Canadian police beating and arresting citizens in the street for supporting convoys.

Canada has fallen.
Oh well, the govt just gave it up to anarchy.
No rule of law, no respect for the parliament.
The Constitutional Monarchy system has failed.
Truckers and protesters just trampled their way to power.
If it can happen in Canada...the govt unable to maintain law and order, it can happen in other countries where the Queen is Monarch.
This is frightening.
The people in the Queen's realms were supposed to be protected from this type of violent anarchy by the politicians, police, military who all swear allegiance to the Queen...not rampaging truckers and rioting anarchists.
Australians are now sitting ducks...I'll be praying, it's all I have...silly me, I believed in no guns for the People.
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You mean like the dc police on Jan 6 thst beat up trump supporters fir just walking in the streets carrying signs in support of trump and not doing anything about the Demoncrat funded antifa and blm just standing watching letting it happen when they beat up children and the elderly trump supporters a month before the event.? Uh trollboy,none of us called thst acceptable,you and coyote did of course but not us. :uhoh3:

You will find nowhere I did. Go look.
Pretty sure that DeSantis statute was very specific and had nothing to do with legalizing intentional, vehicular homicide. Why lie? It was about escaping crowds that surround a vehicle and threaten its occupants. THAT I fully support. Until these thugs know they are taking personal risks, they'll continue to kill and injure others.

I never mentioned Desantis. Im noting people here.
the globalists of the police in canada have now hit a new low,they are going after the truckers kids now.

i hope half of this police force does not just resign and sit on the sidelines,they need to go to bat for the truckers and arrest the globalist police and traudue or they are no better than the globalists police

Just Released: 50% of the Ottawa, Canada Police Have Resigned​

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i hope half of this police force does not just resign and sit on the sidelines,they need to go to bat for the truckers and arrest the globalist police and traudue or they are no better than the globalists police

Just Released: 50% of the Ottawa, Canada Police Have Resigned​

See how long the cops last with no job and no income.
"There's no money to pay the mortgage this month, honey...I resigned in protest". LOL
"Are we poor now, daddy"?
"Yes dear, but I protested."
Sounded sketchy to me, but I don't put a lot of stock in AP either--just more msm.
Well, politics are much like war.

It does no good in believing in false information. Sure, the AP could be spreading false information as well. . . but it would be best to run on the assumption that it isn't true, than it is.

Never believe you are doing better than you are.

If the MSM says there are a hundred trucks there, and your side says there are 1000. . . and you are a trucker that supports this shit and are thinking of joining, you best believe the number is closer to 100 and get on over there. . .

That is the point.

And if you think that the police force is weakened, so less people are needed to deliver gas, food or protest, that is probably a disinformation tactic to fool folks into complacency.

One of the rules of war is disinformation.


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