Canadian Energy Company Stands Up To Greta Thunberg - Then Apolgizes


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Canadian company X-site apologises for Greta Thunberg sexualised image, says 'Will do better'

I know how much everyone enjoys trolling in the Trump age...that was how he got elected actually, by trolling...and that is how he will be re-elected......I troll's fun....but when I troll, its to highlight the depravity that consistently pops up on the "conservative" side of the aisle...So let's take the people who think climate change is a hoax or at the very least overblown -- they all seem to hate this Greta Thunberg chick...but at what point does it cross the line? Seriously?

So basically, some Canadian based energy company started passing out sticker decals to its employees, mostly decals that the employees could wear on their hard-hats or other equipment....The sticker depicted a female with pigtails -- well here, I will let you see for yourself:


"Alberta-based oilfield company X-Site Energy services has apologised for a sexualised image of renowned environmentalist Greta Thunberg...X-Site Energy Services had initially denied producing the sticker or being associated with it..[but the uproar prompted an apology] 'X-Site Energy Services released a statement saying, “We recognize that it is not enough to apologize for the image associated with our company logo on the decals that circulated last week. This does not reflect the values of this company or our employees, and we deeply regret the pain we may have caused"

Now let's put aside the fact that Greta is a child, she is not a grown woman -- why does simulating sex with her make your case about opposing climate change?? That is like Greta or anyone else who is in favor of fighting climate change -- taking the likeness of the Exxon CEO's teen daughter and sexually depicting her doing something with the caption "Take That Big Oil!!!" -- except that, that is a hypothetical...the Greta sticker actually happened -- and simply saying "hey we were just triggering the libs" is not a justification...
Did that perverted Groping Joe get confused and end up in the wrong country this time???
Biden Greta.jpg
I wonder why? I thought that you Dems like them young and sitting in a high chair.

Canadian company X-site apologises for Greta Thunberg sexualised image, says 'Will do better'

I know how much everyone enjoys trolling in the Trump age...that was how he got elected actually, by trolling...and that is how he will be re-elected......I troll's fun....but when I troll, its to highlight the depravity that consistently pops up on the "conservative" side of the aisle...So let's take the people who think climate change is a hoax or at the very least overblown -- they all seem to hate this Greta Thunberg chick...but at what point does it cross the line? Seriously?

So basically, some Canadian based energy company started passing out sticker decals to its employees, mostly decals that the employees could wear on their hard-hats or other equipment....The sticker depicted a female with pigtails -- well here, I will let you see for yourself:

View attachment 310229

"Alberta-based oilfield company X-Site Energy services has apologised for a sexualised image of renowned environmentalist Greta Thunberg...X-Site Energy Services had initially denied producing the sticker or being associated with it..[but the uproar prompted an apology] 'X-Site Energy Services released a statement saying, “We recognize that it is not enough to apologize for the image associated with our company logo on the decals that circulated last week. This does not reflect the values of this company or our employees, and we deeply regret the pain we may have caused"

Now let's put aside the fact that Greta is a child, she is not a grown woman -- why does simulating sex with her make your case about opposing climate change?? That is like Greta or anyone else who is in favor of fighting climate change -- taking the likeness of the Exxon CEO's teen daughter and sexually depicting her doing something with the caption "Take That Big Oil!!!" -- except that, that is a hypothetical...the Greta sticker actually happened -- and simply saying "hey we were just triggering the libs" is not a justification...

Even though it was an attack against someone who has become a left wrong-wing icon, I have to say, still, that at the very best, it was in very bad taste, and highly inappropriate. It would have been so, even if Ms. Thunberg were an adult, but the fact that she's a minor makes it even more so.

As a conservative, I am disappointed at other conservatives engaging in such behavior, so similar to that which I and most conservatives rightfully condemn LIbErals for engaging in. The sexualization of children is never OK. Never. That's what the pedophilic left wrong does, not what we on the right do. This is the sort of crap that a subhuman piece of shit like TheOppressiveFaggot would defend, if it wasn't ersatz “conservatives” going after a LIbEral.

Before anyone tries to tie this to conservatives, let me be the first, here, to say that as a conservative, I absolutely condemn this; and I expect most other conservatives who have anything to say about it to do likewise.
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Canadian company X-site apologises for Greta Thunberg sexualised image, says 'Will do better'

I know how much everyone enjoys trolling in the Trump age...that was how he got elected actually, by trolling...and that is how he will be re-elected......I troll's fun....but when I troll, its to highlight the depravity that consistently pops up on the "conservative" side of the aisle...So let's take the people who think climate change is a hoax or at the very least overblown -- they all seem to hate this Greta Thunberg chick...but at what point does it cross the line? Seriously?

So basically, some Canadian based energy company started passing out sticker decals to its employees, mostly decals that the employees could wear on their hard-hats or other equipment....The sticker depicted a female with pigtails -- well here, I will let you see for yourself:

View attachment 310229

"Alberta-based oilfield company X-Site Energy services has apologised for a sexualised image of renowned environmentalist Greta Thunberg...X-Site Energy Services had initially denied producing the sticker or being associated with it..[but the uproar prompted an apology] 'X-Site Energy Services released a statement saying, “We recognize that it is not enough to apologize for the image associated with our company logo on the decals that circulated last week. This does not reflect the values of this company or our employees, and we deeply regret the pain we may have caused"

Now let's put aside the fact that Greta is a child, she is not a grown woman -- why does simulating sex with her make your case about opposing climate change?? That is like Greta or anyone else who is in favor of fighting climate change -- taking the likeness of the Exxon CEO's teen daughter and sexually depicting her doing something with the caption "Take That Big Oil!!!" -- except that, that is a hypothetical...the Greta sticker actually happened -- and simply saying "hey we were just triggering the libs" is not a justification...
Grotesquely fucking stupid AND in poor taste.
Canadian company X-site apologises for Greta Thunberg sexualised image, says 'Will do better'

I know how much everyone enjoys trolling in the Trump age...that was how he got elected actually, by trolling...and that is how he will be re-elected......I troll's fun....but when I troll, its to highlight the depravity that consistently pops up on the "conservative" side of the aisle...So let's take the people who think climate change is a hoax or at the very least overblown -- they all seem to hate this Greta Thunberg chick...but at what point does it cross the line? Seriously?

So basically, some Canadian based energy company started passing out sticker decals to its employees, mostly decals that the employees could wear on their hard-hats or other equipment....The sticker depicted a female with pigtails -- well here, I will let you see for yourself:

View attachment 310229

"Alberta-based oilfield company X-Site Energy services has apologised for a sexualised image of renowned environmentalist Greta Thunberg...X-Site Energy Services had initially denied producing the sticker or being associated with it..[but the uproar prompted an apology] 'X-Site Energy Services released a statement saying, “We recognize that it is not enough to apologize for the image associated with our company logo on the decals that circulated last week. This does not reflect the values of this company or our employees, and we deeply regret the pain we may have caused"

Now let's put aside the fact that Greta is a child, she is not a grown woman -- why does simulating sex with her make your case about opposing climate change?? That is like Greta or anyone else who is in favor of fighting climate change -- taking the likeness of the Exxon CEO's teen daughter and sexually depicting her doing something with the caption "Take That Big Oil!!!" -- except that, that is a hypothetical...the Greta sticker actually happened -- and simply saying "hey we were just triggering the libs" is not a justification...

Even though it was an attack against someone who has become a left wrong-wing icon, I have to say, still, that at the very best, it was in very bad taste, and highly inappropriate. It would have been so, even if Ms. Thunberg were an adult, but the fact that she's a minor makes it even more so.

As a conservative, I am disappointed at other conservatives engaging in such behavior, so similar to that which I and most conservatives rightfully condemn LIbErals for engaging in. The sexualization of children is never OK. Never. That's what the pedophilic left wrong does, not what we on the right do. This is the sort of crap that a subhuman piece of shit like TheOppressiveFaggot would defend, if it wasn't ersatz “conservatives” going after a LIbEral.

Before anyone tries to tie this to conservatives, let me be the first, here, to say that as a conservative, I absolutely condemn this; and I expect most other conservatives who have anything to say about it to do likewise.
Can you name me a business or professional organization who used pedophilia to "own the conservatives" about a policy position??

Did AARP make any sexual depictions of Trump's child to "own the conservatives" over cuts to Medicare??

Canadian company X-site apologises for Greta Thunberg sexualised image, says 'Will do better'

I know how much everyone enjoys trolling in the Trump age...that was how he got elected actually, by trolling...and that is how he will be re-elected......I troll's fun....but when I troll, its to highlight the depravity that consistently pops up on the "conservative" side of the aisle...So let's take the people who think climate change is a hoax or at the very least overblown -- they all seem to hate this Greta Thunberg chick...but at what point does it cross the line? Seriously?

So basically, some Canadian based energy company started passing out sticker decals to its employees, mostly decals that the employees could wear on their hard-hats or other equipment....The sticker depicted a female with pigtails -- well here, I will let you see for yourself:

View attachment 310229

"Alberta-based oilfield company X-Site Energy services has apologised for a sexualised image of renowned environmentalist Greta Thunberg...X-Site Energy Services had initially denied producing the sticker or being associated with it..[but the uproar prompted an apology] 'X-Site Energy Services released a statement saying, “We recognize that it is not enough to apologize for the image associated with our company logo on the decals that circulated last week. This does not reflect the values of this company or our employees, and we deeply regret the pain we may have caused"

Now let's put aside the fact that Greta is a child, she is not a grown woman -- why does simulating sex with her make your case about opposing climate change?? That is like Greta or anyone else who is in favor of fighting climate change -- taking the likeness of the Exxon CEO's teen daughter and sexually depicting her doing something with the caption "Take That Big Oil!!!" -- except that, that is a hypothetical...the Greta sticker actually happened -- and simply saying "hey we were just triggering the libs" is not a justification...

Even though it was an attack against someone who has become a left wrong-wing icon, I have to say, still, that at the very best, it was in very bad taste, and highly inappropriate. It would have been so, even if Ms. Thunberg were an adult, but the fact that she's a minor makes it even more so.

As a conservative, I am disappointed at other conservatives engaging in such behavior, so similar to that which I and most conservatives rightfully condemn LIbErals for engaging in. The sexualization of children is never OK. Never. That's what the pedophilic left wrong does, not what we on the right do. This is the sort of crap that a subhuman piece of shit like TheOppressiveFaggot would defend, if it wasn't ersatz “conservatives” going after a LIbEral.

Before anyone tries to tie this to conservatives, let me be the first, here, to say that as a conservative, I absolutely condemn this; and I expect most other conservatives who have anything to say about it to do likewise.
What you say is right. You do know that to many people let things go. And we still do. That is why there are men wearing dresses with their private parts hanging out in legal areas in front of children. At some point the line gets crossed to the point of extreme violence against individuals. When? Who knows?

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