Can you imagine the RW outrage if a democratic president signed so many exec. orders in 5 days?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I guess signing executive orders is no longer a fascist governing method according to the Rightwing.

If Hillary had won and used signed so many orders, the cons on this board would be throwing tantrums over it everyday. Hell the Rightwing threw tantrums over Obama's orders and yet his total was still lower than Bush's total number.

Of course when Trump signs so many orders in a few short days cons see it as "getting shit done". Of course any idiot can sign executive orders. It's not like the border wall will even get built lol. It's amazing how deluded USMB cons really are.
If Hillary had won and used signed so many orders, the cons on this board would be throwing tantrums over it everyday. Hell the Rightwing threw tantrums over Obama's orders and yet his total was still lower than Bush's total number.

Of course when Trump signs so many orders in a few short days cons see it as "getting shit done". Of course any idiot can sign executive orders. It's not like the border wall will even get built lol. It's amazing how deluded USMB cons really are.
Its pretty much just people engaged in the duopoly that don't have any consistency. Lets not be coy
It's amazing how deluded USMB cons really are.
There are nut jobs all over this place. You aren't far from it.
And we warned you, how would you like it if it was a Republican doing the same things Obama was doing? You all were dumb enough to believe a Republican would never win a Presidential election.
I guess signing executive orders is no longer a fascist governing method according to the Rightwing.

If Hillary had won and used signed so many orders, the cons on this board would be throwing tantrums over it everyday. Hell the Rightwing threw tantrums over Obama's orders and yet his total was still lower than Bush's total number.

Of course when Trump signs so many orders in a few short days cons see it as "getting shit done". Of course any idiot can sign executive orders. It's not like the border wall will even get built lol. It's amazing how deluded USMB cons really are.

So throw your own tantrum.

Go ahead.
The problem with Obama's exec orders was using them to bypass congress. While I haven't read all of trumps, as far as i can tell they aren't trying to do that.

Course it's still early.
And we warned you, how would you like it if it was a Republican doing the same things Obama was doing? You all were dumb enough to believe a Republican would never win a Presidential election.
Oh gee what a convenient position.
I guess signing executive orders is no longer a fascist governing method according to the Rightwing.

If Hillary had won and used signed so many orders, the cons on this board would be throwing tantrums over it everyday. Hell the Rightwing threw tantrums over Obama's orders and yet his total was still lower than Bush's total number.

Of course when Trump signs so many orders in a few short days cons see it as "getting shit done". Of course any idiot can sign executive orders. It's not like the border wall will even get built lol. It's amazing how deluded USMB cons really are.

So throw your own tantrum.

Go ahead.
I guess signing executive orders is no longer a fascist governing method according to the Rightwing.

If Hillary had won and used signed so many orders, the cons on this board would be throwing tantrums over it everyday. Hell the Rightwing threw tantrums over Obama's orders and yet his total was still lower than Bush's total number.

Of course when Trump signs so many orders in a few short days cons see it as "getting shit done". Of course any idiot can sign executive orders. It's not like the border wall will even get built lol. It's amazing how deluded USMB cons really are.

Dear Billy000:
Imagine the opposite situation:
What if Trump had been president before Obama,
and Trump UNCONSTITUTIONALLY issued a mandate declaring "right to life at conception"
to be the LAW of the LAND.

Then Obama comes in behind him and NIXES that
and VOIDS that executive order.

Then you'd have the opposite situation with the right screaming
and the left cheering.

But Billy, at the core, NEITHER President should be using or abusing
Executive Orders to DECLARE or MANDATE anything due to conflicts
in beliefs which aren't for federal govt to decide for the people.

Once you cross that line, then anything goes.
You are gambling with rights and beliefs to give authority
to ANY govt official to make such rulings or mandates on behalf of
people who by the Constitution should retain free exercise and choice of beliefs.

NOT Presidents. NOT Supreme Court Justices.
NOT any members whether minority or majority of Congress
free exercise of religion, which should include political beliefs
if we are going to be absolutely consistent in protecting people's rights equally.
No because we were expectinig him to in order to undo Obastards terror plans for America.
I guess signing executive orders is no longer a fascist governing method according to the Rightwing.

If Hillary had won and used signed so many orders, the cons on this board would be throwing tantrums over it everyday. Hell the Rightwing threw tantrums over Obama's orders and yet his total was still lower than Bush's total number.

Of course when Trump signs so many orders in a few short days cons see it as "getting shit done". Of course any idiot can sign executive orders. It's not like the border wall will even get built lol. It's amazing how deluded USMB cons really are.

Yep, especially if his EOs were unraveling the EOs of the previous President. Boo freaking boo.
Apparently, President Trump does have a pen also. Life is a bitch ain't it?
You seem to be agitated....
Trump said he was going to do it...likely why he is POTUS and Cankles is ....well probably drunk
And we warned you, how would you like it if it was a Republican doing the same things Obama was doing? You all were dumb enough to believe a Republican would never win a Presidential election.
Oh gee what a convenient position.

Yes, always being right is quite convenient.
Denying your hypocrisy is easy to do.
What hypocrisy are you talking about? Oh..the one what you are displaying?
I see meltdown on the horizon....approaching rapidly and accelerating....:badgrin:
Nothing to see here.

Just your typical liberal loon troll thread. .... :cool:
You just know I'm right.

Actually you are completely WRONG, MOST of the exec orders Trump has passed were to reverse the oshit overreach orders and to return to enforcement of the LAW. The WALL was already passed by both houses of congress so that was just Starting an approved program. another liberal BS leap to death.
I guess signing executive orders is no longer a fascist governing method according to the Rightwing.

If Hillary had won and used signed so many orders, the cons on this board would be throwing tantrums over it everyday. Hell the Rightwing threw tantrums over Obama's orders and yet his total was still lower than Bush's total number.

Of course when Trump signs so many orders in a few short days cons see it as "getting shit done". Of course any idiot can sign executive orders. It's not like the border wall will even get built lol. It's amazing how deluded USMB cons really are.
Karma is a bitch.
I guess signing executive orders is no longer a fascist governing method according to the Rightwing.

If Hillary had won and used signed so many orders, the cons on this board would be throwing tantrums over it everyday. Hell the Rightwing threw tantrums over Obama's orders and yet his total was still lower than Bush's total number.

Of course when Trump signs so many orders in a few short days cons see it as "getting shit done". Of course any idiot can sign executive orders. It's not like the border wall will even get built lol. It's amazing how deluded USMB cons really are.
Partisans are hypocrites. They scream when the other "side" does it, they excuse when their "side" does it.

That's part of the job description, isn't it?

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