Greta Thunberg Fights Over Microphone with Climate Activist to Support Hamas, Then Her Lefty Goons remove him

The Climate Warrior is so anti-Israel that she decided to interrupt a Climate Change pow wow to spout her political rhetoric regarding the Jewish state.

The Left is getting torn apart from within.

And I love to see it. ;)

What do you expect from someone so brain damaged that she flunked out of special ed.
Another example or mascot of the radical Western Europeans that hate Jews. When will the Jews get this through their heads??
The Climate Warrior is so anti-Israel that she decided to interrupt a Climate Change pow wow to spout her political rhetoric regarding the Jewish state.

The Left is getting torn apart from within.

And I love to see it. ;)

You know, I always hated Greta for being a Climate Change nut but I thought that was the extent of it. Now I see she is a full blown nut in every aspect of her life.
Another example or mascot of the radical Western Europeans that hate Jews. When will the Jews get this through their heads??
dimocrap scum don't hate Jews, they hate Western Civilization and, more specifically, they hate Capitalism.

communism/socialism/whateverism can be divided into two distinctly separate categories -- National Socialism, a'la Hitler and many, many Islamo-Fascists, and International Socialism, the far more popular version.

What we're seeing is International Socialism in all its unvarnished ugliness.

Basically, it's good vs evil. And we know which side dimocrap FILTH will take, don't we?

Every time. Every fucking time.
Is it true that Greta is on parole for persistent truancy?

Can she even spell “truant?”
The Climate Warrior is so anti-Israel that she decided to interrupt a Climate Change pow wow to spout her political rhetoric regarding the Jewish state.

The Left is getting torn apart from within.

And I love to see it. ;)

That microphone doesn’t look solar powered.
She is terrible!
She is suffering from FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome). Look up the symptoms.

Her 'parents' were/are known partiers and hippie scum. There's no doubt her 'mother' was drunk AF during her pregnancy.

How typical of the left to use a brain-damaged child to promote one of their more stupid myths.

I wonder..... Do you think that gigantic CME this weekend had any effect on our Climate? Billions of tons of Plasma hitting Earth's atmosphere with the force of MILLIONS of Hydrogen Bombs?

Ya think?

If dimocrap FILTH can think of a way to scam that, they will. "Put us in charge and give us your money!! We'll save you from those bad CME's. Which are MAGA Trump's fault anyway.''

dimocrap voters are the dumbest fucks to have ever existed on earth

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