Can Trump Turn Welfare into Workfare

We have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

Unemployment compensation already happens. And, what better metrics for Firms; if the tax gets too high, they can just hire more people.

I'm waiting to see that. Yes we have unemployment INSURANCE. That means if you lose your job through no fault of your own, you get COMPENSATED for a short time while you are looking for new work. When you exhaust all your unemployment BENEFITS, you stop getting compensation checks.

Saying you should be able to collect compensation just because you don't feel like working anymore is like saying you can make a claim for an auto accident on your car even though you were never in an accident, or making a fire claim on your house even though you never had a fire. If people could do these things by law, no insurance company would provide such coverage.
The law is employment at will. Only illegals to the law, have a problem with it.
Don't be so hard on unions. Unions have feelings too.
don't be so hard on less fortunate illegals, they have feelings too.
I agree. That is why they should be deported as gently as possible.
We have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

Unemployment compensation already happens. And, what better metrics for Firms; if the tax gets too high, they can just hire more people.

I'm waiting to see that. Yes we have unemployment INSURANCE. That means if you lose your job through no fault of your own, you get COMPENSATED for a short time while you are looking for new work. When you exhaust all your unemployment BENEFITS, you stop getting compensation checks.

Saying you should be able to collect compensation just because you don't feel like working anymore is like saying you can make a claim for an auto accident on your car even though you were never in an accident, or making a fire claim on your house even though you never had a fire. If people could do these things by law, no insurance company would provide such coverage.
The law is employment at will. Only illegals to the law, have a problem with it.

There are no employment at will states. You quit your job and decide not to work, you don't get compensation for anything.
In his inaugural address President Trump said he would get people off welfare and back to work. He also mentioned rebuilding our infrastructure. I hope he is planning to make those on welfare and living in government housing go to work everyday painting curbs, fixing potholes, picking up trash, anything to earn their money. Also they should be drug tested for hard drugs. Coke, crack, meth, heroin, PCP, etc.

Even FDR knew that welfare was a subtle destroyer of man's spirit.

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Annual Message to Congress

"...The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is in violation of the traditions of America. Work must be found for able-bodied but destitute workers...."

I guess that means, we should stop means testing until they get a real job.

Don't be silly. It means that welfare is like a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.

no it isn't; only means testing does that.

Tell FDR that...

"...The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. ..."

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Annual Message to Congress

means testing ensures dependence.

the rich get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses, to stay out of poverty.
We have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

Unemployment compensation already happens. And, what better metrics for Firms; if the tax gets too high, they can just hire more people.

I'm waiting to see that. Yes we have unemployment INSURANCE. That means if you lose your job through no fault of your own, you get COMPENSATED for a short time while you are looking for new work. When you exhaust all your unemployment BENEFITS, you stop getting compensation checks.

Saying you should be able to collect compensation just because you don't feel like working anymore is like saying you can make a claim for an auto accident on your car even though you were never in an accident, or making a fire claim on your house even though you never had a fire. If people could do these things by law, no insurance company would provide such coverage.
The law is employment at will. Only illegals to the law, have a problem with it.
Don't be so hard on unions. Unions have feelings too.
don't be so hard on less fortunate illegals, they have feelings too.
I agree. That is why they should be deported as gently as possible.
gun lovers need plenty of coddling. 10USC311 is federal law.
We have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

Unemployment compensation already happens. And, what better metrics for Firms; if the tax gets too high, they can just hire more people.

I'm waiting to see that. Yes we have unemployment INSURANCE. That means if you lose your job through no fault of your own, you get COMPENSATED for a short time while you are looking for new work. When you exhaust all your unemployment BENEFITS, you stop getting compensation checks.

Saying you should be able to collect compensation just because you don't feel like working anymore is like saying you can make a claim for an auto accident on your car even though you were never in an accident, or making a fire claim on your house even though you never had a fire. If people could do these things by law, no insurance company would provide such coverage.
The law is employment at will. Only illegals to the law, have a problem with it.

There are no employment at will states. You quit your job and decide not to work, you don't get compensation for anything.
Only illegals to a federal doctrine and State laws regarding employment at will, do that.
Even FDR knew that welfare was a subtle destroyer of man's spirit.

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Annual Message to Congress

"...The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is in violation of the traditions of America. Work must be found for able-bodied but destitute workers...."
I guess that means, we should stop means testing until they get a real job.
Don't be silly. It means that welfare is like a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.
no it isn't; only means testing does that.
Tell FDR that...

"...The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. ..."

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Annual Message to Congress
means testing ensures dependence.

the rich get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses, to stay out of poverty.
There is no reason for means testing. We should all be taxed at the same rate. In fact, all investments should be taxed at that rate too. And all deductions eliminated. The only deduction would be a standard 25K for single and 50K for married. How's that?
I'm waiting to see that. Yes we have unemployment INSURANCE. That means if you lose your job through no fault of your own, you get COMPENSATED for a short time while you are looking for new work. When you exhaust all your unemployment BENEFITS, you stop getting compensation checks.

Saying you should be able to collect compensation just because you don't feel like working anymore is like saying you can make a claim for an auto accident on your car even though you were never in an accident, or making a fire claim on your house even though you never had a fire. If people could do these things by law, no insurance company would provide such coverage.
The law is employment at will. Only illegals to the law, have a problem with it.
Don't be so hard on unions. Unions have feelings too.
don't be so hard on less fortunate illegals, they have feelings too.
I agree. That is why they should be deported as gently as possible.
gun lovers need plenty of coddling. 10USC311 is federal law.
If you say so.
I guess that means, we should stop means testing until they get a real job.
Don't be silly. It means that welfare is like a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.
no it isn't; only means testing does that.
Tell FDR that...

"...The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. ..."

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Annual Message to Congress
means testing ensures dependence.

the rich get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses, to stay out of poverty.
There is no reason for means testing. We should all be taxed at the same rate. In fact, all investments should be taxed at that rate too. And all deductions eliminated. The only deduction would be a standard 25K for single and 50K for married. How's that?
apples and oranges; welfare does not produce dependence; means testing does that.
The law is employment at will. Only illegals to the law, have a problem with it.
Don't be so hard on unions. Unions have feelings too.
don't be so hard on less fortunate illegals, they have feelings too.
I agree. That is why they should be deported as gently as possible.
gun lovers need plenty of coddling. 10USC311 is federal law.
If you say so.
illegals are illegals.
Don't be silly. It means that welfare is like a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.
no it isn't; only means testing does that.
Tell FDR that...

"...The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. ..."

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Annual Message to Congress
means testing ensures dependence.

the rich get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses, to stay out of poverty.
There is no reason for means testing. We should all be taxed at the same rate. In fact, all investments should be taxed at that rate too. And all deductions eliminated. The only deduction would be a standard 25K for single and 50K for married. How's that?
apples and oranges; welfare does not produce dependence; means testing does that.
Like I said, take that up with FDR. He is the one disagreeing with you.
Don't be so hard on unions. Unions have feelings too.
don't be so hard on less fortunate illegals, they have feelings too.
I agree. That is why they should be deported as gently as possible.
gun lovers need plenty of coddling. 10USC311 is federal law.
If you say so.
illegals are illegals.
If you say so, but I'm not inclined to take legal advice from a socialist.
no it isn't; only means testing does that.
Tell FDR that...

"...The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. ..."

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Annual Message to Congress
means testing ensures dependence.

the rich get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses, to stay out of poverty.
There is no reason for means testing. We should all be taxed at the same rate. In fact, all investments should be taxed at that rate too. And all deductions eliminated. The only deduction would be a standard 25K for single and 50K for married. How's that?
apples and oranges; welfare does not produce dependence; means testing does that.
Like I said, take that up with FDR. He is the one disagreeing with you.
means testing ensures dependence, not welfare. our understanding of economics is better, now.
don't be so hard on less fortunate illegals, they have feelings too.
I agree. That is why they should be deported as gently as possible.
gun lovers need plenty of coddling. 10USC311 is federal law.
If you say so.
illegals are illegals.
If you say so, but I'm not inclined to take legal advice from a socialist.
i don't give legal advice. i only argue legal theory and politics, from an economics perspective.
Bah just let them live.
Put them to work. Obama should have repealed the 1996 limitations of 3 months of food stamps every 3 years and the work requirements. Things forced on Clinton by GOP controlled Congress.
ugh your no better than a progressive, making all us free spirits fall into line.'re sadly mistaken.
You were programmed to believe that by a spineless Liberal government...just as the worst player on a team isn't as good as the best player...a needy taker sucking the taxpayer tit isn't as good as a self supportive taxpayer....sorry bud, get use to feeling like the loser you are.
AND...whatever you do, don't take this "free spirited" Liberal thugs mama's welfare.
Bah just let them live.
Put them to work. Obama should have repealed the 1996 limitations of 3 months of food stamps every 3 years and the work requirements. Things forced on Clinton by GOP controlled Congress.
ugh your no better than a progressive, making all us free spirits fall into line.'re sadly mistaken.
You were programmed to believe that by a spineless Liberal government...just as the worst player on a team isn't as good as the best player...a needy taker sucking the taxpayer tit isn't as good as a self supportive taxpayer....sorry bud, get use to feeling like the loser you are.
AND...whatever you do, don't take this "free spirited" Liberal thugs mama's welfare.
You didn't support Trump until after he won.
i supported him all along.

You don't get to turn up after the battle and shout victory, mate.
No one can live on food stamps, average household getting food stamps is getting $250 a month.
I'm a cashier, that's bullshit!

They buy cookies, candy, soda, chips, because
they get too much, I see the snap balance.

When you have 3, 4, 5+ kids, it's thousands darling.

That's not the worst part. They buy those things you listed with EBT then magically have cash to buy cigarettes, beer, and lottery tickets.
That's not the worst part. They buy those things you listed with EBT then magically have cash to buy cigarettes, beer, and lottery tickets.
Oh... that's not even the worst part!

When they buy cigarettes, beer and lottery
with their food stamps for double, at the corner Arab stores!
Something like 70% of Wal-Mart full time employees qualify for food stamps
Should you raise the fake poverty limit to make that 99%? :lol:
The only thing FAKE about the govt calculated poverty level, IS that it is too low.....

Currently, that percentage is around 15%. That's the same percentage it was before Johnson's War on Poverty started and, as of today, spent $22 trillion. Thanks for proving it was wasted.
What was wasted? Poor is relative. We have the largest economy in the world. Our poor are not even poor enough by third world standards, and the national socialist right wing, likes to complain about it.

“No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.” (1933, Statement on National Industrial Recovery Act)

“By living wages, I mean more than a bare subsistence level — I mean the wages of a decent living.” (1933, Statement on National Industrial Recovery Act)

“Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day, who has been turning his employees over to the Government relief rolls in order to preserve his company’s undistributed reserves, tell you – using his stockholders’ money to pay the postage for his personal opinions — tell you that a wage of $11.00 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry.” (1938, Fireside Chat, the night before signing the Fair Labor Standards Act that instituted the federal minimum wage)

“All but the hopelessly reactionary will agree that to conserve our primary resources of man power, government must have some control over maximum hours, minimum wages, the evil of child labor and the exploitation of unorganized labor.” (1937, Message to Congress upon introduction of the Fair Labor Standards Act)
Something like 70% of Wal-Mart full time employees qualify for food stamps

Why should someone offering such low level skills get anything in the way of social welfare if what is causing their situation is their offering of low level skills?
to eliminate a cycle of poverty?

It only perpetuates poverty. The U.S. has tried that for 50 years under Johnson's war on poverty. $22 trillion wasted in an effort to eliminate the cycle and still we have the same percentage in poverty today as before the $22 was wasted. On top of that, the people in poverty today are the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of those in poverty BEFORE the $22 trillion.

It doesn't work to give someone something that is at or above what they can earn based on their skills. They have no reason to do better.

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