?
why do you force your politicians and diplomats into wars?
because ultimately, i think the root of this problem is simply our violent greedy nature.

the fields of verdun were terrible

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