Canadastan Starving Law Abiding Citizens

Bullshit. That's why they sent out all that free money to help you poor people get by.

I didn't get the second check but I bet you did. You're welcome. It was for you poor people. Proof our Democratic policies are better for the middle class than Republicans. Trickle up bitches!
Keep it up, SleazyBuckets. It's snowing here. I'm stuck inside. TV is dull. The free entertainment is priceless! Give us another of your brilliant pronouncements.

PS -- all the nasty stimulus checks I got went to the local animal rescue and food bank.
None of them do, but you're furthering your image of calloused hatred. So, good for you.

And if that's true, why should us middle class people listen to them? It's them robbing us. It's them lowering our wages. It's them who have taken over our government and get the politicians to pass anti worker pro billionaire policies. It's them who hire illegals. It's them who sold us on NAFTA. Corporations and Republicans loved NAFTA till Trump came along. Of course then they believe the rich pay too much in taxes. They are rich themselves. If they are rich, how dare they tell us their economic policies work for us. Bullshit. They work for them. Then they pretend their party isn't the party of for and by the rich.

What happened is the right leaning American poor who took over the party and got Trump elected don't like sending jobs to Mexico or hiring illegals. Even though Republican BUSH 1 invented NAFTA and Bush 2 loves immigrants. More Republicans signed it than Democrats. In fact, Republicans got Clinton to sign it. He signed their bill into law. Made it his. Idiot. So Republicans today can say Clinton signed it but they invented it. Like Bush lied us into Iraq but he got Hillary to go along.

Anyways, the GOP movement doesn't like hiring illegals or sending jobs overseas. But the globalists who run the party love it.

Don't worry it's not true. One guy here claims to live on dividend income (you'd have to own millions of dollars of stock for this) but somehow drives a Toyota.
And if that's true, why should us middle class people listen to them? It's them robbing us. It's them lowering our wages. It's them who have taken over our government and get the politicians to pass anti worker pro billionaire policies. It's them who hire illegals. It's them who sold us on NAFTA. Corporations and Republicans loved NAFTA till Trump came along. Of course then they believe the rich pay too much in taxes. They are rich themselves. If they are rich, how dare they tell us their economic policies work for us. Bullshit. They work for them. Then they pretend their party isn't the party of for and by the rich.

What happened is the right leaning American poor who took over the party and got Trump elected don't like sending jobs to Mexico or hiring illegals. Even though Republican BUSH 1 invented NAFTA and Bush 2 loves immigrants. More Republicans signed it than Democrats. In fact, Republicans got Clinton to sign it. He signed their bill into law. Made it his. Idiot. So Republicans today can say Clinton signed it but they invented it. Like Bush lied us into Iraq but he got Hillary to go along.

Anyways, the GOP movement doesn't like hiring illegals or sending jobs overseas. But the globalists who run the party love it.

Oh, the poor, weak, useless democrats who just can't do anything at all without fear that a Republican somewhere will look at them sideways. And you keep voting for them, why!

Don't worry it's not true. One guy here claims to live on dividend income (you'd have to own millions of dollars of stock for this) but somehow drives a Toyota.
I have less than $250K in my brokerage account and I take a $2,000 cash withdrawal from that account every month. And the balance of my account goes up most months, except for the first six months after the "COVID" shit started. Nice to have a broker who is a family friend.

I have other monthly income, but I could live on $2K if I had to, since my mortgage is paid off and I don't waste money on stupid shit.

Wow! And I drive a Toyota! GASP!
Bullshit. That's why they sent out all that free money to help you poor people get by.

I have never been able to comprehend the level of stupidity that it takes to believe that when government steals a large part of the wealth that we human beings work to produce and earn, and then gives us scraps of it back, that it is doing us any kind of favor.
Lies. Never ending Lies. If the actually worked you wouldnt be wetting yourself for 2 years.

You are trying to use the Yellow Star tactics for Unvacced.

You can kiss my ass.
75 plus % of the people who died of corona were unvaccinated. I loved it. You don't believe? The ones who died believed in the end. They ran to the doctors they didn't trust crying.
Keep it up, SleazyBuckets. It's snowing here. I'm stuck inside. TV is dull. The free entertainment is priceless! Give us another of your brilliant pronouncements.

PS -- all the nasty stimulus checks I got went to the local animal rescue and food bank.
Then you're a fucking idiot. If you qualified for a check, you're a fool to give it away. You got enough money to retire?

I make too much to get one and I wouldn't give it away.

Don't worry it's not true. One guy here claims to live on dividend income (you'd have to own millions of dollars of stock for this) but somehow drives a Toyota.
When I retire I hope I'm going to live off the dividends. I have $200,000 here, $100,000 there, $50K there.

I have this one investment where when I retire it's going to be $400 a month and he said it would never run out of money as long as I lived. If I retire at 62 I should get about $150 a month for the rest of my life. Between that one annuity and social security that's $550 a month. Let's say in 11 years my bills are $1000 a month. I hope I don't eat up my life savings

BUT, you are pointing out another example of how America is not great again. When my grandmothers were retired, they lived off the interest in their savings accounts. They got 10%. Today what do we get .05%? Americans are SUCKERS!
Then you're a fucking idiot. If you qualified for a check, you're a fool to give it away. You got enough money to retire?
I make too much to get one and I wouldn't give it away.
I'm retired and I have plenty of money. If caring about abandoned pets and hungry neighbors makes me a fool, then so be it.

Was it in this thread, or another, that I recently pointed out the difference between conservatives giving to charity out of what is rightfully theirs to give, versus LIbErals claiming virtue on the basis of what they can get government to steal from others to give to their favored causes?

I think we've just seen a practical demonstration of it, right here.
Was it in this thread, or another, that I recently pointed out the difference between conservatives giving to charity out of what is rightfully theirs to give, versus LIbErals claiming virtue on the basis of what they can get government to steal from others to give to their favored causes?

I think we've just seen a practical demonstration of it, right here.
Ayep! That is definitely the illustration of what I thought you were saying in that post.
75 plus % of the people who died of corona were unvaccinated. I loved it. You don't believe? The ones who died believed in the end. They ran to the doctors they didn't trust crying.
Already had covid pussy. Im not 81 with 4 comorbids either.

You still hiding under your bed. Lol
Were they caught skimming?

I HATE Gofundme. Absolutely hate it. Unless it is someone who is truly a sad case that it makes sense.

My girlfriends sister has 2 kids. Single mom. She wants a new car so she started a gofuckme page. Pissed me off. I had to give $50 or I might piss my girlfriend off. But I just gave her $50 bucks. You know how much she raised? $50 fucking bucks. She should have given me the fucking money back.

But it reminds me of a song by Arrestive Development. Mr. Wendel. It does, "hey, here's a dollar man in fact naw brother man here have $2. $2 means a snack for me but it means a big deal to you."

I just have to remind myself, whenever I'm generous with my money, that's money I won't have when I retire. Or money I won't leave to my nephews. I remember this father when I was growing up used to say he NEVER gives money to charity. He will donate his time but not money. I agree with him. If a guy with as much money as I have "should" give more than Bezos and Trump should give half their fortunes away every 10 years. What's the difference between $10 billion and $20? Nothing. But for me, the difference between $1.2 million and $1 million is a lot. Add up all the time you've given your money away over a lifetime it probably adds up to a lot of money that could have been in the stock market gaining interest. And $200,000 will only last you 8 years if your bills add up to $25K a year.

Shit, you have to pay your "girlfriend" for sex AND fund her sister?
Did they? Who told you China did it? And you believed them? What a fucking sucker.

Are you fucking stupid?

I mean you are, but this is beyond the pale.

Yes, the bioweapon was created by the CCP with generous funding by Anthony Fauci and the NIH.

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