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Can you name anything your favorite candidate has accomplished ..........

Actually, "status quo" is latin for keepig the current state of affairs. The current state of affairs is obviously lax border security and illegals running amok in are streets and causing absolute pandemonium. So by the definition of the word, wouldn't the right"s position of enforcment actually be a liberal argumnent for change?

Semantics aside, the point is we absolutely need more border security. McCain's plan calls for this. However, in today's world, how do we actually secure the border?

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

I guess this doesn't apply any longer.

You got one word correct ... "semantics." The conservative position of enforcement would be conservative since it indicates enforcing currently-existing law.

McCain's plan calls for giving amnesty to illegals already here. Unacceptable, and I explained why. A logical conclusion you have chosen to not address.

"Give me your tired, your porr, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" is as antiquated as the mule-drawn plow. It was great when this WAS the land of opportunity. It no longer is.

That however, is a separate argument. As it pertains to this one, I'm not complaining about anyone who enters this country in accordance with current immigration laws. That's not what this is about at all.
"Give me your tired, your porr, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" is as antiquated as the mule-drawn plow. It was great when this WAS the land of opportunity. It no longer is.

I have to strongly disagree with you on this one, Gunny.

America IS the land of opportunity. That's why so many people risk their lives to come live here, even illegally.

America is a fabulous, fantastic country of tremendous opportunity.
That just about qualifies him to be a good military commander. What's he done as a politician?

If John Kerry's Vietnam War record was irrelevant, so is McCain's. I tolerate double standards less from my own side of the aisle than the other.

Kerry's military record was largely fraudulent and lasted only a few months, McCain's was legit and lasted many long years.

Campaign finance reform is probably his biggest political accomplishment.
I have to strongly disagree with you on this one, Gunny.

America IS the land of opportunity. That's why so many people risk their lives to come live here, even illegally.

America is a fabulous, fantastic country of tremendous opportunity.

You are entitled to you opinion. I disagree. The opportunities are finite, and US citizens should be afforded first crack at them.
Kerry's military record was largely fraudulent and lasted only a few months, McCain's was legit and lasted many long years.

Campaign finance reform is probably his biggest political accomplishment.

Whether or not Kerry's military record was fraudulent has not been proven with any actual evidence. Having said that, his KNOWN actions while in the military are easily questioned.

The point to my comment however is, Kerry wasted his time trying to run on his military service (it backfired as a matter of fact), and I believe McCain will be doing the same.

Certainly service goes to credibility; however, where they stand and have voted on political issues historically is FAR more relevant to the topic since Kerry was and McCain currently is seeking the Presidency of the US.
Whether or not Kerry's military record was fraudulent has not been proven with any actual evidence. Having said that, his KNOWN actions while in the military are easily questioned.

The point to my comment however is, Kerry wasted his time trying to run on his military service (it backfired as a matter of fact), and I believe McCain will be doing the same.

Certainly service goes to credibility; however, where they stand and have voted on political issues historically is FAR more relevant to the topic since Kerry was and McCain currently is seeking the Presidency of the US.

Kerry's decision to tout his military record backfired because it was such a TINY portion of his life...a few MONTHS...and it had nothing do with defining who he was. In fact, it was his turning on the military after came home that probably caused the backfire....he simply made no sense.

McCain's military record, however, DEFINES him as a man. It was a HUGE part of his life and shaped most everything he stands for. As for his politics, most conservatives will hold their nose and vote for him but the centrist independents, once it becomes clear just how hard left Obama really is (even further left than Kerry...).
McCain's plan calls for giving amnesty to illegals already here. Unacceptable, and I explained why. A logical conclusion you have chosen to not address.

Unnacceptable? Then offer a solution. Round them up? Ship them back? These are the options that are unnacceptable. This is still the land of oppurtunity. The liberals have made it so, with there social programs that give free healthcare, free education, and free social security. If Mexico were giving away free shit, I'd ilegally immigrate there. But they aren't. The SCOTUS has already given any person in this country, legal or not, due process. This is not likely to be rescinded. This being the case, how would you like make the first payment on the new housing facilities (ie prisons, internment camps) that it would take to house 15 million plus, while they plead their case before an immigration court. How would we pay the extra immigration court personnel (ie public defenders, judges, detention officers, INS officers) that it would take to process the mass deportations that you so envision.

So I pose the question again. If you don't like amnesty, then what would your solution be?
Kerry's decision to tout his military record backfired because it was such a TINY portion of his life...a few MONTHS...and it had nothing do with defining who he was. In fact, it was his turning on the military after came home that probably caused the backfire....he simply made no sense.

McCain's military record, however, DEFINES him as a man. It was a HUGE part of his life and shaped most everything he stands for. As for his politics, most conservatives will hold their nose and vote for him but the centrist independents, once it becomes clear just how hard left Obama really is (even further left than Kerry...).

I understand what you are saying; however, McCain's military record, no matter how distinguished, does NOT define him as a politician. I'm not slighting him in any way, and as I previously stated, it does define his character. We're on the same page there.

I just believe that since he is a politician seeking a political position, his political record is more important.
McCain's plan calls for giving amnesty to illegals already here. Unacceptable, and I explained why. A logical conclusion you have chosen to not address.

Gunny, will you consider bringing this to one of your local GOP meetings, and introducing it?

Milwaukee's GOP is endorsing this. http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_patrick__080209_milwaukee_gop_to_vot.htm

Myself, along with a couple others, got together on this idea and helped get the wording right, to where any conservative would be exposed as a fraud if they didn't endorse it.

Some here question OpEdNews's credibility, but in this case I can personally guarantee this story is accurate, as I was a part of the creation of the resolution. It's been going viral not just online, but in real life grassroots action.

Please consider it, you never know just how much impact one person can have.
Unnacceptable? Then offer a solution. Round them up? Ship them back? These are the options that are unnacceptable. This is still the land of oppurtunity. The liberals have made it so, with there social programs that give free healthcare, free education, and free social security. If Mexico were giving away free shit, I'd ilegally immigrate there. But they aren't. The SCOTUS has already given any person in this country, legal or not, due process. This is not likely to be rescinded. This being the case, how would you like make the first payment on the new housing facilities (ie prisons, internment camps) that it would take to house 15 million plus, while they plead their case before an immigration court. How would we pay the extra immigration court personnel (ie public defenders, judges, detention officers, INS officers) that it would take to process the mass deportations that you so envision.

So I pose the question again. If you don't like amnesty, then what would your solution be?

Your sensationalist, mass roundup is not necessary. When you catch them, deport them. Simple as that. Combined with an enforced border, it can be just as effective as we want it to be.

You want to give them amnesty so they can be the "new" poverty-level US citizens that we have to support with our taxes while the unscrupulous employers just fire them because they won't pay them minimum wage nor give them any benefits and hire more and different illegals?

Your solution does nothing but perpetuate the problem and add even more burden the social infrastructure.
Gunny, will you consider bringing this to one of your local GOP meetings, and introducing it?

Milwaukee's GOP is endorsing this. http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_patrick__080209_milwaukee_gop_to_vot.htm

Myself, along with a couple others, got together on this idea and helped get the wording right, to where any conservative would be exposed as a fraud if they didn't endorse it.

Some here question OpEdNews's credibility, but in this case I can personally guarantee this story is accurate, as I was a part of the creation of the resolution. It's been going viral not just online, but in real life grassroots action.

Please consider it, you never know just how much impact one person can have.

The GOP candidate running in my congressional district is staunch on border enforcement.

Unnacceptable? Then offer a solution. Round them up? Ship them back? These are the options that are unnacceptable. This is still the land of oppurtunity. The liberals have made it so, with there social programs that give free healthcare, free education, and free social security. If Mexico were giving away free shit, I'd ilegally immigrate there. But they aren't. The SCOTUS has already given any person in this country, legal or not, due process. This is not likely to be rescinded. This being the case, how would you like make the first payment on the new housing facilities (ie prisons, internment camps) that it would take to house 15 million plus, while they plead their case before an immigration court. How would we pay the extra immigration court personnel (ie public defenders, judges, detention officers, INS officers) that it would take to process the mass deportations that you so envision.

So I pose the question again. If you don't like amnesty, then what would your solution be?

At the VERY LEAST they all have to be rounded up to be documented. Don't think we can really deport 12,000,000 people. It's just not logistically feasible. But we can get them all documented, and cut off from all government benefits. At least we will know who they are, something about where they are and they won't be sucking on a tit meant for dependent citizens.

But security always comes first. We can't solve the problem until we cut off the source by stopping the inflow. Get our hands around that, first. At some point we have to have a fast track citizenship track because the need is there for these people. IT can't take 5-10 years like it does today. That's just lunacy and part of why so many don't even try.
The GOP candidate running in my congressional district is staunch on border enforcement.


That's great and all, but what about working towards keeping McCain from getting elected?

I realize you would hate to see a Dem in the Oval Office, but what's the difference between a Dem and McCain, really..

You can sit the election out, and instead of voting to "make a difference", you can do something ELSE to make a difference.

McCain will put the last nail in the coffin of what we know as the United States of America. Let's not let it happen.
Your sensationalist, mass roundup is not necessary. When you catch them, deport them. Simple as that. Combined with an enforced border, it can be just as effective as we want it to be.

So basically, we just do what we are doing. We build a big ass fence and keep chasing mexicans around so that in 15 years we might have caught all of the evil bastards(please note the heavy sarcasm).

I get what you are saying, but McCain's plan is just as plausible as yours. Sometimes the status quo needs to change. If we maintain the status quo, then we have 15 million non-citizens drwaing welfare and collecting food stamps for nothing. If we make them naturalized citizens, then they can at least some will get jobs and pay taxes. I'll take amnesty over apathy.
At the VERY LEAST they all have to be rounded up to be documented. Don't think we can really deport 12,000,000 people. It's just not logistically feasible. But we can get them all documented, and cut off from all government benefits. At least we will know who they are, something about where they are and they won't be sucking on a tit meant for dependent citizens.

But security always comes first. We can't solve the problem until we cut off the source by stopping the inflow. Get our hands around that, first. At some point we have to have a fast track citizenship track because the need is there for these people. IT can't take 5-10 years like it does today. That's just lunacy and part of why so many don't even try.

I completely agree.
That's great and all, but what about working towards keeping McCain from getting elected?

I realize you would hate to see a Dem in the Oval Office, but what's the difference between a Dem and McCain, really..

You can sit the election out, and instead of voting to "make a difference", you can do something ELSE to make a difference.

McCain will put the last nail in the coffin of what we know as the United States of America. Let's not let it happen.

I'm not quite getting it here. You want to cut the GOP's throat just to keep McCain out? I don't see how if you see him as bad, you're willing to allow either of the two Dems being offered into office?
That's great and all, but what about working towards keeping McCain from getting elected?

I realize you would hate to see a Dem in the Oval Office, but what's the difference between a Dem and McCain, really..

You can sit the election out, and instead of voting to "make a difference", you can do something ELSE to make a difference.

McCain will put the last nail in the coffin of what we know as the United States of America. Let's not let it happen.

You make it sound as if a McCain presidency would be the end of the world. We survived Reagan and in 1980, he was absolutely moderate. Evem by today's political standards, Reagan was moderate, yet he is heralded as the conservative standard that the GOP rallys around. Give McCain a chance, he might surprise. At least wait until the general debate begins before you make a decision.
So basically, we just do what we are doing. We build a big ass fence and keep chasing mexicans around so that in 15 years we might have caught all of the evil bastards(please note the heavy sarcasm).

I get what you are saying, but McCain's plan is just as plausible as yours. Sometimes the status quo needs to change. If we maintain the status quo, then we have 15 million non-citizens drwaing welfare and collecting food stamps for nothing. If we make them naturalized citizens, then they can at least some will get jobs and pay taxes. I'll take amnesty over apathy.

Not at all. Doing what we are doing consists of turning a blind eye to the topic as often as possible. Actually enforcing the laws we have would be a pleasant departure from that.

I don't consider McCain's plan as plausible as mine simply because his plan exacerbates the problem, it doesn't solve it in any way. Illegals currently are not collecting wellfare and foodstamps -- they can't legally. They are being paid cash wages below or at minimum wage, but they are not paying taxes. In the meantime, they cannot be turned away at hospitals and if they drop a kid in this country, that kid goes to school and IS eligible for all of those social entitlements.

They all come out of OUR wallets.

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