Can you swim?

I've come close to drowning - twice. The more recent experience had my life flashing before me. It was that close. I'll swim if I have to, but I've always considered it too much work for very little accomplishment. I do not like the water, Sam I Am.
i love when your buddy turns to you and goes....look i will punch you out in a heartbeat if you panic......i am always like...gee now i feel so much better...
I've come close to drowning - twice. The more recent experience had my life flashing before me. It was that close. I'll swim if I have to, but I've always considered it too much work for very little accomplishment. I do not like the water, Sam I Am.

Came close once. Tubing the Guadalupe river and wiped out on Horseshoe falls.
Unfortunately when I tried to pop up a rubber raft was above me. The damn thing followed me as I was being washed down river so every time I tried to come up...there it was.
Scared the crap out of me for sure.
I can go beyond all of what Rightwinger's listed in his OP. Me and my two younger brothers were all taught to swim by my uncle Keith in a large gravel pit that'd been filled with water. The army taught me life saving techniques. Even though I smoke, on our last holiday abroad I proved to the missus that I can still swim over 25 yards under water without coming up for air.
I learned how to swim as a young kid and still can do all the things on the list. this: The better swimmer you are, the less benefit you get from swimming.

I see people who are obese and totally out of shape in the lap pool at the gym, swimming lap after lap, completely relaxed and gliding through the water like dolphins.

I'm can swim well enough, but not very well. I swim two or three laps and I'm exhausted - but I've gotten a good - albeit brief - workout, as compared to the whales described above. this: The better swimmer you are, the less benefit you get from swimming.

I see people who are obese and totally out of shape in the lap pool at the gym, swimming lap after lap, completely relaxed and gliding through the water like dolphins.

I'm can swim well enough, but not very well. I swim two or three laps and I'm exhausted - but I've gotten a good - albeit brief - workout, as compared to the whales described above.

What I was told about the exercise most effective in a swimming pool is to go to the shallow end and walk through the water, NOT using your arms to help propel you.
Can I swim?


...well, not really.

The moment I finished watching Jaws was the moment this turkey gave up showers forevermore.

And it has nothing to do with almost being sucked into the propeller blades of a small yacht when I was 8, either.

I'll let you soak my big feet in a basin of water, though. That's about it. ;)
Can I swim?


...well, not really.

The moment I finished watching Jaws was the moment this turkey gave up showers forevermore.

And it has nothing to do with almost being sucked into the propeller blades of a small yacht when I was 8, either.

I'll let you soak my big feet in a basin of water, though. That's about it. ;)

The ol boat prop thing has always made me nervous. My last boat didnt have a ladder like the new one,so you'd put your foot on on the plate just above the prop and climb the motor. I'd get the heeby jeebies every time I climbed into that damn thing.:eusa_pray:
it is funny all those years at the pool and i still cant swim....and yes people give me hell for not swimming....and always offer to teach me how....

According to Koshercunt, since you can't swim...your parents are imbeciles and you were a throw away child.
But I can swim like a fish!
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Love to swim. Grew up in SFlorida. I'm pretty much drown proof. Drown proofed my kids when they were young.

We can all float face down, half breast stroke your head up for a breath, then back to floating for as long as necessary in rough or clear water.

The only water I'd be worried about would slamming onto corals or in ice cold conditions past your waist.

Free diving with a mask & fins is fun stuff.
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Love to swim. Grew up in SFlorida. I'm pretty much drown proof. Drown proofed my kids when they were young. Drownproofing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We can all float face down, half breast stroke your head up for a breath, then back to floating for as long as necessary in rough or clear water.

The only water I'd be worried about would slamming onto corals or in ice cold conditions past your waist.

Free diving with a mask & fins is fun stuff.

Dead mans float. Can do it until you have to sleep. Then it's a permanent night,night!

My ex fiance and I were hanging out and swimming at Turtle Head on Canyon Lake when a bunch of mexican dudes showed up and tried to lower their ice chest full of beer down the cliff. They ended up dropping the whole ice chest into the water,the beer being bottled sank like stones. They asked how deep the water was and I told them around 160ft. Of course they said to hell with it and left. My buddies and I sat there awhile and said fuck it lets see if any caught on a shelf. Dived down to around forty foot and found about two cases on the ledge in complete darkness. Total score as we were around 17 and were running out of brew. The best part? Found a three inch fossilized tooth of some kind while feeling around for beer. Still dont know what the hell it came from.
Waterfalls and such can create whirlpools that will take you down to the bottom and pin you there.
I liveD in the desert.

Unlike the fictional inner city people who you claim never get near water, I have actually moved around enough during my life to have been exposed to various and assorted bodies of water...that you claim black people never see.

Yes! I now live on the coast..which is where I started out. But then (hang on, this may be hard to believe) we moved to the HIGH desert...where people (and my school) had POOLS! Yes, it's true. Though it does strain the bonds of credulity.

When I lived in the desert...there were sometimes things called *rivers* and *reservoirs*. Oh..and POOLS.

See unlike the black people you claim have never been exposed to water, I have led a supremely pampered life...and have come into contact with water. My mother thought it was important that learn to swim, in case I ever came into contact with water, you know... so learn I did.
I liveD in the desert.

Unlike the fictional inner city people who you claim never get near water, I have actually moved around enough during my life to have been exposed to various and assorted bodies of water...that you claim black people never see.

Yes! I now live on the coast..which is where I started out. But then (hang on, this may be hard to believe) we moved to the HIGH desert...where people (and my school) had POOLS! Yes, it's true. Though it does strain the bonds of credulity.

When I lived in the desert...there were sometimes things called *rivers* and *reservoirs*. Oh..and POOLS.

See unlike the black people you claim have never been exposed to water, I have led a supremely pampered life...and have come into contact with water. My mother thought it was important that learn to swim, in case I ever came into contact with water, you know... so learn I did.

Again, you lying **** never made the claims you say I made. How pathetic of you to have to lie to spread your racist nonsense. I wonder why you aren't spewing your nonsense that any person who can't swim is a throw away kid. I wonder why you aren't claiming that parents that don't teach their kids to swim are imbeciles like you did in the other thread. I wonder...could it be that you are only referring to blacks you ****.

BTW, a waterfall isn't going to create a whirlpool and pin you under you fucking idiot. But you should go swim near a dam...that will pull you under.

Stupid ****.

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