Canada Declares State of Emergency Over Convoy Protesters.

I wish they would come here to the US and block the streets, it wouldn't last long.

Its a far-right movement, thats all it is. And Fox and our right republicans are encouraging them. They want the end of democracy, NWO, Populist movement, and they want a new goverment,

its freedom for me, and not for thee.

I'll tell you the US wouldn't put up with it blocking the streets.
Far-right = freedom? Sounds about right.

True North /

Hello again one and all and welcome back to this week's edition of Laura's Links, and hot diggity dog, what a week it has been.
As I mentioned last week, the Canadian truckers have given me a sense of hope I haven't felt in almost two years. They mean business and I have great confidence in them and their ability to bring the Trudeau government and all of his dictatorial mandates to its knees (hopefully with a spillover effect onto all the Canadian provinces still strangling their citizens' freedoms).
When the convoy started rolling and the videos started coming online I experienced an overwhelming sense, of relief, gladness, and hope, that bordered on a religious experience. And the more I read or watched about the organization behind this tremendous campaign, the more I understood instinctively that there were a great many clever minds behind it possessing a truly glorious sense of resolve. I was sure of it and I wanted to hear more, so please take a read of my conversation with BJ Dichter, one of the spokesmen of the convoy, and let me know what you think. Do you think my Jewdar was accurate? I think I'm batting a thousand.
Despite the fact that countries around the world are dropping all Covid restrictions and mandates, the evil, scowling gargoyle Christine Elliott of Ontario is doubling down, just like our emasculated, petulant prime minister Justin Trudeau.

Speaking to parliament in Ottawa on Wednesday, Mr Trudeau condemned the "unacceptable" behaviour and issued a stern message to truckers.

"Blockages, illegal demonstrations are unacceptable, and are negatively impacting businesses and manufacturers," he said.

"We must do everything to bring them to an end."

To the protesters, he said: "You can't end the pandemic with blockades… you need to end it with science.”

You may get your wish as some of the truckers in our country are talking of doing so in sympathy.
I hope not

that could be called a US invasion and give trudow an excuse to ask Bijing to send chicom troops for assistance
Those too stupid to understand what the Truckers are trying to convey will eventually realize it once they run out of food, have no spare parts for their tvs, radios, computers, cars.....or food, medical supplies, etc.

The deer in headlights look on all their faces that slowly turns to anger of WHERE IS MY STUFF will hit a solid home run.
Union truckers have done so here in the past with the backing of you left wingers. Your total lack of understanding is astounding. You may get your wish as some of the truckers in our country are talking of doing so in sympathy.
I'd love to see them block the roads.
We love them in spite of their misguided nonsense and we hope the police don't whack any of them permanently. Just a little time behind bars in the corner to think about it. Time out.
The police in Canada are too busy roughing up elderly grandparents.

They wouldn't come here and block the streets. I'd like to see them try.
No but the protestors here in America these days can loot, burn, destroy government property, murder people, and get let out on bail to do it over and over again with the blessings of some official's, and that's something to be tolerated ?? But do Lord don't let any peaceful protesting Trucker's protest in our mean streets eh ????????? Hypocrisy much ???
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Yup! Time to go full fascist!

That will win the hearts and minds of the people!
Damn sure will. The people in that city would cheer it on.

Just like bells rang throughout the land when Biden bitch slapped traitor don out of DC.

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