Can we trust Iran with nuclear weapons?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Better question might be can we trust ourselves with nuclear weapons? To date, we've lost 6 including a hydrogen bomb somewhere in Georgia.

Broken Arrows Nuclear Weapons Accidents

"Date: January 17, 1966
Location: Palomares, Spain
A B-52 carrying four nuclear weapons collided with a KC-135 during refueling operations and crashed near Palomares, Spain. One weapon was safely recovered on the ground and another from the sea, after extensive search and recovery efforts. The other two weapons hit land, resulting in detonation of their high explosives and the subsequent release of radioactive materials. Over 1,400 tons of soil was sent to an approved storage site.

Date: December 5, 1965
Location: Pacific Ocean
An A-4E Skyhawk attack aircraft loaded with one B43 nuclear weapon rolled off the deck of the USS Ticonderoga. Pilot, plane and weapon were never found.


Date: November 10, 1950
Location: Quebec, Canada
A B-50 jettisoned a Mark 4 bomb over the St. Lawrence River near Riviere-du-Loup, about 300 miles northeast of Montreal. The weapon's HE [high explosive] detonated on impact. Although lacking its essential plutonium core, the explosion did scatter nearly 100 pounds (45 kg) of uranium. The plane later landed safely at a U.S. Air Force base in Maine.

Date: February 5, 1958
Location: Off Georgia, United States
In a simulated combat mission, a B-47 collided with an F-86 near Savannah, Georgia. After attempting to land at Hunter Air Force Base with the nuclear weapon onboard, the weapon was jettisoned over water. The plane later landed safely. A nuclear detonation was not possible since the nuclear capsule was not on board the aircraft. Subsequent searches failed to locate the weapon."

more at link (don't read if your sleep is easily disrupted by unhappy thoughts) :)
I think the leaders in Iran are more pragmatic than people give them credit for. No world leader wants nuclear weapons going off anywhere. It's bad for business.

In my opinion, if they get nuclear weapons... oh well.
No they can not be trusted,they have openly said they would use one on Israel,ignoring that is foolish indeed.
I think the leaders in Iran are more pragmatic than people give them credit for. No world leader wants nuclear weapons going off anywhere. It's bad for business.

In my opinion, if they get nuclear weapons... oh well.

They have stated they will use them...over and over again....they export terrorism around the world......
I think the leaders in Iran are more pragmatic than people give them credit for. No world leader wants nuclear weapons going off anywhere. It's bad for business.

In my opinion, if they get nuclear weapons... oh well.

My friend...the middle east and parts of northern Africa are not like downtown Kansas City....their governments are unstable and untrustworthy. Look at Egypt as an example. Also if Iran gets a nuke than you know Saudi Arabia will want one and so on and so on. Mr Obama is so hateful of Israel that he is allowing the setting ablaze of the entire middle east. We either have a idiot in the white house or we have the enemy in the white house and the state dept.
Better question might be can we trust ourselves with nuclear weapons? To date, we've lost 6 including a hydrogen bomb somewhere in Georgia.

Broken Arrows Nuclear Weapons Accidents

"Date: January 17, 1966
Location: Palomares, Spain
A B-52 carrying four nuclear weapons collided with a KC-135 during refueling operations and crashed near Palomares, Spain. One weapon was safely recovered on the ground and another from the sea, after extensive search and recovery efforts. The other two weapons hit land, resulting in detonation of their high explosives and the subsequent release of radioactive materials. Over 1,400 tons of soil was sent to an approved storage site.

Date: December 5, 1965
Location: Pacific Ocean
An A-4E Skyhawk attack aircraft loaded with one B43 nuclear weapon rolled off the deck of the USS Ticonderoga. Pilot, plane and weapon were never found.


Date: November 10, 1950
Location: Quebec, Canada
A B-50 jettisoned a Mark 4 bomb over the St. Lawrence River near Riviere-du-Loup, about 300 miles northeast of Montreal. The weapon's HE [high explosive] detonated on impact. Although lacking its essential plutonium core, the explosion did scatter nearly 100 pounds (45 kg) of uranium. The plane later landed safely at a U.S. Air Force base in Maine.

Date: February 5, 1958
Location: Off Georgia, United States
In a simulated combat mission, a B-47 collided with an F-86 near Savannah, Georgia. After attempting to land at Hunter Air Force Base with the nuclear weapon onboard, the weapon was jettisoned over water. The plane later landed safely. A nuclear detonation was not possible since the nuclear capsule was not on board the aircraft. Subsequent searches failed to locate the weapon."

more at link (don't read if your sleep is easily disrupted by unhappy thoughts) :)

Can you trust Obama to work with Congress and broker legislation for the benefit of the Country??? Can you trust Obama to govern by the tenets of the Constitution???? Can you trust Obama with the Security of the US and with the maintaining of a Military capable of protecting this Country?? Hell No.
I would sooner trust a three year old to park my car. Hand them the keys and pretend everything is fine. Iran with nukes....WHY? They have energy reserves out the yingyang, (oil)....what the hell do they need nukes for if it isn't for their military?
Better question might be can we trust ourselves with nuclear weapons? To date, we've lost 6 including a hydrogen bomb somewhere in Georgia.

Broken Arrows Nuclear Weapons Accidents

"Date: January 17, 1966
Location: Palomares, Spain
A B-52 carrying four nuclear weapons collided with a KC-135 during refueling operations and crashed near Palomares, Spain. One weapon was safely recovered on the ground and another from the sea, after extensive search and recovery efforts. The other two weapons hit land, resulting in detonation of their high explosives and the subsequent release of radioactive materials. Over 1,400 tons of soil was sent to an approved storage site.

Date: December 5, 1965
Location: Pacific Ocean
An A-4E Skyhawk attack aircraft loaded with one B43 nuclear weapon rolled off the deck of the USS Ticonderoga. Pilot, plane and weapon were never found.


Date: November 10, 1950
Location: Quebec, Canada
A B-50 jettisoned a Mark 4 bomb over the St. Lawrence River near Riviere-du-Loup, about 300 miles northeast of Montreal. The weapon's HE [high explosive] detonated on impact. Although lacking its essential plutonium core, the explosion did scatter nearly 100 pounds (45 kg) of uranium. The plane later landed safely at a U.S. Air Force base in Maine.

Date: February 5, 1958
Location: Off Georgia, United States
In a simulated combat mission, a B-47 collided with an F-86 near Savannah, Georgia. After attempting to land at Hunter Air Force Base with the nuclear weapon onboard, the weapon was jettisoned over water. The plane later landed safely. A nuclear detonation was not possible since the nuclear capsule was not on board the aircraft. Subsequent searches failed to locate the weapon."

more at link (don't read if your sleep is easily disrupted by unhappy thoughts) :)

Can you trust Obama to work with Congress and broker legislation for the benefit of the Country??? Can you trust Obama to govern by the tenets of the Constitution???? Can you trust Obama with the Security of the US and with the maintaining of a Military capable of protecting this Country?? Hell No.
you can not trust any of the leaders owned by military industrial complex
As long as everyone is doing it, that justifies every thing. But does Iran need NUKES? (Rhetorical question).
You must be kidding. Are you in some way trying to protect the Iranians or you are naïve as hell, I will give you credit for just being a fool.
More Democratic/ Representative type governments are less likely to use their Nukes than dictatorial governments, for one thing, as the Dictator leaves office, so goes your treaties with them. i dont think we really understand the psyche of the iranian leadership enough to trust them. Not with the Mullahs pulling strings from behind the scenes
You must be kidding. Are you in some way trying to protect the Iranians or you are naïve as hell, I will give you credit for just being a fool.

has been described as "pro-Israel propaganda,"[9]and "the new user-friendly term for Israeli propaganda"[10] but while "propaganda strives to highlight the positive aspects of one side of a conflict, hasbara seeks to explain actions, whether or not they are justified."[11]

Historian Giora Goodman considers "hasbara" to mean "propaganda" in practice,
Public diplomacy Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"Can we trust Iran with nuclear weapons?"

Can we trust Pakistan.

Can we trust India.

Can we trust North Korea.

Can we trust Russia, for that matter.

Context is everything – with all the whining and moaning about a 'nuclear Iran' from the right, one would think Iran might be the only other country besides the US to have a nuclear capability.

And one would think conservatives would be supporting the president's efforts to prevent Iran from 'going nuclear,' not undermine those efforts.
More Democratic/ Representative type governments are less likely to use their Nukes than dictatorial governments, for one thing, as the Dictator leaves office, so goes your treaties with them. i dont think we really understand the psyche of the iranian leadership enough to trust them. Not with the Mullahs pulling strings from behind the scenes
history would say otherwise....

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