Canadastan Starving Law Abiding Citizens

Happy story. The gelato shop owner who was threatened and harassed after her donation got her doxxed is recovering nicely, thanks to emotional and material support. Great story! Great woman!

Happy story. The gelato shop owner who was threatened and harassed after her donation got her doxxed is recovering nicely, thanks to emotional and material support. Great story! Great woman!

What has happened to this man's hair? It looks like he has an out if control hairline.
Is there a list of banks that are doing this? If so, we should publish it and tell people to close their accounts with those banks if they have any.
Isn't it odd that left wrong-wing filth, such as SleazyBozo cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the distinction between a horrendous tyrant, and a group of people elsewhere fighting against a comparable horrendous tyrant?

If SleazyBozo was here in 1776, is there any doubt as to which side it would have taken?
You sure have demonized her. Who do you hate more her, Nancy or Hillary?

Fuck Marry Kill those three. Ready go.
Well, every conservative on this board says they are an eccentric millionaire.... I'm sure you're sending money...right?
And if that's true, why should us middle class people listen to them? It's them robbing us. It's them lowering our wages. It's them who have taken over our government and get the politicians to pass anti worker pro billionaire policies. It's them who hire illegals. It's them who sold us on NAFTA. Corporations and Republicans loved NAFTA till Trump came along. Of course then they believe the rich pay too much in taxes. They are rich themselves. If they are rich, how dare they tell us their economic policies work for us. Bullshit. They work for them. Then they pretend their party isn't the party of for and by the rich.

What happened is the right leaning American poor who took over the party and got Trump elected don't like sending jobs to Mexico or hiring illegals. Even though Republican BUSH 1 invented NAFTA and Bush 2 loves immigrants. More Republicans signed it than Democrats. In fact, Republicans got Clinton to sign it. He signed their bill into law. Made it his. Idiot. So Republicans today can say Clinton signed it but they invented it. Like Bush lied us into Iraq but he got Hillary to go along.

Anyways, the GOP movement doesn't like hiring illegals or sending jobs overseas. But the globalists who run the party love it.

It may not have been her primary motive, but she clearly did not give a shit what harm she did to her own people, in order to enrich and empower herself. Such depraved-heart indifference to the harmful effects of one's behavior is no better, ethically, than a deliberate intent to cause that harm.
Bullshit. That's why they sent out all that free money to help you poor people get by.

I didn't get the second check but I bet you did. You're welcome. It was for you poor people. Proof our Democratic policies are better for the middle class than Republicans. Trickle up bitches!

How do you live 24/7 with a man you despise in your head?
I never think about him till I come here to talk politics. He is your front runner for 2024 no? Like how you guys obsessed with the anti hillary stuff for 30 years. That worked for you so we will try it.
And if that's true, why should us middle class people listen to them? It's them robbing us. It's them lowering our wages. It's them who have taken over our government and get the politicians to pass anti worker pro billionaire policies. It's them who hire illegals. It's them who sold us on NAFTA. Corporations and Republicans loved NAFTA till Trump came along. Of course then they believe the rich pay too much in taxes. They are rich themselves. If they are rich, how dare they tell us their economic policies work for us. Bullshit. They work for them. Then they pretend their party isn't the party of for and by the rich.

What happened is the right leaning American poor who took over the party and got Trump elected don't like sending jobs to Mexico or hiring illegals. Even though Republican BUSH 1 invented NAFTA and Bush 2 loves immigrants. More Republicans signed it than Democrats. In fact, Republicans got Clinton to sign it. He signed their bill into law. Made it his. Idiot. So Republicans today can say Clinton signed it but they invented it. Like Bush lied us into Iraq but he got Hillary to go along.

Anyways, the GOP movement doesn't like hiring illegals or sending jobs overseas. But the globalists who run the party love it.

You guys cried when Whitmer shut down industry in order to save lives. Now you want to shut down industry so the unvaccinated can spread their mutating virus from Canada to USA? If you aren't vaccinated, you can't be a trucker who goes to and from Canada. Sorry.
Lies. Never ending Lies. If the actually worked you wouldnt be wetting yourself for 2 years.

You are trying to use the Yellow Star tactics for Unvacced.

You can kiss my ass.
Can you tell me her motives? I have some pretty conservative friends. Like you, none of them can back up their feelings about her. Can you tell us why she's being such a "bitch"?

To me, this is just another example of how Republicans hate strong women. Pelosi, Hillary, Whitmer, the Squad

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