Can someone sound really, really gay and not BE "gay"?



Listen to this guy talk:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Dr. Marcus Bachmann speaks about homosexuality‬‏[/ame]

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Jeez, this dude's so far in the closet his mail is addressed to Narnia.

When I first heard this, I thought it was a woman a la Bea Arthur.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bea Arthur in The Man in the Moon‬‏[/ame]

When I found out it was Dr. Marcus Bachmann, yea, THAT Bachmann, I was floored.

Now everyone has "gaydar". Where when you meet someone, right away, instinctively, you think, "Oh, that guy is gay". Not that you are pointing fingers, just in your mind, you recognize that someone is gay.

Well come on.

Worse for him, he goes on about the underlying "temptation". What does that tell you? This guy is phone call away from being Ted Haggard.
Why is it, the ones who make the most noise against homosexuality, are almost always gay themselves. Talk about self hate.

Come out come out...
I have met people who honestly believe that you are gay if you sound like that. They will swear up and down that they are gay when they sound like that. Then they will deny that genetics has anything to do with a person being gay.:cuckoo:
I have met people who honestly believe that you are gay if you sound like that. They will swear up and down that they are gay when they sound like that. Then they will deny that genetics has anything to do with a person being gay.:cuckoo:

Because guys choose to sound that way?

What's funny is gay guys with that distinctive speech pattern don't sound like women. They sound gay. It's why I believe it is definitely genetic. Not everyone has it, but plenty do.
Listen to this guy

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Jeez, this dude's so far in the closet his mail is addressed to Narnia.

When I first heard this, I thought it was a woman a la Bea Arthur.

When I found out it was Dr. Marcus Bachmann, yea, THAT Bachmann, I was floored.

Now everyone has "gaydar". Where when you meet someone, right away, instinctively, you think, "Oh, that guy is gay". Not that you are pointing fingers, just in your mind, you recognize that someone is gay.

Can someone "sound straight" and not "be straight?" What is "sounding gay" anyway? How do you "sound gay?" Is that like "looking gay" and "acting gay?" What do you have against gays anyway?

You did not meet this guy, you listened to a tape of him on YouTube. If your "Gaydar" went off over a tape it might be because you have a tape recorder fetish.

Well come on.

Worse for him, he goes on about the underlying "temptation". What does that tell you? This guy is phone call away from being Ted Haggard.

Thank you for bringing your anti homosexual position out into the open. I told you that all progressives were secretly racists and bigots, they are just afraid to be honest about it. That is why they blindly support people who want to wipe them off the face of the planet.

As for temptation, tell me you have never been tempted and I will call you a liar. the Bible says that all temptation is common to man. Being tempted to steal and being tempted to have sex with a man comes from the same place, they just have different outlets. That means that any sinner, which happens to be every person on the planet, is qualified to talk temptation and how to resist it. Unless, that is, they have no self control.

1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV said:
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

I have to admit something though, you are uniquely unqualified to discuss resisting temptation.
I have met people who honestly believe that you are gay if you sound like that. They will swear up and down that they are gay when they sound like that. Then they will deny that genetics has anything to do with a person being gay.:cuckoo:

They obviously think that you choose how you talk, even though most people have no idea what they sound like.
When I was stationed in Korea there was this one dude in my Squadron who spoke with an obvious gay lisp. He went partying with us and sightseeing all the time but we never saw him with a girl so we asked him about it. Some guys just don't like the local women, and that's cool.:

"Hey Pat (Yes, his name was Pat!) how come we never see you with a girl?".
He replied; "What? What the fuck you talking about?" :confused:
We said "We never see you with a chick. Are you gay or something?". We didn't care if he was, we just suspected it was so. If he had admitted it we still would have hung (not THAT hung) around with him.

And then he "tisked" in a real gay way "Ugh! Gosh! Why would you guys think THAT?" He couldn't have denied being gay in a MORE gay way than that! :lol:

Anyway, a few weeks later we all went downtown (not THAT downtown) and got him laid. Or at least we THINK we did, we weren't in the room with him. When he came out he glared at us and said "Alright, you guys happy now? I'm NOT gay!" :evil:. We all had a good laugh about it.

If some straight guys are really macho then there could be really effeminate men who are straight. I guess it's within the realm of possibility.
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I have met people who honestly believe that you are gay if you sound like that. They will swear up and down that they are gay when they sound like that. Then they will deny that genetics has anything to do with a person being gay.:cuckoo:

Because guys choose to sound that way?

What's funny is gay guys with that distinctive speech pattern don't sound like women. They sound gay. It's why I believe it is definitely genetic. Not everyone has it, but plenty do.

This brilliant observation from the USMB Village bigot
Again, the question remains, why do you care? The only reason a healthy person should have in another's sexuality is if you would like to take advantage of it.
Listen to this guy talk:

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Jeez, this dude's so far in the closet his mail is addressed to Narnia.

When I first heard this, I thought it was a woman a la Bea Arthur.

When I found out it was Dr. Marcus Bachmann, yea, THAT Bachmann, I was floored.

Now everyone has "gaydar". Where when you meet someone, right away, instinctively, you think, "Oh, that guy is gay". Not that you are pointing fingers, just in your mind, you recognize that someone is gay.

Well come on.

Worse for him, he goes on about the underlying "temptation". What does that tell you? This guy is phone call away from being Ted Haggard.

Your ghey, all the way.

Ghey: Usurping the traditional term GAY to take the homosexual meaning out and leaving in the lame.
don't worry he/she is trying to go somewhere with this, the subtle hints have been given. Don't you see them yet?
Listen to this guy talk:

YouTube - ‪Dr. Marcus Bachmann speaks about homosexuality‬‏

One comment under the video:

Jeez, this dude's so far in the closet his mail is addressed to Narnia.

When I first heard this, I thought it was a woman a la Bea Arthur.

YouTube - ‪Bea Arthur in The Man in the Moon‬‏

When I found out it was Dr. Marcus Bachmann, yea, THAT Bachmann, I was floored.

Now everyone has "gaydar". Where when you meet someone, right away, instinctively, you think, "Oh, that guy is gay". Not that you are pointing fingers, just in your mind, you recognize that someone is gay.

Well come on.

Worse for him, he goes on about the underlying "temptation". What does that tell you? This guy is phone call away from being Ted Haggard.

What percent of scientists self identify as being gay?
I have met people who honestly believe that you are gay if you sound like that. They will swear up and down that they are gay when they sound like that. Then they will deny that genetics has anything to do with a person being gay.:cuckoo:

I have seen normal sounding people go gay and within weeks start acting and talking like a is an act for the most part no different than farm boy rappers from ohio talkin like da come from da hood know what im sayin
gays are better off going with the choice angle as people do have freedom of choice, if it is a genetic disorder it opens the door for it to be...treated

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