Canada pledges milliins to Ukraine

Canada may be becoming the world's leading democracy. Fortunately, MAGA has not made it's way north of the border.
No worries. MAGA is a phenomenon that springs up where average people have become disgusted with the Marxist filth in their government. Canucks are even quicker than Americans to try to just obey the law, even when double standards are obvious. As the Regime cracks down harder, the resistance will build. You like the feeling of that boot being put on the back of people you disagree with, huh?
Canada should send all their equipment to Ukraine.. They will never use it unless it's against their own populace.

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Canada should send all their equipment to Ukraine.. They will never use it unless it's against their own populace.
Canada is not being threatened by an insurrectionist political party like the MAGA repubs. Read what former Gov Huckabee, the "so called Christian" said. He is just one of many anti-democratic MAGA repubs.

Meanwhile, Canada confirms its status as the main foreign Ukro Nazi pustule.

The Canadian Parliament and their guest Zelensky give a 98-year-old ukrainian veteran of the SS division "Galicia" a standing ovation.

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