Can you trace bullets like fingerprints?

LOL, we have big assed ice-cycles up here. I just run my victims through with 'em--no weapon, no evidence. Wait for spring and bury the corpse. Frozen all winter, no muss no fuss.
Somewhere I read something about someone who killed somebody by jamming snow down their throat, blocking their trachea. By the time the snow melted, deadness.
LOL, we have big assed ice-cycles up here. I just run my victims through with 'em--no weapon, no evidence. Wait for spring and bury the corpse. Frozen all winter, no muss no fuss.

That seems like a waste of good meat. We plant 'em up to their necks in the garden and harvest them in the Fall.

Can someone explain it to me how the police can trace bullets like fingerprints? And can you do it without the actual gun? Reason I'm asking is b/c in No Country For Old Men, lewelyn has a rifle and he's t he g ood guy,kinda. So why would he have a rifle to fight the bad guys when it could trace back to him? Many movies are like this.
Well, if you buy a box of bullets at a store, the gunpowder can have identifiers placed into it. Tie the identifiers to a lot#. Keep track of who buys what lot number... I'm sure there will be some constitutional challenge to this because as we all know, when gun nuts want to, they can expand the constitution to cover anything
Lol, not profound. That is something not seen nor understood by the common person. You being a retard is blatantly obvious. Hilarious 😂 😃 😄 😁 🤣
Wow. there's that very meaningful word again. Have you ever counted the number of times in a single day that you have used that word, hoping that you could hurt someone's feelings with it?

You'll have to get some new material if you plan on actually insulting me.

Good luck.
As I understand it, from being a TV detective, they can match 2 bullets by the rifling marks they leave on the bullets. That way they can tell the bullets came from the same gun but, without the gun they can't trace those bullets back to the gun that fired them. Unless there is some 'rifling' data base I don't know about. Criminals use stolen guns that can't be traced to them typically.

There is a question on whether or not there is a database on the rifling of new firearms.
When you buy a new gun you often get an empty shell casing with it. They say it's just to show the firearm has been tested.
But is it the only round fired through it? Of course they can check the ballistics on the slug but they also check the empty casing for extraction marks and the firing pin mark.
Wow. there's that very meaningful word again. Have you ever counted the number of times in a single day that you have used that word, hoping that you could hurt someone's feelings with it?

You'll have to get some new material if you plan on actually insulting me.

Good luck.
Don't need new material. Retard is the perfect description for you. If it ain't broke Don't fix it.
Can someone explain it to me how the police can trace bullets like fingerprints? And can you do it without the actual gun? Reason I'm asking is b/c in No Country For Old Men, lewelyn has a rifle and he's t he g ood guy,kinda. So why would he have a rifle to fight the bad guys when it could trace back to him? Many movies are like this.
Yes and no. I was asked to testify in a, being me, I fucked with them.
I had 3 barrel blanks, from one 10' bar stock, rifled by Harry McGowan. The same button was used to rifle them.

The piglets had their meathead push several bullets through each blank, take the bullets to THE LAB and, of course, they couldn't tell which bullets came from which barrel.
The judge was irate.
I exsersplained to the dumb motherfucker that a dozen guns in order( by serial number) would have probably been pulled or broached with the same button or tooling and the balistics would be too similar to differentiate.
You could be 90+ % sure a bullet came from a specific piece with those tests(as long as the bullet didn't smash a bone, or a car door or or it enough evidence alone to pluck a bullet from a corpse to put a dual citizen(insert slur here) in the Lincoln chair on it's own ?
You be the judge( pun much) ;)

ADVICE to future hit men: When you buy, buy 3-4 with consecutive serial numbers
So do forensics need the exact gun to prove it was fired or can they do it with bullets alone?
Does it just let them know what kind of gun it is or does it trace back to the exact gun owned by the owner?

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