Can You Write A Check For $500?

This seems like more a matter of bad money management than the state of the economy. I think the problem is more that people spend more of their income than they should on non-necessities, as well as saving less than they should. Whether Obama or Trump is president has little to do with how badly many manage their finances.
The OP is a statement on the state of the economy. The frame of reference is the 63 percent from last year.
Good for you if you can but 57% (down from 63%) of us can't, which is the legacy of the worst president this country has ever known. And if you doubt that, look at what President Trump has already done about it in less than 50 days. When our new President says he "inherited a mess", this simple test answers the you have $500 today?

What we found is that according to a recent Bankrate survey of 1,000 adults, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected expense. Turns out the CEO was right. And while that may appear dire, it is a slight improvement from 2016, when 63% of U.S. residents said they wouldn’t be able to handle such an expense.

The survey's findings have shed light on how the so-called recovery of the past 8 years has skipped about half of the US population, which literally live paycheck to paycheck, and reflects a country in which many households continue to struggle with their basic finances more than seven years after the official end to the recession.

Putting the numbers in context: despite steady job growth during the Obama administration - which have been focused on minimum wage industries - wages have been predictably slow to recover, with the typical American household still earning 2.4% below what they brought home in 1999, when income peaked. Meanwhile, costs for essentials such as housing and child care have surged faster than the rate of inflation, placing stress on household budgets and making the accumulation of wealth, i.e., savings, impossible.


The bottom line: About four out of 10 Americans said they had enough in savings to cover a surprise $500 expense. Another 21% said they would rely on a credit card, while 20% said they’d cut back on other expenses. Another 11% said they’d turn to family or friends for the money.

"The Reality Is, Half Of Americans Can’t Afford To Write A $500 Check" | Zero Hedge

I doubt that's true. The median salary in this country is $50,000 a year.

But maybe you wouldn't be so bitter if you could write that check

Btw, idiota, our economy flourished under president Obama even after he had to clean up bush's mess while being sabotaged by rightwingnut pondscum.

You really should get some sense of reality. It's embarrassing seeing someone lie as much as you and your ilk do.
Good for you if you can but 57% (down from 63%) of us can't, which is the legacy of the worst president this country has ever known. And if you doubt that, look at what President Trump has already done about it in less than 50 days. When our new President says he "inherited a mess", this simple test answers the you have $500 today?

What we found is that according to a recent Bankrate survey of 1,000 adults, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected expense. Turns out the CEO was right. And while that may appear dire, it is a slight improvement from 2016, when 63% of U.S. residents said they wouldn’t be able to handle such an expense.

The survey's findings have shed light on how the so-called recovery of the past 8 years has skipped about half of the US population, which literally live paycheck to paycheck, and reflects a country in which many households continue to struggle with their basic finances more than seven years after the official end to the recession.

Putting the numbers in context: despite steady job growth during the Obama administration - which have been focused on minimum wage industries - wages have been predictably slow to recover, with the typical American household still earning 2.4% below what they brought home in 1999, when income peaked. Meanwhile, costs for essentials such as housing and child care have surged faster than the rate of inflation, placing stress on household budgets and making the accumulation of wealth, i.e., savings, impossible.


The bottom line: About four out of 10 Americans said they had enough in savings to cover a surprise $500 expense. Another 21% said they would rely on a credit card, while 20% said they’d cut back on other expenses. Another 11% said they’d turn to family or friends for the money.

"The Reality Is, Half Of Americans Can’t Afford To Write A $500 Check" | Zero Hedge
I hate to tell you this but that is not the president's fault.

If you spend more than you make and never save a dime it's your own fault
Tom, Tom, Tom:

That 57% of us can write checks like that is the result of the Obama administration increasing it from the 49% it fell to before being reversed. zerohedge, once again, failed to tell you the whole truth.
I doubt that's true. The median salary in this country is $50,000 a year.

But maybe you wouldn't be so bitter if you could write that check

Btw, idiota, our economy flourished under president Obama even after he had to clean up bush's mess while being sabotaged by rightwingnut pondscum.

You really should get some sense of reality. It's embarrassing seeing someone lie as much as you and your ilk do.

Hey airhead.....what does a million people earning a million a year do to that average with the millions on food stamps? Mean salary is a worthless number because it doesn't tell you anything about how it was arrived at. Obama not only didn't "clean up Bush's mess" (which was brought about by Clintons CRA giving poor people home loans with no means of making the payments)....instead of arresting the worst of the banksters, he begged them for campaign money. They left his "come to Jesus" meeting at the WH laughing like hyenas about what a pussy he was.
Conservatives, why don't you tell us again how American workers are all so overpaid.

You know you will, sometime soon. When you forget about this thread, which will be in a few minutes.

Don't worry. We liberals will still keep pounding on the topic of low wages, like we've always done.
You morons " helping" is what caused this. Take your "help" and shove it.
Conservatives, why don't you tell us again how American workers are all so overpaid.

You know you will, sometime soon. When you forget about this thread, which will be in a few minutes.

Don't worry. We liberals will still keep pounding on the topic of low wages, like we've always done.
I've never heard a conservative make that claim. You are 100lbs of shit stuffed in a 50lb. sack. Libs think they can simply legislated raises with no ill effect. Conservatives believe a rising tide lifts all boats.
Tom, Tom, Tom:

That 57% of us can write checks like that is the result of the Obama administration increasing it from the 49% it fell to before being reversed. zerohedge, once again, failed to tell you the whole truth.

No fool....57% CAN NOT write that check.....why you keep making a fool of yourself here is getting a little mysterious.
I don't blame obama.

I do. Everything you said is true but I believe he did have intentions to do good by poor people but hurt them even more by being a closet-communist. Those around him, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, etc did very well with insider-trading and crony-capitalism during his years. He spent $10T...somebody got it....not the people that needed it.
He talks a good game. That is what slick politicians do. Do not think for one second he gives a flying about the poor. The only thing the poor are are useful idiots to marxists.

The more poor, the closer it gets to pure socialism. Pure socialism, is communism.

Once the useful idiots outdo their usefulness, it is then time to cull the herd.

See what happens every time and I mean every time there has been a communist revolution.

Tom, Tom, Tom:

That 57% of us can write checks like that is the result of the Obama administration increasing it from the 49% it fell to before being reversed. zerohedge, once again, failed to tell you the whole truth.

No fool....57% CAN NOT write that check.....why you keep making a fool of yourself here is getting a little mysterious.
You can't read, can you?
He talks a good game. That is what slick politicians do. Do not think for one second he gives a flying about the poor. The only thing the poor are are useful idiots to marxists.

Of course...that's go past that and look at his programs. He was obsessed with changing how we power the country, hated oil, believes in sunshine and breezes to do it. Is that willful neglect or just an egghead who doesn't understand how the world works? Look at how he ran from the healthcare overhaul was needed but he had no idea how to craft it and put fools in charge of it. The website cost over a BILLION dollars and didn't work. There are high school kids who could have built that site for nothing....but Michelle's gal-pal got the contract. As time went on, he gave up entirely. Ran from Iraq, laughed off ISIS, and became nothing more than a celebrity making speeches. He never quit campaigning and never's all he did for 8 years...went out and argued against this own programs because they didn't work and everybody knew it.
He talks a good game. That is what slick politicians do. Do not think for one second he gives a flying about the poor. The only thing the poor are are useful idiots to marxists.

Of course...that's go past that and look at his programs. He was obsessed with changing how we power the country, hated oil, believes in sunshine and breezes to do it. Is that willful neglect or just an egghead who doesn't understand how the world works? Look at how he ran from the healthcare overhaul was needed but he had no idea how to craft it and put fools in charge of it. The website cost over a BILLION dollars and didn't work. There are high school kids who could have built that site for nothing....but Michelle's gal-pal got the contract. As time went on, he gave up entirely. Ran from Iraq, laughed off ISIS, and became nothing more than a celebrity making speeches. He never quit campaigning and never's all he did for 8 years...went out and argued against this own programs because they didn't work and everybody knew it.
Actually it was NG that increased in usage over old coal powered plants..The price was too cheap to pass by..
Tom, Tom, Tom:

That 57% of us can write checks like that is the result of the Obama administration increasing it from the 49% it fell to before being reversed. zerohedge, once again, failed to tell you the whole truth.

You should reread the article.....

"57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected.."
Conservatives, why don't you tell us again how American workers are all so overpaid.

You know you will, sometime soon. When you forget about this thread, which will be in a few minutes.

Don't worry. We liberals will still keep pounding on the topic of low wages, like we've always done.

Not one true Conservative I know has ever said people were overpaid. Pay is determined by what the market can bare and in a free market Companies have a right to a profit margin. Regardless It's not the fucking late 19th early 20th century Companies wouldn't dare try and pay "slave wages" (whatever the fuck that is) internet warriors like yourself would go fucking nuts aka. riot and burn shit down not to mention the bad press this would bring down on the corporation's .
Unfortunately social injustice is everywhere.... :(
That's why people need some help from the government :(

Hello Esther! :eusa_angel: Here in the US we need much LESS "help" from our government...we need it to get the hell out of the way and stop meddling in our business. Government creates nothing but government jobs which create mostly paperwork without any value.

Well, not quite. To have an equal playing field we need to crack down on politicians who provide corporate welfare also. This just for starters. Maybe we need to police wall street also, the guys that helped create the 2008 crash, and none went to jail or even got called on the carpet. Then of course the industrial military complex, on and on and on. It's not the poor that are causing all our problems, that's for sure.
Tom, Tom, Tom:

That 57% of us can write checks like that is the result of the Obama administration increasing it from the 49% it fell to before being reversed. zerohedge, once again, failed to tell you the whole truth.

You should reread the article.....

"57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected.."
You should have got an education.

I can write for fifty times that without having to think about it. Or having the law come after me. Can you?
Poor deflection from your obvious blunder, Fake. Run along now, toady
Yep, you looked silly again. The fact is that more can write such checks than in the aftermath of the Great Recession. I know it, you know it, the OP knows it.
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Unfortunately social injustice is everywhere.... :(
That's why people need some help from the government :(

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzzzzz

"Help" from the government is why so many people are kept dependent and in their place by their betters in the Elite Betters in the Establishment.

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