Canada Declares State of Emergency Over Convoy Protesters.

Yep. Time to start confiscating their rigs, throwing them in jail, and giving out $1000 a day fines, that none of them can afford, and put them out of business. Hard to make a living with no truck, and no money.
Yep ... that would be the response from the authoritarian Trudeau government.
What do you expect Trudeau's administration to DO? What actions would you support if the protest continues for weeks or longer? I'm specifically speaking of the current behavior continuing. No violence, no looting or property destruction, just civil disobedience. What actions should be justified against that, in your opinion?
I would expect the Trudeau government to simply discuss the issues with the Convoy leadership and reach a normal compromise. But Trudeau is definitely not normal or willing to compromise.
No…..the truck drivers are not blm or antifa so the violence won’t happen.
Good point. It would probably be more like the Civil Rights struggle, with peaceful protests met by increasing violence from the government until the population says enough and forces the government to back down.
The focal point of many of these protests are the policies that governments around the world adopted to meet the challenge of the pandemic. Over the past couple of weeks, there have been large protests in Helsinki, Brussels, Verona, Rome and Paris. Many of these European cities have faced sporadic protests against vaccine mandates and other measures since last summer. But over the past fortnight, those protests have been galvanised by the example of the Canadian truckers’ ‘freedom convoy’, which drove from one end of Canada to the other, arriving in Ottawa last weekend, in protest against vaccine mandates.

In Italy, Austria, Belgium and other European states, where special restrictions on the unvaccinated are especially onerous, protests have become much more confrontational. While these protests are still at odds with majority public opinion, they have proved difficult to contain.

The prospects of further disorder are considerable. It does seem likely that the world economy is facing a difficult period, with rising fuel prices, inflationary shocks and labour-market tensions. That protesters in Helsinki and Istanbul raised new grievances over fuel prices is an indication of what might be to come.

The mainstream political parties are more out of touch with their publics than they were before the lockdowns, and their ability to negotiate change is far weaker. The likelihood is of more and greater populist protests to come.

The focal point of many of these protests are the policies that governments around the world adopted to meet the challenge of the pandemic. Over the past couple of weeks, there have been large protests in Helsinki, Brussels, Verona, Rome and Paris. Many of these European cities have faced sporadic protests against vaccine mandates and other measures since last summer. But over the past fortnight, those protests have been galvanised by the example of the Canadian truckers’ ‘freedom convoy’, which drove from one end of Canada to the other, arriving in Ottawa last weekend, in protest against vaccine mandates.

In Italy, Austria, Belgium and other European states, where special restrictions on the unvaccinated are especially onerous, protests have become much more confrontational. While these protests are still at odds with majority public opinion, they have proved difficult to contain.

The prospects of further disorder are considerable. It does seem likely that the world economy is facing a difficult period, with rising fuel prices, inflationary shocks and labour-market tensions. That protesters in Helsinki and Istanbul raised new grievances over fuel prices is an indication of what might be to come.

The mainstream political parties are more out of touch with their publics than they were before the lockdowns, and their ability to negotiate change is far weaker. The likelihood is of more and greater populist protests to come.

They aren't out of touch with us. They despise us. That is clear.

Time to despise them back.
I'm really sick of people who do not want to work. Thats what its all about.

Get to work, interrupt the supply chain so you can protest the vaccine, who ever heard of
the crazy idea.
You really don't get it, do you. They want to work, it's the vaccination mandate that is stopping some of them from working and that's what they are protesting. Your middle school views are keeping you from seeing reality. By the way, you misspelled the possessive word that's in your diatribe, but maybe you will learn it in 4th period English this year.
You really don't get it, do you. They want to work, it's the vaccination mandate that is stopping some of them from working and that's what they are protesting. Your middle school views are keeping you from seeing reality. By the way, you misspelled the possessive word that's in your diatribe, but maybe you will learn it in 4th period English this year.

The stuff she comes out with.

I said it, Claire, because I shall be going to Cyprus in a couple of months, after I’ve left the United States. Last time I was there, every time we left the house we had to fill in a form, printed out from on-line, stating where we were going, for how long, what for, and when we would be back home. Also a curfew.

There was one time, going to the beach was forbidden, but we went anyway, sitting on palettes behind beach huts like homeless people, eating take-out fish&chips.

The restrictions were ludicrous, didn’t make any sense, and when you think, the mayor is in jail for corruption! :p

But my point being, there are constant public and mostly peaceful demonstrations against this lunacy, particularly from parents against schools. And not only in Cyprus, all over Europe, some of it violent. They used the water cannons in The Netherlands.
Well there is nothing like firsthand information Mindful, and I look forward to reading about your upcoming travels. How awesome to be able to travel abroad! I’ve only made it to various places in Mexico and the Bahamas. I just checked my hopeful short list and it’s is glowing now: NZ, Iceland, Italy top 3, with a relative soon moving to Italy to help that happen sooner than later.
Back in 2006, my late husband and I took a train across the beautiful country of Canada. There is an historical building in every city of population. They are very tolerant people up there by comparison. We inspired the world with freedom, but also by comparison, the Canadians are fearless with loving cultures unlike themselves. And just a guy from Canada wrote one of the world's most beautiful, haunting poems in WWI:
Flanders Fields
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Only a Canadian could have written that beloved poem, because that's the kind of people they are. No matter what anybody says, I will always love the people of Canada on account of John McRae's poem, which was probably the last thing he wrote. They found it in his lapel pocket where he lay dead on the battle ground in France. My grandmother was an American Legion Auxiliary leader in Houston in her day. When I was 4 years old, I was by her side hawking poppies for severely wounded warriors of WWII. We were on the corner of the Denver Harbor (Houston) Weingarten's Grocery store. People were generous. One man stuffed some paper money in our bowl. He had tears in his eyes.​
I recall learning that poem as a little Lump in Canada and wearing a poppy.. hugs, Lady Beautress..
Having Australia and Canada on the list after Covid seems silly. These lists are really subjective and depend on who is rating them.

I am not sure how I have less freedom than Belgium where they, according to the article linked by Don, are proud of digging up sex toys.

These types of studies are highly suspect at best.
The following study, out by Forbes, is more recent. I’m trying to find a similar study showing a most detailed state to state comparison regarding economic freedoms and the rule of law, but I’ve yet to find it.


Yeah ... Looks like you are pretty busy right now.
Don't let me interrupt you and get back to it.


Attempting to engage Penelope in anything that involves logic--or many times, even thinking--is an...interesting endeavor. She might complain about a bridge being blocked for, say, a week or two, and then propose a solution of blowing it up, which would result in a rebuild of half a year.

But then, and this is just factual, she's always agitating here for people to die. I'm worried about her soul tbh.
You really don't get it, do you. They want to work, it's the vaccination mandate that is stopping some of them from working and that's what they are protesting. Your middle school views are keeping you from seeing reality. By the way, you misspelled the possessive word that's in your diatribe, but maybe you will learn it in 4th period English this year.
I wish they would come here to the US and block the streets, it wouldn't last long.

Its a far-right movement, thats all it is. And Fox and our right republicans are encouraging them. They want the end of democracy, NWO, Populist movement, and they want a new goverment,

its freedom for me, and not for thee.

I'll tell you the US wouldn't put up with it blocking the streets.
Trudeau wanted to tow trucks away but then figured out the tow trucks drivers are, truck drivers. So won't tow for him.

SAD TROMBONE!!! :auiqs.jpg:
They wouldn't come here and block the streets. I'd like to see them try.
Attempting to engage Penelope in anything that involves logic--or many times, even thinking--is an...interesting endeavor. She might complain about a bridge being blocked for, say, a week or two, and then propose a solution of blowing it up, which would result in a rebuild of half a year.

But then, and this is just factual, she's always agitating here for people to die. I'm worried about her soul tbh.

There's no need to act like that's a problem ... :auiqs.jpg:
Penny pretty much mops the floor with her own butt.


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