Can you swim?

Waterfalls and such can create whirlpools that will take you down to the bottom and pin you there.

How would you know, koshercunt, you live in the desert.

Aren't you a nasty piece of work.

This is how I treat racists that call all blacks imbeciles. I wonder why you won't call out white racists? You demand all blacks condemn Sharpton, yet you defend racists like Koshercunt. How telling.
I liveD in the desert.

Unlike the fictional inner city people who you claim never get near water, I have actually moved around enough during my life to have been exposed to various and assorted bodies of water...that you claim black people never see.

Yes! I now live on the coast..which is where I started out. But then (hang on, this may be hard to believe) we moved to the HIGH desert...where people (and my school) had POOLS! Yes, it's true. Though it does strain the bonds of credulity.

When I lived in the desert...there were sometimes things called *rivers* and *reservoirs*. Oh..and POOLS.

See unlike the black people you claim have never been exposed to water, I have led a supremely pampered life...and have come into contact with water. My mother thought it was important that learn to swim, in case I ever came into contact with water, you know... so learn I did.

Again, you lying **** never made the claims you say I made. How pathetic of you to have to lie to spread your racist nonsense. I wonder why you aren't spewing your nonsense that any person who can't swim is a throw away kid. I wonder why you aren't claiming that parents that don't teach their kids to swim are imbeciles like you did in the other thread. I wonder...could it be that you are only referring to blacks you ****.

BTW, a waterfall isn't going to create a whirlpool and pin you under you fucking idiot. But you should go swim near a dam...that will pull you under.

Stupid ****.

^^creepy racist stalker.

Yes, a waterfall can certainly pin you under.

I know this because I have actually been in and around water.

Unlike you and schlep who maintain your *genetic* memory makes you abhor all things wet.

" ...hydraulic current develops where water flows over a dam or waterfall with enough volume and force to create a backwave that returns, on the surface, to the obstruction over which the water just flowed. Hydraulics are recirculating currents that are produced when water dropping over an obstruction plunges to the bottom of the river with such force that it sets up a cylindrical wave that returns to the surface and turns back toward the drop that caused it. Depending upon the height of the drop and the volume of water that is plunging over it, a hydraulic current can be very strong and can, in fact, be a "keeper" that grabs paddlers and boats, then refuses to let them go."
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My father did two very good things for me. One was that he started taking me to the library when I was very young, and he read to me nearly every night at bed time. He instilled in me a love of reading. He also made sure I learned how to swim, taking me to Red Cross swimming lessons at the local municipal pool. During the summer, he took us swimming in a near by river, and we took our summer vacation every year at the Oregon Coast, where he taught us to body surf, something he'd learned spending the war in Hawaii, and yes, he was there during the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He was a good father. I have a love of swimming too. I swim often for exercise and pleasure; for the past 7 years, I've lived in buildings with pools. When I go on holiday/vacation, it is most often someplace on the sea where I can swim too. Love the water.
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I liveD in the desert.

Unlike the fictional inner city people who you claim never get near water, I have actually moved around enough during my life to have been exposed to various and assorted bodies of water...that you claim black people never see.

Yes! I now live on the coast..which is where I started out. But then (hang on, this may be hard to believe) we moved to the HIGH desert...where people (and my school) had POOLS! Yes, it's true. Though it does strain the bonds of credulity.

When I lived in the desert...there were sometimes things called *rivers* and *reservoirs*. Oh..and POOLS.

See unlike the black people you claim have never been exposed to water, I have led a supremely pampered life...and have come into contact with water. My mother thought it was important that learn to swim, in case I ever came into contact with water, you know... so learn I did.

Again, you lying **** never made the claims you say I made. How pathetic of you to have to lie to spread your racist nonsense. I wonder why you aren't spewing your nonsense that any person who can't swim is a throw away kid. I wonder why you aren't claiming that parents that don't teach their kids to swim are imbeciles like you did in the other thread. I wonder...could it be that you are only referring to blacks you ****.

BTW, a waterfall isn't going to create a whirlpool and pin you under you fucking idiot. But you should go swim near a dam...that will pull you under.

Stupid ****.

^^creepy racist stalker.

Yes, a waterfall can certainly pin you under.

I know this because I have actually been in and around water.

Unlike you and schlep who maintain your *genetic* memory makes you abhor all things wet.

I live on the beach, you dumb ****. Go make up some more lies.

"Capt. Webb, the champion swimmer, who successfully swam the British Channel, was drowned in the Whirlpool Rapids; in the Niagara River, to-day. "

Near Death Experience Beyond the Veil puts a new perspective on dying and rebirth

"...portage 100 yards over the rocks down the riverbank or take our chances with the hydraulic.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"This is a churning white water phenomena caused by a deep hole beneath a waterfall, this time with about a 5-6 foot drop due to low water level. It tends to suck anything that crosses over into itself and not let go unless it can be cleanly cleared. There were a couple of broken kayaks along the shore attesting to its destructive powers. "[/FONT]

"I felt myself slipping off the edge and being pulled down by the waterfall. One of the men grabbed my arm at the last second as I went over but now I was caught between the raft and the rocks, with the force of the waterfall pouring down on my head and the circulating action of the hydraulic pushing me up and pulling me down. They were trying to pull me back into the raft, but the most they could do was enable me to catch an occasional quick breath before I was sucked down again. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place!
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Very consciously and very calmly, I knew I was going to die. It was just a matter of how."[/FONT]
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I don't like it when lunatics spread misinformation about safety issues.
How would you know, koshercunt, you live in the desert.

Aren't you a nasty piece of work.

This is how I treat racists that call all blacks imbeciles. I wonder why you won't call out white racists? You demand all blacks condemn Sharpton, yet you defend racists like Koshercunt. How telling.

Not to worried. You're fucking yourself over. Keep it up,because I really dont give a fuck.
It cracks me up that I can go to my favorite Cajun place which is full of blacks and we get along just fine. Hell, we take turns buying drinks. Then I encounter dumb fucks like you and thank God the black people here in the south are nothing like you.
They aren't *******,they're just people I hang out with.
Aren't you a nasty piece of work.

This is how I treat racists that call all blacks imbeciles. I wonder why you won't call out white racists? You demand all blacks condemn Sharpton, yet you defend racists like Koshercunt. How telling.

Not to worried. You're fucking yourself over. Keep it up,because I really dont give a fuck.
It cracks me up that I can go to my favorite Cajun place which is full of blacks and we get along just fine. Hell, we take turns buying drinks. Then I encounter dumb fucks like you and thank God the black people here in the south are nothing like you.
They aren't *******,they're just people I hang out with.

LOL...nothing like what? I call out a white racist and I am a ******. I call out Sharpton and I am okay? Dumb ass. Go to your cajun restaurant and show them your posts. I am sure when they disagree with you, they will turn into ******* real quick, you asswipe.
This is how I treat racists that call all blacks imbeciles. I wonder why you won't call out white racists? You demand all blacks condemn Sharpton, yet you defend racists like Koshercunt. How telling.

Not to worried. You're fucking yourself over. Keep it up,because I really dont give a fuck.
It cracks me up that I can go to my favorite Cajun place which is full of blacks and we get along just fine. Hell, we take turns buying drinks. Then I encounter dumb fucks like you and thank God the black people here in the south are nothing like you.
They aren't *******,they're just people I hang out with.

LOL...nothing like what? I call out a white racist and I am a ******. I call out Sharpton and I am okay? Dumb ass. Go to your cajun restaurant and show them your posts. I am sure when they disagree with you, they will turn into ******* real quick, you asswipe.
You shouldn't use the 'c' word. You degrade yourself and women doing so. It is as bad as a white person using the 'n' word. I have no respect for any man who uses either of those words. Anyway, I'm done here; you fools have ruined this thread by bringing race into it.
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Not to worried. You're fucking yourself over. Keep it up,because I really dont give a fuck.
It cracks me up that I can go to my favorite Cajun place which is full of blacks and we get along just fine. Hell, we take turns buying drinks. Then I encounter dumb fucks like you and thank God the black people here in the south are nothing like you.
They aren't *******,they're just people I hang out with.

LOL...nothing like what? I call out a white racist and I am a ******. I call out Sharpton and I am okay? Dumb ass. Go to your cajun restaurant and show them your posts. I am sure when they disagree with you, they will turn into ******* real quick, you asswipe.
You shouldn't use the 'c' word. You degrade yourself and women doing so. It as bad as a white person using the 'n' word. I have no respect for any man who uses either of those words.

Sometimes a ****** is a ******, a wigger is a wigger, a redneck is a redneck and a **** is a ****. Useless people are useless people and need to be defined as such. I am sorry the c word is offensive to you. Koshergirl is a ****...a fake christian, a liar, a racist and a ****.

As for swimming, a great workout...relaxing and refreshing.
And nutz is aptly named.

I never said blacks were imbeciles. I said that blacks who fail to teach their children to swim are imbeciles...and I said that people who claim that the fact that black children are 5x as likely to drown as other groups is a non-issue when it comes to swimming lessons, are imbeciles.

So I said nutz is an imbecile.

And I think it's fairly evident to everybody that that is a statement of fact.
So guys...race is irrelevant...can you swim?

I can.

It ain't pretty.

But I won't least for the first 20 minutes.

Swimming is a valuable skill. In many parts of the world people - ESPECIALLY women, who often are garbed for modesty, never learn to swim.

Disasters happen, refugee boats and ferries sink. People drown.
I love to swim although it has been a few years since I have. Last place I got to do so was in Maui...about 7 years ago.

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