Can you swim?

I taught a kid to swim. He was about 4 years old and his parents were at the pool, lounging in the sun while the kid ran around. :eek:

So I asked them why they had not taught him and they said he was too afraid of the water. Um. Ok. Not.

I asked if I could get him UNafraid of the water, would they teach him and they said sure. (eyeroll at their attitudes). So...I get some money from my beach bag I brought to the pool and ask the kid if he wants a dollar. He says SURE!! So..I play the quarter on the first step that leads into the pool. He happily sits on the edge, plucks it from about 4 inches of water. I place the next quarter on the next step. He doesn't even think about it...he plops his butt down on the first step, reaches in, plucks the second quarter. By this time the parents are sitting up and watching intently. I then place the 3rd quarter on the third step. Uh oh. This one makes him get in where the water is at his chest. I tell him to hold the rail, take a deep breath, reach with his hand and get that money! No hesitation. He does as I said. He is mighty proud of himself. I take the 4th it on the bottom step. I am beside him. Parents are now at the edge of the pool, not saying anything..just watching. Kid looks at me...starting to get afraid. Before he does, I laugh and say it is SUCH fun to swim and this dollar will be great for ice cream. I tell him to hold the rail! Then take a deeper breath, push down and open his eyes! He hesitates for a second, then does it. I am thrilled. I go down with him, watch, and he plucks the coin from the bottom step then pops up like a cork still holding the rail. Yippee! YOu did it, I said! He laughed in delight, his parents were whooping and I said "now teach him more" and I got out. They all were happily on the steps, and he was having a blast.

Parents should always teach kids to swim.
I taught my stepsons and my two youngest in my sister's Olympic size in-ground pool...they also had lessons almost every summer.
They all had lessons, as well.

The kids are also participating in the watershed council day-camp this year...whic means they will kayak and I believe they'll get some scuba diving time too.
I always wanted to scuba dive but I can't. Ears won't take it. So...I snorkel. Well, when I am in Maui.

Used to kayak too out in the bay. Don't do that any more either. I miss swimming.
Swimming is one of the best ways to exercise. Taught myself how to swim at the Y before my session for swimming lessons came up. Worked as a life guard for 2 summers. Had to pass a similar test in the military in a pool with full uniform on.

Swimming with clothes on is a bitch. I imagine swimming with combat boots would be a royal bitch.
Closest I've come to that was wearing hiking boots.

You had to learn to swim in the Navy or else you din't graduate, I grew up 2 blocks from the beach an 2 blocks from the bay and learned to swim at 5 , My son went to a place called water baby's at 6 month old an took to the water like a fish , there is no fear at that age
My old school had swimming lessons once a week.
We did all the bits in the OP and more.
ALL schools should do this.
If not, why did you never learn?
Can you pass a basic survival test?

Many swimmers come up short in water-safety skills

Competency with all five —
-floating or treading water for one minute without a flotation device;
-stepping or jumping into water over your head and returning to the surface;
- treading water or floating in a full circle and then finding a way out of the water;
- exiting a pool without using a ladder;
- swimming 25 yards (the length of a standard pool) without stopping —

is essential to being able to help yourself in a pool or open-water emergency,

Jan 1985
US Navy bootcamp
swim test

Leader of the test asked this question of 160 recruits;

"Who here does not know how to swim?"

~120 boots started laughing, hard, but then you could have heard a pen drop and we saw ~40 raise their hands.

so yea, 1/2 the pop dies in the water? not a shocker
I taught a kid to swim. He was about 4 years old and his parents were at the pool, lounging in the sun while the kid ran around. :eek:

So I asked them why they had not taught him and they said he was too afraid of the water. Um. Ok. Not.

I asked if I could get him UNafraid of the water, would they teach him and they said sure. (eyeroll at their attitudes). So...I get some money from my beach bag I brought to the pool and ask the kid if he wants a dollar. He says SURE!! So..I play the quarter on the first step that leads into the pool. He happily sits on the edge, plucks it from about 4 inches of water. I place the next quarter on the next step. He doesn't even think about it...he plops his butt down on the first step, reaches in, plucks the second quarter. By this time the parents are sitting up and watching intently. I then place the 3rd quarter on the third step. Uh oh. This one makes him get in where the water is at his chest. I tell him to hold the rail, take a deep breath, reach with his hand and get that money! No hesitation. He does as I said. He is mighty proud of himself. I take the 4th it on the bottom step. I am beside him. Parents are now at the edge of the pool, not saying anything..just watching. Kid looks at me...starting to get afraid. Before he does, I laugh and say it is SUCH fun to swim and this dollar will be great for ice cream. I tell him to hold the rail! Then take a deeper breath, push down and open his eyes! He hesitates for a second, then does it. I am thrilled. I go down with him, watch, and he plucks the coin from the bottom step then pops up like a cork still holding the rail. Yippee! YOu did it, I said! He laughed in delight, his parents were whooping and I said "now teach him more" and I got out. They all were happily on the steps, and he was having a blast.

Parents should always teach kids to swim.

Thats cool!
I taught my 4 year old niece to swim in about fifteen minutes when she stayed with us. My brother had tried countless times with no success.
He babied her to much,all it took from her was one "no I'm scared" and he'd give up as she knew he would.
The wife and I used bribery :lol: Told her we'd buy her a new bike if she learned how to swim. Worked like a charm.
I can't remember when I couldn't swim. Seem to remember playing in the surf at a So Cal beach and being able to float along and the waves went in and out again.

As someone pointed out, the Dead Man's Float is about the best way in the world to keep from drowning. Get rid of all the heavy stuff and let your clothes fill with air. Lay back and relax everything and you'll simply float. Even if you're skinny as a rail.
How are some people not able to swim?

I've always wanted to go swimming in a pool of blood :)
The moment I finished watching Jaws was the moment this turkey gave up showers forevermore.

Annnd I just noticed a critical typo. :D

After watching Jaws, I gave up on baths forevermore in favor of showers.

Sharks are scary as hell, and until they evolve legs and feet I'm quite content having my big feet gripping the earth. I do know how to swim, but the thought of unseen, large things with razor sharp teeth gliding past and bumping your legs is a nightmarish predicament. I'll stick with wrangling graboids.

I love to swim although it has been a few years since I have. Last place I got to do so was in Maui...about 7 years ago.

Little Makena Beach ROCKS!! :rock:
[ame=]Makena Big and Little Beach - YouTube[/ame]
I can't remember when I couldn't swim. Seem to remember playing in the surf at a So Cal beach and being able to float along and the waves went in and out again.

As someone pointed out, the Dead Man's Float is about the best way in the world to keep from drowning. Get rid of all the heavy stuff and let your clothes fill with air. Lay back and relax everything and you'll simply float. Even if you're skinny as a rail.

:eusa_eh: Clothes?
Swimming is one of the best ways to exercise. Taught myself how to swim at the Y before my session for swimming lessons came up. Worked as a life guard for 2 summers. Had to pass a similar test in the military in a pool with full uniform on.

Swimming with clothes on is a bitch. I imagine swimming with combat boots would be a royal bitch.
Closest I've come to that was wearing hiking boots.

You had to learn to swim in the Navy or else you din't graduate, I grew up 2 blocks from the beach an 2 blocks from the bay and learned to swim at 5 , My son went to a place called water baby's at 6 month old an took to the water like a fish , there is no fear at that age

My oldest son took the water baby's class at the Y when he was three months old. You could throw him in and he would swim to the surface. At six months, he could swim the width of a pool
Cannot swim a stroke.

Because I cannot swim I made sure my son became an expert swimmer. He had lifeguard training by the time he was ten.

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