Canada Declares State of Emergency Over Convoy Protesters.

Yep. Time to start confiscating their rigs, throwing them in jail, and giving out $1000 a day fines, that none of them can afford, and put them out of business. Hard to make a living with no truck, and no money.
thanks for proving to the entire board as always,you and the OP are paid trolls from langley who believe in depopulation control and communism.:thankusmile:

you really exposed it big time this time how you hate humanity and are for human enslavement.
Imagine living where chaos abounds.

They don't want to work. 90% of the truckers are fully vaccinated. Its all in the name of freedom, freedom from what, pedophile, rape, adultery, what is that they want to do?

Christians be dammed. Republican's be dammed. Republicans pretend to be Christians.

This votes. Sad.
This votes. Sad.
It’s times like this laughatleftists, that I can appreciate the electoral college. Years ago I used to argue for its demise, basically due to state comparison of how few votes my state gets compared to many others. I now see the great value of the EC…. Some history buffs suggest that the founding fathers wanted to prevent exactly what you have pointed out, in that things don’t go well when idiots are in the majority!
Cyprus will be doing the same this weekend.

All the way from Paphos to Nicosia.
Mindful, the media source I just read indicates the bus drivers were paid (finally) their November wages, but it sounds like December is still in question and still prompting the dispute?
Mindful, the media source I just read indicates the bus drivers were paid (finally) their November wages, but it sounds like December is still in question and still prompting the dispute?

There are ongoing demos against all restrictions connected to Covid.

Blow up the bridge and then we can start over. Its no good with the truckers on it, its impassable.
More than 40,000 commuters, tourists and truck drivers cross the Ambassador Bridge each day, according to its website.3 hours ago

Canadian protesters block access to the busiest international crossing in North America as demonstrations continue

I'm really tired of people not wanting to work.
Tell it to Trudeau. He could end the whole thing tomorrow.
But he would rather go into hiding and make ridiculous insults against truckers who would love to work
Mindful, the media source I just read indicates the bus drivers were paid (finally) their November wages, but it sounds like December is still in question and still prompting the dispute?

I said it, Claire, because I shall be going to Cyprus in a couple of months, after I’ve left the United States. Last time I was there, every time we left the house we had to fill in a form, printed out from on-line, stating where we were going, for how long, what for, and when we would be back home. Also a curfew.

There was one time, going to the beach was forbidden, but we went anyway, sitting on palettes behind beach huts like homeless people, eating take-out fish&chips.

The restrictions were ludicrous, didn’t make any sense, and when you think, the mayor is in jail for corruption! :p

But my point being, there are constant public and mostly peaceful demonstrations against this lunacy, particularly from parents against schools. And not only in Cyprus, all over Europe, some of it violent. They used the water cannons in The Netherlands.
The dummy Trudeau must have taken his lead from Biden.

Take his lead? To be perfectly fair to the authoritarian leftist leader of Canada, not once have I seen any videos of him pinching the nipple of an 8 year old girl.
A 4 foot-10 inch great-grandfather was handcuffed and arrested by two Canadian cops for honking his horn in support of Freedom Convoy protesters in Ottawa on Sunday - a day before a judge outlawed honking amid a left-wing backlash against anti-mandate protesters who have been smeared by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as 'swastika-wavers'.

A bystander filmed while two officers pulled over Gerry Charlebois, 78, for beeping his horn.

'What did he do wrong?' the bystander asked. 'None of your f****** concern, man,' one officer responded.

The six-minute video shows officers shouting back and forth with furious onlookers and Charlebois who protests his arrest. Eventually an officer in a blue surgical mask grabs Charlebois to restrain him, and brings the vaccinated great-grandfather down to his knees in the middle of the street before handcuffing him against his van.

Charlebois sustained injuries to his arms, hands, shoulders and knees.

A 4 foot-10 inch great-grandfather was handcuffed and arrested by two Canadian cops for honking his horn in support of Freedom Convoy protesters in Ottawa on Sunday - a day before a judge outlawed honking amid a left-wing backlash against anti-mandate protesters who have been smeared by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as 'swastika-wavers'.

A bystander filmed while two officers pulled over Gerry Charlebois, 78, for beeping his horn.

'What did he do wrong?' the bystander asked. 'None of your f****** concern, man,' one officer responded.

The six-minute video shows officers shouting back and forth with furious onlookers and Charlebois who protests his arrest. Eventually an officer in a blue surgical mask grabs Charlebois to restrain him, and brings the vaccinated great-grandfather down to his knees in the middle of the street before handcuffing him against his van.

Charlebois sustained injuries to his arms, hands, shoulders and knees.

All a movement like this needs is a martyr to rally around and ignite the powder keg. The police had better be careful, or Canada could have its own summer of fiery, but mostly peaceful, demonstrations.
All a movement like this needs is a martyr to rally around and ignite the powder keg. The police had better be careful, or Canada could have its own summer of fiery, but mostly peaceful, demonstrations.

No…..the truck drivers are not blm or antifa so the violence won’t happen.

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