Can You Write A Check For $500?

Tom, Tom, Tom:

That 57% of us can write checks like that is the result of the Obama administration increasing it from the 49% it fell to before being reversed. zerohedge, once again, failed to tell you the whole truth.

You should reread the article.....

"57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected.."
You should have got an education.

I can write for fifty times that without having to think about it. Or having the law come after me. Can you?
Poor deflection from your obvious blunder, Fake. Run along now, toady
Yep, you looked stupid again. The fact is that more can write such checks than in the aftermath of the Great Recession. I know it, you know it, the OP knows it.

LOL No I don't know it and maybe you should start providing factual data to support your crap? I mean it's well known you're a fraud anyway.....Fake
Good for you if you can but 57% (down from 63%) of us can't, which is the legacy of the worst president this country has ever known. And if you doubt that, look at what President Trump has already done about it in less than 50 days. When our new President says he "inherited a mess", this simple test answers the you have $500 today?

What we found is that according to a recent Bankrate survey of 1,000 adults, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected expense. Turns out the CEO was right. And while that may appear dire, it is a slight improvement from 2016, when 63% of U.S. residents said they wouldn’t be able to handle such an expense.

The survey's findings have shed light on how the so-called recovery of the past 8 years has skipped about half of the US population, which literally live paycheck to paycheck, and reflects a country in which many households continue to struggle with their basic finances more than seven years after the official end to the recession.

Putting the numbers in context: despite steady job growth during the Obama administration - which have been focused on minimum wage industries - wages have been predictably slow to recover, with the typical American household still earning 2.4% below what they brought home in 1999, when income peaked. Meanwhile, costs for essentials such as housing and child care have surged faster than the rate of inflation, placing stress on household budgets and making the accumulation of wealth, i.e., savings, impossible.


The bottom line: About four out of 10 Americans said they had enough in savings to cover a surprise $500 expense. Another 21% said they would rely on a credit card, while 20% said they’d cut back on other expenses. Another 11% said they’d turn to family or friends for the money.

"The Reality Is, Half Of Americans Can’t Afford To Write A $500 Check" | Zero Hedge
Unfortunately social injustice is everywhere.... :(
That's why people need some help from the government :(

Why is "social injustice"?

Nobody needs help from government to buy Air Jordan's or Xbox.
Tom, Tom, Tom:

That 57% of us can write checks like that is the result of the Obama administration increasing it from the 49% it fell to before being reversed. zerohedge, once again, failed to tell you the whole truth.

You should reread the article.....

"57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected.."
You should have got an education.

I can write for fifty times that without having to think about it. Or having the law come after me. Can you?
Poor deflection from your obvious blunder, Fake. Run along now, toady
Yep, you looked stupid again. The fact is that more can write such checks than in the aftermath of the Great Recession. I know it, you know it, the OP knows it.

LOL No I don't know it and maybe you should start providing factual data to support your crap? I mean it's well known you're a fraud anyway.....Fake
It is well know here that you just talk and don't offer evidence. So you accuse me of what you do.
Good for you if you can but 57% (down from 63%) of us can't, which is the legacy of the worst president this country has ever known. And if you doubt that, look at what President Trump has already done about it in less than 50 days. When our new President says he "inherited a mess", this simple test answers the you have $500 today?

What we found is that according to a recent Bankrate survey of 1,000 adults, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected expense. Turns out the CEO was right. And while that may appear dire, it is a slight improvement from 2016, when 63% of U.S. residents said they wouldn’t be able to handle such an expense.

The survey's findings have shed light on how the so-called recovery of the past 8 years has skipped about half of the US population, which literally live paycheck to paycheck, and reflects a country in which many households continue to struggle with their basic finances more than seven years after the official end to the recession.

Putting the numbers in context: despite steady job growth during the Obama administration - which have been focused on minimum wage industries - wages have been predictably slow to recover, with the typical American household still earning 2.4% below what they brought home in 1999, when income peaked. Meanwhile, costs for essentials such as housing and child care have surged faster than the rate of inflation, placing stress on household budgets and making the accumulation of wealth, i.e., savings, impossible.


The bottom line: About four out of 10 Americans said they had enough in savings to cover a surprise $500 expense. Another 21% said they would rely on a credit card, while 20% said they’d cut back on other expenses. Another 11% said they’d turn to family or friends for the money.

"The Reality Is, Half Of Americans Can’t Afford To Write A $500 Check" | Zero Hedge
Unfortunately social injustice is everywhere.... :(
That's why people need some help from the government :(
The only help we need from the Government is to get out of our way.

Our lives and our families are our responsibility.

I know best how to handle my finances to address the needs of my family.

I, my children nor grandchildren should be going to the Government for handouts.

Taking more from me and wasting it puts me at a disadvantage to feed, clothe and house them.

Currently I am capable of writing that check for $500.00 and then some.
The economy is usually ranked by the employment rates, but doesn't seem to take into account (or enough so) of the cost of living. Even when more people have jobs to pay their bills, doesn't mean they can save anything if it costs more for expenses than it did previously. Nevermind any unexpected expense.

Yes with a bit of scrambling, we could come up with $500 now....but for many years that hasn't been the case. Anytime we did manage to save anything, something would happen that took it, whether a raise in gas or food prices, new tax or expense or whatever. The struggle has been REAL, I'm telling ya

(wondering how in the heck Moonglow 's mortgage is so cheap. Ours is 3x's that much and still cheaper than most in this area)
I guessing most Americans with union jobs, aka the American workers conservatives despise the most,

could come up $500 in a pinch.
If you don't keep a months salary at hand chances are good that you mismanage your money.
On a number of occasions I would put my checks on my desk and not cash them immediately.

Payroll would continue to come to me and request I cash them or bank them.

I'd have 4 or 5 uncashed checks and on many occasions cash them before the 180 day expiration date.
Good for you if you can but 57% (down from 63%) of us can't, which is the legacy of the worst president this country has ever known. And if you doubt that, look at what President Trump has already done about it in less than 50 days. When our new President says he "inherited a mess", this simple test answers the you have $500 today?

What we found is that according to a recent Bankrate survey of 1,000 adults, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected expense. Turns out the CEO was right. And while that may appear dire, it is a slight improvement from 2016, when 63% of U.S. residents said they wouldn’t be able to handle such an expense.

The survey's findings have shed light on how the so-called recovery of the past 8 years has skipped about half of the US population, which literally live paycheck to paycheck, and reflects a country in which many households continue to struggle with their basic finances more than seven years after the official end to the recession.

Putting the numbers in context: despite steady job growth during the Obama administration - which have been focused on minimum wage industries - wages have been predictably slow to recover, with the typical American household still earning 2.4% below what they brought home in 1999, when income peaked. Meanwhile, costs for essentials such as housing and child care have surged faster than the rate of inflation, placing stress on household budgets and making the accumulation of wealth, i.e., savings, impossible.


The bottom line: About four out of 10 Americans said they had enough in savings to cover a surprise $500 expense. Another 21% said they would rely on a credit card, while 20% said they’d cut back on other expenses. Another 11% said they’d turn to family or friends for the money.

"The Reality Is, Half Of Americans Can’t Afford To Write A $500 Check" | Zero Hedge
Unfortunately social injustice is everywhere.... :(
That's why people need some help from the government :(
Suffering from "social injustice"? Don't look to government. Government loves victims of social injustice, they are so easy to manipulate.
The economy is usually ranked by the employment rates, but doesn't seem to take into account (or enough so) of the cost of living. Even when more people have jobs to pay their bills, doesn't mean they can save anything if it costs more for expenses than it did previously. Nevermind any unexpected expense.

Yes with a bit of scrambling, we could come up with $500 now....but for many years that hasn't been the case. Anytime we did manage to save anything, something would happen that took it, whether a raise in gas or food prices, new tax or expense or whatever. The struggle has been REAL, I'm telling ya

(wondering how in the heck Moonglow 's mortgage is so cheap. Ours is 3x's that much and still cheaper than most in this area)

Your story is many of our stories....I knew a guy who owned a very successful leasing company....beautiful home, nice cars, kids in private schools. A year later (2009) he was driving one of his pals around who'd lost his drivers license for a hundred bucks a day. I lost my nest egg by trying to double it fast with Lehman and Bear Stearns...both hundred year old companies. I was never bitter because I gambled and lost....I did try to find my broker carrying a 33oz Louisville Slugger but he'd blown town.
Don't worry. We liberals will still keep pounding on the topic of low wages, like we've always done.
Really? Then tell your rich liberal progressive friends to hire a professional licensed cleaning company and fire the illegal alien that you are paying slave labor wages to to clean your filthy homes. Bunch of hypocrites,
Suffering from "social injustice"? Don't look to government. Government loves victims of social injustice, they are so easy to manipulate.

Esther lives in Saigon. The Viets are some of most industrious people in the world when given the chance. Hopefully they will throw off the chains of communism and become the people they can be.
Unfortunately social injustice is everywhere.... :(
That's why people need some help from the government :(

Hello Esther! :eusa_angel: Here in the US we need much LESS "help" from our government...we need it to get the hell out of the way and stop meddling in our business. Government creates nothing but government jobs which creates mostly paperwork without any value.
Hi Tom! :bye1:
I know governments don't know how to help people with jobs. Unfortunately here is the same thing :disbelief:
But maybe the government can endorse some good regulations to help people find jobs and when they're jobless give them some money :)
Maybe government could get out of the way and issue fewer endorsements, and far fewer regulations. And jobless people need to find another job. Who do you think e government robs in order to give jobless people some money?

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