Canada is turning into a fundamentalist support group.


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010

Ms Ghamari delivered a speech in the Canadian Parliament about her family escaping Iran after the Islamic Revolution, drawing comparisons to the terrorist regime in Gaza under Hamas. “That's the same regime that spreads anti-Semitic information and propaganda,” she told the Ontario Legislature in Canada.

Screenshot 11-06-2023 20.24.34.png

Ms Ghamari delivered a speech in the Canadian Parliament about her family escaping Iran after the Islamic Revolution, drawing comparisons to the terrorist regime in Gaza under Hamas. “That's the same regime that spreads anti-Semitic information and propaganda,” she told the Ontario Legislature in Canada.

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I heard Castreaux wants to import 500k Palestinians to Canuckia.
I heard Castreaux wants to import 500k Palestinians to Canuckia.
They come, take everything they can get and then they go across the border for more since Sweden won't take them and Greece doesn't want them either. :dunno:
I heard Castreaux wants to import 500k Palestinians to Canuckia.

Are you still believing the lie that Castro is Trudeau's father. You do know that Margaret Trudeau didn't meet Castro until Justin was 5.

Thank you for providing you're a gullible idiot.
Are you still believing the lie that Castro is Trudeau's father. You do know that Margaret Trudeau didn't meet Castro until Justin was 5.

Thank you for providing you're a gullible idiot.
You believe teh propaganda! :spinner:

Because you're a stupid Canuck.

"They recite the Canadian governments’ official travel dates to Cuba and painfully avoid the Trudeaus’ extensive personal trip to the Caribbean trip in Spring 1971. It is a fact the Trudeaus were in the Caribbean in Spring 1971. "

"In April 1971, the Trudeaus took a long “second honeymoon” all around the Caribbean. According to Wikipedia, they visited one island they declined to disclose. It is the only island they did not disclose."

Dat island was Cuba!

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The word seems to be that they want to stage the Palestinians in Arab countries temporarily and then export them to western countries like Canada specifically.
The word seems to be that they want to stage the Palestinians in Arab countries temporarily and then export them to western countries like Canada specifically.
They raise total hell in Arab countries. We don't need that in The West.
They raise total hell in Arab countries. We don't need that in The West.

Yeah. But tell that to Israel's Intelligence Ministry. Apparenty it's their idea to just temporarily stage them there in the Arab countries before ultimately shipping them off to western nations. Perhaps predictably is a better term, rather than apparently, if one were to speak on the matter to scope.

There's a much, much bigger agenda at play, I think. Unfortunately, plot tends to get lost/set aside by design just as soon as the hurry up and just pick a side polls start popping up all over the idiot boxes and the www. Which, interestingly, is historically the first thing that tends to happen. I'm sure it's just coincidence that it always happens that way, though. Heh heh.

But whatever. People get what they deserve when they misplace their loyalty to, as well as dedication to the peace and prosperity of their own nations, assuming there ever was any in the first place, whether misplaced by way of coercion or simply voluntary, in favor of the interests of other nations is my view on it. Like anything else, those who participate in coercion understand very, very little of their actual role in it. And absolutely nothing at all of its consequence. Dumbasses one and all. Of course, those who choose to do so voluntarily, on the other hand, and in my own view, are no better than common conspirators/quislings operating from within who tend to possess no real loyalty or historical/philosophical attachment anyway.
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That, if I recall correctly, was in response to Trump’s executive order banning ''refugees'' from a specific list of countries.

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