Canada as serious about repeat gun offenders as U.S. democrats, keep letting them out....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This repeat gun offender in Canada shows that Canadian left wingers are as serious about gun crime as American democrat party members are.....this criminal, with repeat gun offenses, is caught on video, in the back of a police car, under arrest......and he pulls out a gun. The article points out that lucky for the cops, he was too drunk to use it......

The only way to deal with gun crime is to lock up repeat gun offenders for 30 years for possession of an illegal guns, and life, if that gun is used during a crime. Anything else is stupid, and just shows that gun grabbers don't care about actual gun crime, they just want to ban guns for law abiding gun owners...

LILLEY: Gun in cop cruiser shows why bans don’t work with criminals

Ali Showbeg is now the poster child for why Justin Trudeau’s proposed gun bans simply won’t work.

If you haven’t heard of Showbeg, maybe you’ve heard of what he did. After being arrested for impaired driving on Oct. 27 in Toronto, Showbeg was caught on camera maneuvering himself to the point where he popped a handgun out of his clothing and dropped it right in his crotch.

Thank goodness the man was clearly intoxicated and not in a mood for fighting or things could have been much worse for the officers transporting him. As in, they could have been dead.
As Joe Warmington reported when the event became public, Showbeg was not exactly a stranger to police. He was arrested and charged with attempted murder in 2005 for an incident that saw a car shot up in Toronto’s north end.

In 2006, he faced firearms charges that resulted in a lifetime gun ban.

So how, given that he is subject to a lifetime gun ban, did Ali Showbeg get a gun and then get that gun into the back of a squad car?

I mean, surely he would have known he was banned from owning a gun. Surely he would have known he has never taken the required safety course and passed the test to get a gun licence. So how could he have gotten a gun?

The same way the 38 year-old did when he was a much younger 23 year-old. He bought it illegally.

Across Canada there is a problem with an increase in gun violence involving gangs and drug dealers, something Canadians rightfully and genuinely want dealt with.
Canada's legal system is notoriously lax. They let out repeat offenders all the time for all sorts of offenses.

And they are going to pay for it..........just like our democrat party controlled areas...

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