Can We Agree Obama Failed?

What did Obama promise?

Get our combat troops out of Iraq and Aafghanistan.....Done
Save the economy.....Done
Repeal Bush Tax cuts......Done
Get along with Republicans....Failed
Healthcare--Disaster. Does anyone really think our healthcare sytem is better now? Costs have skyrocketed when we were promised ACA would save money..
Wars. We aer still fighting and dying in both places.
Economy: worst economic growth since 1930s
Raise taxes: done
Get along with:
Anyone who disagrees with him
If conservatives oppose all that our president has accomplished, he is obviously delivering on what he promised to do
What did Obama promise?

Get our combat troops out of Iraq and Aafghanistan.....Done
Save the economy.....Done
Repeal Bush Tax cuts......Done
Get along with Republicans....Failed
Healthcare--Disaster. Does anyone really think our healthcare sytem is better now? Costs have skyrocketed when we were promised ACA would save money..
Wars. We aer still fighting and dying in both places.
Economy: worst economic growth since 1930s
Raise taxes: done
Get along with:
Anyone who disagrees with him
If conservatives oppose all that our president has accomplished, he is obviously delivering on what he promised to do
One of the htings he promised to do with work across the aisle and change the tone in Washington. He failed at that too.
What did Obama promise?

Get our combat troops out of Iraq and Aafghanistan.....Done
Save the economy.....Done
Repeal Bush Tax cuts......Done
Get along with Republicans....Failed
Healthcare--Disaster. Does anyone really think our healthcare sytem is better now? Costs have skyrocketed when we were promised ACA would save money..
Wars. We aer still fighting and dying in both places.
Economy: worst economic growth since 1930s
Raise taxes: done
Get along with:
Anyone who disagrees with him
If conservatives oppose all that our president has accomplished, he is obviously delivering on what he promised to do
One of the htings he promised to do with work across the aisle and change the tone in Washington. He failed at that too.
That's a good one

Obama did not become a really effective president until he learned the Republicans were only interested in ensuring that he failed and started to force his agenda without them
What did Obama promise?

Get our combat troops out of Iraq and Aafghanistan.....Done
Save the economy.....Done
Repeal Bush Tax cuts......Done
Get along with Republicans....Failed
Healthcare--Disaster. Does anyone really think our healthcare sytem is better now? Costs have skyrocketed when we were promised ACA would save money..
Wars. We aer still fighting and dying in both places.
Economy: worst economic growth since 1930s
Raise taxes: done
Get along with:
Anyone who disagrees with him
If conservatives oppose all that our president has accomplished, he is obviously delivering on what he promised to do
One of the htings he promised to do with work across the aisle and change the tone in Washington. He failed at that too.
That's a good one

Obama did not become a really effective president until he learned the Republicans were only interested in ensuring that he failed and started to force his agenda without them
Remind me of the time Democrats united to support Bush's agenda.
Anyway, Obama needed no help in failing. He did that all by himself.
What did Obama promise?

Get our combat troops out of Iraq and Aafghanistan.....Done
Save the economy.....Done
Repeal Bush Tax cuts......Done
Get along with Republicans....Failed
Healthcare--Disaster. Does anyone really think our healthcare sytem is better now? Costs have skyrocketed when we were promised ACA would save money..
Wars. We aer still fighting and dying in both places.
Economy: worst economic growth since 1930s
Raise taxes: done
Get along with:
Anyone who disagrees with him
If conservatives oppose all that our president has accomplished, he is obviously delivering on what he promised to do
One of the htings he promised to do with work across the aisle and change the tone in Washington. He failed at that too.
That's a good one

Obama did not become a really effective president until he learned the Republicans were only interested in ensuring that he failed and started to force his agenda without them
Remind me of the time Democrats united to support Bush's agenda.
Anyway, Obama needed no help in failing. He did that all by himself.
At least we can finally agree that Democrats didn't support Bush's agenda to invade Iraq for no good reason.
Rabbi 14276030
Let's stipulate here once that Bush was horrible blah blah blah. DOes that make anything Obama did better in some way?

Bush is a great baseline from which to measure Obama's accomplishments. We need a baseline.

Bush created zero jobs over 8 years - Obama will create over 14 million. Bush started a major war and a mistake according to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee all based on lies. Obama did nothing of the sort.

There's much more, but you get the picture. We understand why you want to erase Bush from memory and attack Obama with only your prejudice as the baseline. But that is dishonest and hardly a comprehensive well thought out position.
s see, average unemployment under BUsh was below 5%, under Obama about 8%.
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?
You are so fucking bizarre and over the top.

The GOP went from a huge surplus to 10 trillion in debt. Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008. Those jobs were gone by time Obama became president. So Republicans not only created the debt, but got rid of the way to get out of debt. It can't be denied. They doubly fucked the country and then complained it's Obama's fault like you are doing right now..
What did Obama promise?

Get our combat troops out of Iraq and Aafghanistan.....Done
Save the economy.....Done
Repeal Bush Tax cuts......Done
Get along with Republicans....Failed
Healthcare--Disaster. Does anyone really think our healthcare sytem is better now? Costs have skyrocketed when we were promised ACA would save money..
Wars. We aer still fighting and dying in both places.
Economy: worst economic growth since 1930s
Raise taxes: done
Get along with:
Anyone who disagrees with him
If conservatives oppose all that our president has accomplished, he is obviously delivering on what he promised to do
One of the htings he promised to do with work across the aisle and change the tone in Washington. He failed at that too.
That's a good one

Obama did not become a really effective president until he learned the Republicans were only interested in ensuring that he failed and started to force his agenda without them
Remind me of the time Democrats united to support Bush's agenda.
Anyway, Obama needed no help in failing. He did that all by himself.

When did Democrats support Bush's agenda?

Medicare Part D
No Child Left Behind
Homeland Security
Auto bailouts

Which of Obama's agenda have even a handful of Republicans supported?
Healthcare--Disaster. Does anyone really think our healthcare sytem is better now? Costs have skyrocketed when we were promised ACA would save money..
Wars. We aer still fighting and dying in both places.
Economy: worst economic growth since 1930s
Raise taxes: done
Get along with:
Anyone who disagrees with him
If conservatives oppose all that our president has accomplished, he is obviously delivering on what he promised to do
One of the htings he promised to do with work across the aisle and change the tone in Washington. He failed at that too.
That's a good one

Obama did not become a really effective president until he learned the Republicans were only interested in ensuring that he failed and started to force his agenda without them
Remind me of the time Democrats united to support Bush's agenda.
Anyway, Obama needed no help in failing. He did that all by himself.

When did Democrats support Bush's agenda?

Medicare Part D
No Child Left Behind
Homeland Security

Which of Obama's agenda have even a handful of Republicans supported?
That's because Bush worked with Democrats and sought their input. Ted Kennedy wrote No Child Left Behind. Dems wrote most of Med Part D and then when it came up lambasted Bush as not generous enough.
Dems are scum.
If conservatives oppose all that our president has accomplished, he is obviously delivering on what he promised to do
One of the htings he promised to do with work across the aisle and change the tone in Washington. He failed at that too.
That's a good one

Obama did not become a really effective president until he learned the Republicans were only interested in ensuring that he failed and started to force his agenda without them
Remind me of the time Democrats united to support Bush's agenda.
Anyway, Obama needed no help in failing. He did that all by himself.

When did Democrats support Bush's agenda?

Medicare Part D
No Child Left Behind
Homeland Security

Which of Obama's agenda have even a handful of Republicans supported?
That's because Bush worked with Democrats and sought their input. Ted Kennedy wrote No Child Left Behind. Dems wrote most of Med Part D and then when it came up lambasted Bush as not generous enough.
Dems are scum.

No, that's because Democrats were willing to cross the aisle

There was no Bush must fail mandate coming from left wing media. There is not a single piece of significant Obama legislation that Repblicans did not unanimously object to

When Bush requested TARP funding an overwhelming number of Republicans supported it. When Obama requested TARP not a single Republican would support it

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