Can you believe how broad and deep the panic and terror is coming from the GOP?

Scientists are wonderful people. They create new things out of old things all the time. But none of them have ever created a new thing out of nothing.

Like most of your sig:

America's new direction...(proposed)

Pull back from foreign entanglements (like Iraq and our insane involvement in the ME. Bush should have gone in, taken out BL and left like his father did.

Muscle up at home (military /infrastructure/economy) (we already spend more on our military than the next 10 countries combined. How much more do we need to spend?)

Man up to friend and foe (what does that mean? Please give an example.)

Lead (when Obama built a coalition of ME countries, that was a perfect example of leading. Bush's coalition had countries like Jamaica and el Salvador and every country we give money to. The problem is those ME countries all hate each other and every country is made from groups that hate each other. No one can lead them. We need to step back and let them figure it out on their own.)

New management required. (current management is fine. The problem is 8 disastrous years under the most ignorant GOP president since Reagan and then 6 years of Republicans punishing America for electing a black guy. Imagine, planning his downfall before he was even sworn in and telling us about it. So bold in their hatred.)
Bush's father didn't leave. And you can't leave a cancer, you must eliminate it. I agree we don't have to live in the ME to eliminate it. Lay down our terms...if they are violated , act to destroy the offender with a nuclear strike. No more small ball.

Nuclear strike against people who never attacked us? Who live on the other side of the world from us? That's insane. You know that, right? What gives us the right?

Sorry to disagree. Bush's father chased Saddam out of Kuwait and back into Iraq and then stopped at the border. He had the smarts to NOT invade Iraq and not waste American money in rebuilding a country that will only tear itself apart again because of sectarian violence. Then he brought our troops home. To me, he left.
Who knows had he killed Saddam the iraq war of W might never have happened and ISIS would not be Obabble's nail in his coffin as it now stands.

On the nuke thing...either the members of the unprecedented coalition solve the jihad problem....or we solve it for them....not with ROE a and small arms but with catestrophic attacks. It's time they solved their way or another
Clearly, if Saddam had been killed by Bush Sr., the mess in the ME would have happened that much sooner.
You have no way of knowing that. It could have been done with a single shot to the head. Avoided all the bloodshed. Same outcome? Doubtful.
It's understandable. For years they have been screaming about how incompetent government is. They have been cutting the size of government. They have no faith in science, technology or education. They think scientists are lazy people who live off their degrees. The overrated and worthless degrees they got from useless liberal colleges and universities.

But who else do they have to turn to? Pastor of their Church? Grandma?

Look at the facts. Two Americans out of hundreds of millions infected because they didn't follow protocol that they know works. Protocol that wasn't followed in Texas. Yea, THAT Texas. A state so dumb, they have to go to "liberal" states to find skilled workers. They don't even believe their own people are worth educating.

Republicans have done everything they can to hamstring this country. And now they are in full panic mode. Both hilarious and delicious. Too bad animals are the most dangerous when they are terrified and cornered.

Speaking of fear, I see how the Dems losing the Senate in a few weeks have you and your ilk clutching your pearls and trying to drum up bullshit to try and detract from your shortcomings. You're a good and faithful useful idiot rderp. Since there is nothing to fear, how about you go blow an ebola patient to show all of us intolerant knuckle draggers what unenlightened cretins we are. Moron.
Scientists are wonderful people. They create new things out of old things all the time. But none of them have ever created a new thing out of nothing.

Like most of your sig:

America's new direction...(proposed)

Pull back from foreign entanglements (like Iraq and our insane involvement in the ME. Bush should have gone in, taken out BL and left like his father did.

Muscle up at home (military /infrastructure/economy) (we already spend more on our military than the next 10 countries combined. How much more do we need to spend?)

Man up to friend and foe (what does that mean? Please give an example.)

Lead (when Obama built a coalition of ME countries, that was a perfect example of leading. Bush's coalition had countries like Jamaica and el Salvador and every country we give money to. The problem is those ME countries all hate each other and every country is made from groups that hate each other. No one can lead them. We need to step back and let them figure it out on their own.)

New management required. (current management is fine. The problem is 8 disastrous years under the most ignorant GOP president since Reagan and then 6 years of Republicans punishing America for electing a black guy. Imagine, planning his downfall before he was even sworn in and telling us about it. So bold in their hatred.)
Bush's father didn't leave. And you can't leave a cancer, you must eliminate it. I agree we don't have to live in the ME to eliminate it. Lay down our terms...if they are violated , act to destroy the offender with a nuclear strike. No more small ball.

Nuclear strike against people who never attacked us? Who live on the other side of the world from us? That's insane. You know that, right? What gives us the right?

Sorry to disagree. Bush's father chased Saddam out of Kuwait and back into Iraq and then stopped at the border. He had the smarts to NOT invade Iraq and not waste American money in rebuilding a country that will only tear itself apart again because of sectarian violence. Then he brought our troops home. To me, he left.
Who knows had he killed Saddam the iraq war of W might never have happened and ISIS would not be Obabble's nail in his coffin as it now stands.

On the nuke thing...either the members of the unprecedented coalition solve the jihad problem....or we solve it for them....not with ROE a and small arms but with catestrophic attacks. It's time they solved their way or another
Clearly, if Saddam had been killed by Bush Sr., the mess in the ME would have happened that much sooner.
Bush Sr was smart enough not to kick that "hornets nest" (especially not to just enrich offense contractors on the taxpayer dime :eusa_shhh: ). Didn't he write a book about why not to invade Iraq as well?
Like most of your sig:

America's new direction...(proposed)

Pull back from foreign entanglements (like Iraq and our insane involvement in the ME. Bush should have gone in, taken out BL and left like his father did.

Muscle up at home (military /infrastructure/economy) (we already spend more on our military than the next 10 countries combined. How much more do we need to spend?)

Man up to friend and foe (what does that mean? Please give an example.)

Lead (when Obama built a coalition of ME countries, that was a perfect example of leading. Bush's coalition had countries like Jamaica and el Salvador and every country we give money to. The problem is those ME countries all hate each other and every country is made from groups that hate each other. No one can lead them. We need to step back and let them figure it out on their own.)

New management required. (current management is fine. The problem is 8 disastrous years under the most ignorant GOP president since Reagan and then 6 years of Republicans punishing America for electing a black guy. Imagine, planning his downfall before he was even sworn in and telling us about it. So bold in their hatred.)
Bush's father didn't leave. And you can't leave a cancer, you must eliminate it. I agree we don't have to live in the ME to eliminate it. Lay down our terms...if they are violated , act to destroy the offender with a nuclear strike. No more small ball.

Nuclear strike against people who never attacked us? Who live on the other side of the world from us? That's insane. You know that, right? What gives us the right?

Sorry to disagree. Bush's father chased Saddam out of Kuwait and back into Iraq and then stopped at the border. He had the smarts to NOT invade Iraq and not waste American money in rebuilding a country that will only tear itself apart again because of sectarian violence. Then he brought our troops home. To me, he left.
Who knows had he killed Saddam the iraq war of W might never have happened and ISIS would not be Obabble's nail in his coffin as it now stands.

On the nuke thing...either the members of the unprecedented coalition solve the jihad problem....or we solve it for them....not with ROE a and small arms but with catestrophic attacks. It's time they solved their way or another
Clearly, if Saddam had been killed by Bush Sr., the mess in the ME would have happened that much sooner.
You have no way of knowing that. It could have been done with a single shot to the head. Avoided all the bloodshed. Same outcome? Doubtful.

Do you think if a single dictator disappears, things move on as if no one noticed he's gone?
It's understandable. For years they have been screaming about how incompetent government is. They have been cutting the size of government. They have no faith in science, technology or education. They think scientists are lazy people who live off their degrees. The overrated and worthless degrees they got from useless liberal colleges and universities.

But who else do they have to turn to? Pastor of their Church? Grandma?

Look at the facts. Two Americans out of hundreds of millions infected because they didn't follow protocol that they know works. Protocol that wasn't followed in Texas. Yea, THAT Texas. A state so dumb, they have to go to "liberal" states to find skilled workers. They don't even believe their own people are worth educating.

Republicans have done everything they can to hamstring this country. And now they are in full panic mode. Both hilarious and delicious. Too bad animals are the most dangerous when they are terrified and cornered.

Speaking of fear, I see how the Dems losing the Senate in a few weeks have you and your ilk clutching your pearls and trying to drum up bullshit to try and detract from your shortcomings. You're a good and faithful useful idiot rderp. Since there is nothing to fear, how about you go blow an ebola patient to show all of us intolerant knuckle draggers what unenlightened cretins we are. Moron.

Lose it to what? What do Republicans have to offer? We've seen nothing but failure since Reagan. Every single GOP policy is a failure and we know you can't say the same about the Democrats.
Bush's father didn't leave. And you can't leave a cancer, you must eliminate it. I agree we don't have to live in the ME to eliminate it. Lay down our terms...if they are violated , act to destroy the offender with a nuclear strike. No more small ball.

Nuclear strike against people who never attacked us? Who live on the other side of the world from us? That's insane. You know that, right? What gives us the right?

Sorry to disagree. Bush's father chased Saddam out of Kuwait and back into Iraq and then stopped at the border. He had the smarts to NOT invade Iraq and not waste American money in rebuilding a country that will only tear itself apart again because of sectarian violence. Then he brought our troops home. To me, he left.
Who knows had he killed Saddam the iraq war of W might never have happened and ISIS would not be Obabble's nail in his coffin as it now stands.

On the nuke thing...either the members of the unprecedented coalition solve the jihad problem....or we solve it for them....not with ROE a and small arms but with catestrophic attacks. It's time they solved their way or another
Clearly, if Saddam had been killed by Bush Sr., the mess in the ME would have happened that much sooner.
You have no way of knowing that. It could have been done with a single shot to the head. Avoided all the bloodshed. Same outcome? Doubtful.

Do you think if a single dictator disappears, things move on as if no one noticed he's gone?

I think the result of killing one man might be different than killing 200000 and destroying infrastructure and disrupting lives for a decade.
It's understandable. For years they have been screaming about how incompetent government is. They have been cutting the size of government. They have no faith in science, technology or education. They think scientists are lazy people who live off their degrees. The overrated and worthless degrees they got from useless liberal colleges and universities.

But who else do they have to turn to? Pastor of their Church? Grandma?

Look at the facts. Two Americans out of hundreds of millions infected because they didn't follow protocol that they know works. Protocol that wasn't followed in Texas. Yea, THAT Texas. A state so dumb, they have to go to "liberal" states to find skilled workers. They don't even believe their own people are worth educating.

Republicans have done everything they can to hamstring this country. And now they are in full panic mode. Both hilarious and delicious. Too bad animals are the most dangerous when they are terrified and cornered.

Speaking of fear, I see how the Dems losing the Senate in a few weeks have you and your ilk clutching your pearls and trying to drum up bullshit to try and detract from your shortcomings. You're a good and faithful useful idiot rderp. Since there is nothing to fear, how about you go blow an ebola patient to show all of us intolerant knuckle draggers what unenlightened cretins we are. Moron.

Lose it to what? What do Republicans have to offer? We've seen nothing but failure since Reagan. Every single GOP policy is a failure and we know you can't say the same about the Democrats.
I pray the rdean's of the world choose not to vote in the future. A balanced view of reality is essential to sustain the Republic.
The GObP has to deflect from the fact that their platform hasn't changed in 40 years:

1) tax cuts for the already wealthy
2) deregulation of polluters.
Nuclear strike against people who never attacked us? Who live on the other side of the world from us? That's insane. You know that, right? What gives us the right?

Sorry to disagree. Bush's father chased Saddam out of Kuwait and back into Iraq and then stopped at the border. He had the smarts to NOT invade Iraq and not waste American money in rebuilding a country that will only tear itself apart again because of sectarian violence. Then he brought our troops home. To me, he left.
Who knows had he killed Saddam the iraq war of W might never have happened and ISIS would not be Obabble's nail in his coffin as it now stands.

On the nuke thing...either the members of the unprecedented coalition solve the jihad problem....or we solve it for them....not with ROE a and small arms but with catestrophic attacks. It's time they solved their way or another
Clearly, if Saddam had been killed by Bush Sr., the mess in the ME would have happened that much sooner.
You have no way of knowing that. It could have been done with a single shot to the head. Avoided all the bloodshed. Same outcome? Doubtful.

Do you think if a single dictator disappears, things move on as if no one noticed he's gone?

I think the result of killing one man might be different than killing 200000 and destroying infrastructure and disrupting lives for a decade.

Killing thousands, destroying infrastructure and disrupting lives for a decade? Is this about Saddam or the GOP?
The GObP has to deflect from the fact that their platform hasn't changed in 40 years:

1) tax cuts for the already wealthy
2) deregulation of polluters.

There are more than that. Remove safety regulations, deregulate corporations and banks, stop healthcare, defund schools and so on. A lot more.
It's understandable. For years they have been screaming about how incompetent government is. They have been cutting the size of government. They have no faith in science, technology or education. They think scientists are lazy people who live off their degrees. The overrated and worthless degrees they got from useless liberal colleges and universities.

But who else do they have to turn to? Pastor of their Church? Grandma?

Look at the facts. Two Americans out of hundreds of millions infected because they didn't follow protocol that they know works. Protocol that wasn't followed in Texas. Yea, THAT Texas. A state so dumb, they have to go to "liberal" states to find skilled workers. They don't even believe their own people are worth educating.

Republicans have done everything they can to hamstring this country. And now they are in full panic mode. Both hilarious and delicious. Too bad animals are the most dangerous when they are terrified and cornered.

Speaking of fear, I see how the Dems losing the Senate in a few weeks have you and your ilk clutching your pearls and trying to drum up bullshit to try and detract from your shortcomings. You're a good and faithful useful idiot rderp. Since there is nothing to fear, how about you go blow an ebola patient to show all of us intolerant knuckle draggers what unenlightened cretins we are. Moron.

Lose it to what? What do Republicans have to offer? We've seen nothing but failure since Reagan. Every single GOP policy is a failure and we know you can't say the same about the Democrats.
I pray the rdean's of the world choose not to vote in the future. A balanced view of reality is essential to sustain the Republic.

Unfortunately, Republicans don't bring balance. They bring destruction. Name something good they have done for this country in the last 20 years. Something positive. It really is a simple request when you think about it.
I think you are safe in the mom's basement, so I can understand you lack of concern.

It is also a trait of the left wing to not care about that which does not effect them directly. Screw everyone else.

So you've heard the term 'bleeding-heart conservative' a lot where you're from?
It's understandable. For years they have been screaming about how incompetent government is. They have been cutting the size of government. They have no faith in science, technology or education. They think scientists are lazy people who live off their degrees. The overrated and worthless degrees they got from useless liberal colleges and universities.

But who else do they have to turn to? Pastor of their Church? Grandma?

Look at the facts. Two Americans out of hundreds of millions infected because they didn't follow protocol that they know works. Protocol that wasn't followed in Texas. Yea, THAT Texas. A state so dumb, they have to go to "liberal" states to find skilled workers. They don't even believe their own people are worth educating.

Republicans have done everything they can to hamstring this country. And now they are in full panic mode. Both hilarious and delicious. Too bad animals are the most dangerous when they are terrified and cornered.

Speaking of fear, I see how the Dems losing the Senate in a few weeks have you and your ilk clutching your pearls and trying to drum up bullshit to try and detract from your shortcomings. You're a good and faithful useful idiot rderp. Since there is nothing to fear, how about you go blow an ebola patient to show all of us intolerant knuckle draggers what unenlightened cretins we are. Moron.

Lose it to what? What do Republicans have to offer? We've seen nothing but failure since Reagan. Every single GOP policy is a failure and we know you can't say the same about the Democrats.
I pray the rdean's of the world choose not to vote in the future. A balanced view of reality is essential to sustain the Republic.

Unfortunately, Republicans don't bring balance. They bring destruction. Name something good they have done for this country in the last 20 years. Something positive. It really is a simple request when you think about it.
Held Obabble back from his commie agenda.
Held Obabble back from his commie agenda.[/QUOTE]

Is a growing wealth inequality gap part of a communist agenda?

Do you ever stop and think about what you're saying?
The GObP has to deflect from the fact that their platform hasn't changed in 40 years:

1) tax cuts for the already wealthy
2) deregulation of polluters.

That's why they are know as the white christian party
Who knows had he killed Saddam the iraq war of W might never have happened and ISIS would not be Obabble's nail in his coffin as it now stands.

On the nuke thing...either the members of the unprecedented coalition solve the jihad problem....or we solve it for them....not with ROE a and small arms but with catestrophic attacks. It's time they solved their way or another
Clearly, if Saddam had been killed by Bush Sr., the mess in the ME would have happened that much sooner.
You have no way of knowing that. It could have been done with a single shot to the head. Avoided all the bloodshed. Same outcome? Doubtful.

Do you think if a single dictator disappears, things move on as if no one noticed he's gone?

I think the result of killing one man might be different than killing 200000 and destroying infrastructure and disrupting lives for a decade.

Killing thousands, destroying infrastructure and disrupting lives for a decade? Is this about Saddam or the GOP?
lol CrusaderFrank AKA Frank1400PennAve can appreciate the irony in that ;)
It's understandable. For years they have been screaming about how incompetent government is. They have been cutting the size of government. They have no faith in science, technology or education. They think scientists are lazy people who live off their degrees. The overrated and worthless degrees they got from useless liberal colleges and universities.

But who else do they have to turn to? Pastor of their Church? Grandma?

Look at the facts. Two Americans out of hundreds of millions infected because they didn't follow protocol that they know works. Protocol that wasn't followed in Texas. Yea, THAT Texas. A state so dumb, they have to go to "liberal" states to find skilled workers. They don't even believe their own people are worth educating.

Republicans have done everything they can to hamstring this country. And now they are in full panic mode. Both hilarious and delicious. Too bad animals are the most dangerous when they are terrified and cornered.

Speaking of fear, I see how the Dems losing the Senate in a few weeks have you and your ilk clutching your pearls and trying to drum up bullshit to try and detract from your shortcomings. You're a good and faithful useful idiot rderp. Since there is nothing to fear, how about you go blow an ebola patient to show all of us intolerant knuckle draggers what unenlightened cretins we are. Moron.

Lose it to what? What do Republicans have to offer? We've seen nothing but failure since Reagan. Every single GOP policy is a failure and we know you can't say the same about the Democrats.
I pray the rdean's of the world choose not to vote in the future. A balanced view of reality is essential to sustain the Republic.

Unfortunately, Republicans don't bring balance. They bring destruction. Name something good they have done for this country in the last 20 years. Something positive. It really is a simple request when you think about it.

Let us not forget that from the beginning the democrat party has been the party of destruction, for real. Slavery, WW1, WW2, the Fed, Income tax, the war on poverty which has solved nothing..the list of democrat disasters is a long list.

As for Republicans,

From the beginning:

Formed to end the democrat party practice of slavery, successful.
Supported EVERY equal rights act from the reformation to today, very unlike the democrat party.
Women's right to vote
Construction of the Panama Canal
Construction of the Hoover Dam
Jessie Owens wins four gold medals in the Olympics, FDR and Truman snub him Eisenhower makes him Ambassador of Sports
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black American to play in the Major Leagues
Desegregating schools
The First Asian-American U.S. Senator
The Reagan tax cuts
Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Gulf War
Welfare reform
A Republican Congress balances the budget (1998-2001):
Retaliation in Afghanistan
Response to 9/11
Condi Rice becomes Secretary of State
The interstate transportation system under Eisenhower.
The EPA, under Nixon
The First Clean Water Act
Earned income credit, under Reagan
MLK's Birthday, under Reagan
No child left behind.
Prescription drug plan
Bush tax cuts
It's understandable. For years they have been screaming about how incompetent government is. They have been cutting the size of government. They have no faith in science, technology or education. They think scientists are lazy people who live off their degrees. The overrated and worthless degrees they got from useless liberal colleges and universities.

But who else do they have to turn to? Pastor of their Church? Grandma?

Look at the facts. Two Americans out of hundreds of millions infected because they didn't follow protocol that they know works. Protocol that wasn't followed in Texas. Yea, THAT Texas. A state so dumb, they have to go to "liberal" states to find skilled workers. They don't even believe their own people are worth educating.

Republicans have done everything they can to hamstring this country. And now they are in full panic mode. Both hilarious and delicious. Too bad animals are the most dangerous when they are terrified and cornered.

Speaking of fear, I see how the Dems losing the Senate in a few weeks have you and your ilk clutching your pearls and trying to drum up bullshit to try and detract from your shortcomings. You're a good and faithful useful idiot rderp. Since there is nothing to fear, how about you go blow an ebola patient to show all of us intolerant knuckle draggers what unenlightened cretins we are. Moron.

Lose it to what? What do Republicans have to offer? We've seen nothing but failure since Reagan. Every single GOP policy is a failure and we know you can't say the same about the Democrats.

Losing it? No. Your stoopitiy just never ceases to amaze me. Here's your problem. The American people have seen what the Democrats have offered over the past 6 years and decided that the Republicans weren't so bad after all. Once Harry Palpatine loses his position, we will see the "do nothing" Congress become unconstipated with a flow of held legislation finally seeing the light of day. Of course President Clueless will veto anything coming from the Senate, but that just sets the stage for taking the WH in 2016.Harry and Barry screwed the pooch one too many times. Sucks for you comrade.

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