Canadastan Starving Law Abiding Citizens

You got mad at Gretchen Whitmer for shutting industry down how come you aren't mad at these anti vaxers who are disrupting the supply chain?

This is a different story entirely, this is about the Canadian people trying to dispose of a tyrant.

I'm concerned what message Brandon's hostility to the Canadian people is sending the Cuban people who are also toiling under a despot.
Because one has a reason that supports liberty and Western Civilization.
Any other questions?
That's your opinion. Just making sure we are clear. You'd shut down the economy too if you thought it was for an important reason.

934,000 USA deaths from Corona. No biggy right? This coming from the party who supposedly values life. BULLSHIT.
Our rulers here in America would do the same to us.

And they wonder why the people sometimes want to have an insurrection- if the ruling liberal elite is heckbent on starving the Deplorables what would they expect.

Time to look back on the 1381 Insurrection of the Deplorables in England, led by a proto-Trumpster Wat Tyler.
I bet you are near death from starvation.
That's your opinion. Just making sure we are clear. You'd shut down the economy too if you thought it was for an important reason.

934,000 USA deaths from Corona. No biggy right? This coming from the party who supposedly values life. BULLSHIT.

Name them. Until I have access to medical records and clinical findings -- IOW, proof -- your 934,000 is a fantasy. Nobody died of "COVID".
That's your opinion. Just making sure we are clear. You'd shut down the economy too if you thought it was for an important reason.

934,000 USA deaths from Corona. No biggy right? This coming from the party who supposedly values life. BULLSHIT.

And you could care less that China created and released the bio WMD, you consider it good to wipe out humanity.
I donate repeatedly and when the American convoy starts rolling, I will donate more.

I also support Candian truckers who are parking their rigs TODAY, and not hauling a single product until there's something resolved. Tighten your belts and get ready to run out of food and toilet paper, bitches! And don't come to my house. I only have supplies for two years and anyone who supports truckers being forced to get the jab can simply fucking starve. Starvation is a hard way to die, motherfuckers. Remember the truckers when you draw your last breath.
You guys cried when Whitmer shut down industry in order to save lives. Now you want to shut down industry so the unvaccinated can spread their mutating virus from Canada to USA? If you aren't vaccinated, you can't be a trucker who goes to and from Canada. Sorry.
You guys cried when Whitmer shut down industry in order to save lives. Now you want to shut down industry so the unvaccinated can spread their mutating virus from Canada to USA? If you aren't vaccinated, you can't be a trucker who goes to and from Canada. Sorry.
Starve when the truckers screw you like you wanted to screw them. I hope it hurts.
Another reason - one is a grass-roots protest, the other is someone using government power to harm citizens. Any other questions?
That's your spin. You think her intention was to harm citizens? Then I can't talk to you seriously.

Grass roots you mean like BLM or the Insurrectionists?
I hope everyone is happy with their liberal democracies.

The system is sociopathic.
Every 8 years we elect a Republican or put Republicans back in control of the House/Senate and they fuck everything up. Then a Democrat has to come along and fix it. Clinton fixed Bush's mess. Obama fixed Bush's mess. And Biden is cleaning up Trump's mess.

Republicans don't know how to lead. How can you lead if you don't believe in government?
Trudeau is e
Why has the Democratic Party abandoned the working class? Why would you STILL support them?

The Truckers’ Revolt Has Exposed the Left’s Class Hatred

Every time working-class people rebel today they are instantly smeared as fascists.​

By Tom Slater
What we have there is a bottom-up working-class revolt, for workers’ rights and against state authoritarianism, with politicians, bankers and Silicon Valley tech types all lining up against it. And so the response from the left has naturally been to denounce the protesters as far-right scum and side with the powers-that-be.

Echoing Justin Trudeau’s absurd smears – he has casually asserted that the protests are riddled with ‘anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-black racism, homophobia and transphobia’ – left-wingers have done one better and presented the truckers as a would-be Fourth Reich. Canadian leftists have labelled them ‘fascist’. American socialist magazine Jacobin has dubbed them ‘noxious reactionaries’, ‘far-right populists’ and a ‘front for a right-wing, anti-worker agenda’.
The Truckers’ Revolt Has Exposed the Left’s Class Hatred - LewRockwell
Trudeau is especially enraged about transphobia

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