Can you be religious yet rational?

And that includes libs who are dripping with anti Christian hate

but being a lib I suppose you cant see that
I drip with anti-Christian hate when I see them preaching for homophobia and misogyny, while the law of the land seeks to have equality for all.

If you do not hate them for that, you are not much of a moral person.

Egyptian is one of the oldest forms of writing...Ebla is another. Hebrew is the absolute oldest written living language.

Any thing else claiming something is pure conjecture.
I thought the Chinese had the oldest written language still in use?
The most important Aryan symbol of the serpent fighter symbolizes the victory of the heavenly army over the earthly one.
I drip with anti-Christian hate when I see them preaching for homophobia and misogyny, while the law of the land seeks to have equality for all.

If you do not hate them for that, you are not much of a moral person.

It's my observation that most people who see themselves as moral aren't. It's the dunning effect thingee.
All serpent cults originated only from the earth, they opposed the heavenly host.

A Loyal Opposition is always required when things are slanted in too much of one direction.

That is horror for our dualistic thinking.

Without two wings, an eagle cannot fly.

Serpents were likely to have been thought of as dying and returning with some of the heavenly wisdom.

Old Kundalini thinking that, that even the medical system acknowledged as good.

I thought the Chinese had the oldest written language still in use?
Nope... mandarin is Fairly old but it's a "johnny come lately" by comparison.

At any rate China and Egypt weren't exactly buddies either. They didn't know about each other.

When the Hebrews/Apiru started their own written language it was the trendiest and most novel thing for any nation to do. Considered to be a waste of time and resources by most cultures.

But nobody writes Egyptian or Phonetian today. Hebrew is the national language of Israel. And Farci today bears no resemblance to Aramaic. Just saying.

Follow the direction of reading...left to right or right to all centers on Israel.
Any thing else claiming something is pure conjecture.
what I said is not a guess, but a long established fact. All ancient mythology is built around this, and archeology fully confirms this. No serious scientist even doubts this.
The most important Aryan symbol of the serpent fighter symbolizes the victory of the heavenly army over the earthly one.
All fascist systems, including Christianity and Islam, hate the serpent because she makes us think.

The last thing a fascist regime wants is people who think.

They want that old time sheeple way, where they will do their S.S. type inquisition and jihad things.

what I said is not a guess, but a long established fact. All ancient mythology is built around this, and archeology fully confirms this. No serious scientist even doubts this.
Yes they do.

JANES is full of articles saying the exact same thing I am.

(JANES is the Journal of Ancient Near East Studies)
All fascist systems, including Christianity and Islam, hate the serpent because she makes us think.
It is curious that the Nazis did not have snake-fighting symbols, although they claimed the Aryan heritage. Some of Hitler's rhetoric was close to the Aryan culture, for example, he tried to revive the Tour, the Aryan totem of Great Bull. But everything that was in the official symbolism had nothing to do with the Aryans. The swastika is a Jain symbol, the fascia is Middle Roman, and the man with the wings is Assyrian, hostile to the Aryans.
I will not argue, anyone familiar with this question will laugh at it. There is no doubt about it
btw near eastern culture absolutely close to old-european
There were big problems because this culture gave rise to slavery, matriarchy, wars of conquest, bloody orgies and cannibalism.
I spoke on nature as the only worthy creator.

Slavery was a good thing back when. That is why no worthy wise man spoke against it.

This, in particular, was investigated by Gimbutas, a famous archaeologist, there are absolutely clear indications of this community, but she kept silent about the dark side of this culture, about traces of cannibalism, slavery and bloody orgies. She tried to defend a feminist point of view
It is curious that the Nazis did not have snake-fighting symbols,

They were Christian fascists and wore God is with us on their belt buckles.

They would not want a symbol that shows Loyal Opposition.

Fascist systems do not allow for any real opposition.

Black sheeple are slaughtered first.

So now that we've firmly established who actually is knowledgeable on the subject at hand...

Most of the nutty stuff in horrible accusations and in favor of the religious beliefs are actually those who are acting in complete ignorance.

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