Canadastan Starving Law Abiding Citizens

Her intention was to harm citizens? Funny I'm a Michigander and I didn't get that feeling that's why she was doing it. Are you from Michigan? So then you swallowed what Trump and Fox told you? And now you are siding with these truckers who are shutting down industry. You're funny.
I should feel bad for supporting people who want fewer government mandates on already heavily regulated and monitored workers? I don't. Then I should feel bad for not liking a governor shutting down industry (your words)? Again, I don't.

You can pretend there's some kind of equivalence there all you want.
You guys cried when Whitmer shut down industry in order to save lives. Now you want to shut down industry so the unvaccinated can spread their mutating virus from Canada to USA? If you aren't vaccinated, you can't be a trucker who goes to and from Canada. Sorry.

If you believe that Whitmer's malevolent abuse of power and sabotage of her state's economy was about saving lives, then you are too damn stupid to live.
Actually, the Amazon workers of Alabama voted overwhelmingly against bringing in the wise guys of Big Labor to skim their pay checks
Why because they were intimidated?

A U.S. labor board official is ordering a revote after an agency review found Amazon improperly pressured warehouse staff to vote against joining a union, tainting the original election enough to scrap its results.

"Today's decision confirms what we were saying all along that Amazon's intimidation and interference prevented workers from having a fair say in whether they wanted a union in their workplace."
Another reason - one is a grass-roots protest, the other is someone using government power to harm citizens. Any other questions?

You seem to have misspelled abusing”.

And it is worth pointing out that the power that she was abusing does not legitimately exist in the first place. She was usurping power to which she never had any legitimate claim, and abusing it to the harm of the people she is supposed to be serving.
Republicans believe charity is the answer. And they empathize with the truckers. So yes, a gofuckme page would be a great idea. I bet USMB Republicans donate zero dollars to the cause. They gave all their money away to church and Trump's legal defense.
It says 930,000 deaths. I'm quoting the medical industries numbers. Who you want me to quote? If you don't believe, that's on you.

It's like when Obama was president you refused to believe the unemployment numbers. You said they were fake. Then Trump got in and the second the number went down 001% you believed the numbers and said Trump had the lowest unemployment numbers ever.

No one is trying to reason with you. Just argue.
That just proves that you trust the media.

Nobody died of "COVID" until you prove it.
You think her intention was to harm citizens?

It may not have been her primary motive, but she clearly did not give a shit what harm she did to her own people, in order to enrich and empower herself. Such depraved-heart indifference to the harmful effects of one's behavior is no better, ethically, than a deliberate intent to cause that harm.
Her intention was to harm citizens? Funny I'm a Michigander and I didn't get that feeling that's why she was doing it. Are you from Michigan? So then you swallowed what Trump and Fox told you? And now you are siding with these truckers who are shutting down industry. You're funny.

If you truly believe that that power-crazed bitch ruling over your state committed her crimes out of concern for your well-being, then you are in no place to suggest that anyone else is swallowing lies and misinformation.
GoDefraudMe is dead - whether they know it or not. They operate based on trust. No one will ever trust them again.
Were they caught skimming?

I HATE Gofundme. Absolutely hate it. Unless it is someone who is truly a sad case that it makes sense.

My girlfriends sister has 2 kids. Single mom. She wants a new car so she started a gofuckme page. Pissed me off. I had to give $50 or I might piss my girlfriend off. But I just gave her $50 bucks. You know how much she raised? $50 fucking bucks. She should have given me the fucking money back.

But it reminds me of a song by Arrestive Development. Mr. Wendel. It does, "hey, here's a dollar man in fact naw brother man here have $2. $2 means a snack for me but it means a big deal to you."

I just have to remind myself, whenever I'm generous with my money, that's money I won't have when I retire. Or money I won't leave to my nephews. I remember this father when I was growing up used to say he NEVER gives money to charity. He will donate his time but not money. I agree with him. If a guy with as much money as I have "should" give more than Bezos and Trump should give half their fortunes away every 10 years. What's the difference between $10 billion and $20? Nothing. But for me, the difference between $1.2 million and $1 million is a lot. Add up all the time you've given your money away over a lifetime it probably adds up to a lot of money that could have been in the stock market gaining interest. And $200,000 will only last you 8 years if your bills add up to $25K a year.
If you truly believe that that power-crazed bitch ruling over your state committed her crimes out of concern for your well-being, then you are in no place to suggest that anyone else is swallowing lies and misinformation.
Can you tell me her motives? I have some pretty conservative friends. Like you, none of them can back up their feelings about her. Can you tell us why she's being such a "bitch"?

To me, this is just another example of how Republicans hate strong women. Pelosi, Hillary, Whitmer, the Squad
Republicans believe charity is the answer. And they empathize with the truckers. So yes, a gofuckme page would be a great idea. I bet USMB Republicans donate zero dollars to the cause. They gave all their money away to church and Trump's legal defense.

It's a well-established fact that Republicans/conservatives are much more generous than Democraps/LIbErals when it comes to freely giving to charity, out of what is rightfully theirs to give. Democraps/LIbErals think that they can claim generosity and charitable intent, not by giving what is rightfully theirs to give, but by what they can get government to steal from others for the causes that Democraps/LIbErals support.
It's a well-established fact that Republicans/conservatives are much more generous than Democraps/LIbErals when it comes to freely giving to charity, out of what is rightfully theirs to give. Democraps/LIbErals think that they can claim generosity and charitable intent, not by giving what is rightfully theirs to give, but by what they can get government to steal from others for the causes that Democraps/LIbErals support.
Well said.
Why because they were intimidated?

A U.S. labor board official is ordering a revote after an agency review found Amazon improperly pressured warehouse staff to vote against joining a union, tainting the original election enough to scrap its results.

"Today's decision confirms what we were saying all along that Amazon's intimidation and interference prevented workers from having a fair say in whether they wanted a union in their workplace."

The real intimidation in the Alabama Amazon vote was from Big Labor and its allies. Folks like Crazy Bernie, the all powerful BLM movement and others put a full court press on the workers to allow the wise guys to come in.
It says 930,000 deaths. I'm quoting the medical industries numbers. Who you want me to quote? If you don't believe, that's on you.

It's like when Obama was president you refused to believe the unemployment numbers. You said they were fake. Then Trump got in and the second the number went down 001% you believed the numbers and said Trump had the lowest unemployment numbers ever.

No one is trying to reason with you. Just argue.

By now, nearly everyone knows of the massive fraud that has been involved in padding those numbers, by more than an order of magnitude.

Anyone who cites those exaggerated numbers totally destroys any credibility that he otherwise might have had. Not that you ever had any credibility to lose in the first place…

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