Cancer and america


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
So no feeble mi fed politician nor president will ever answer why cancer is so prevalent in america moreso than most nations. Those blinded by red white and blue. Glasses will take offense maybe I don't care they aren't my neighbors but why does such a so called great nation have alarmingly high cancer rates? What is going on?
So no feeble mi fed politician nor president will ever answer why cancer is so prevalent in america moreso than most nations. Those blinded by red white and blue. Glasses will take offense maybe I don't care they aren't my neighbors but why does such a so called great nation have alarmingly high cancer rates? What is going on?

Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Hungary all have higher cancer rates than the US. I guess we are just trying to be cosmopolitan and keep up with the Jonses.
Yes but what is your theory ad to the reason for the wealthiest nation in the world having high cancer rates? Chemicals in food? Sugar? Corporations? Big business cheating? Big business intentionally doing something bad?
Yes but what is your theory ad to the reason for the wealthiest nation in the world having high cancer rates? Chemicals in food? Sugar? Corporations? Big business cheating? Big business intentionally doing something bad?

The American population is getting older. Cancer is more likely to happen when you are older ergo when measured per capita, we are likely to see our cancer rates continue to climb until the baby boomers are dust.
Yes but what is your theory ad to the reason for the wealthiest nation in the world having high cancer rates? Chemicals in food? Sugar? Corporations? Big business cheating? Big business intentionally doing something bad?
Being alive?
Yes but what is your theory ad to the reason for the wealthiest nation in the world having high cancer rates? Chemicals in food? Sugar? Corporations? Big business cheating? Big business intentionally doing something bad?
You raise a valid point. Our health in general and cancer rates in particular are bad given our average standard of living. I believe there is a cooperative effort between the food industry, the health industry and the government to keep our food loaded with sugar, artificial sugar and fats. They want to keep the pipeline filled with unhealthy people.
Yes but what is your theory ad to the reason for the wealthiest nation in the world having high cancer rates? Chemicals in food? Sugar? Corporations? Big business cheating? Big business intentionally doing something bad?

Money is not the ultimate answer to all the world's problems.

In fact, I doubt the world will ever see a true cure for cancer. It's a mega money/power maker all over the world.

Most people would rather see their granny die than lose their cash cow.
So no feeble mi fed politician nor president will ever answer why cancer is so prevalent in america moreso than most nations. Those blinded by red white and blue. Glasses will take offense maybe I don't care they aren't my neighbors but why does such a so called great nation have alarmingly high cancer rates? What is going on?
The biggest risk factor for cancer is Old Age. Cancer are generally diseases of degeneration, and as we get older , cancer becomes more frequent

If we could reduce our life expectancy to the level of Mali or Haiti, we could really get a handle on our cancer rate.
Interesting thought marathon. For the so called greatest nation something is very amiss. Downright wrong.
Seems like. Mediterranean nations have less cancer rates. Perhaps tied to the diet. I don't buy the old age theory 100 percent. There's more too it than that.
So no feeble mi fed politician nor president will ever answer why cancer is so prevalent in america moreso than most nations. Those blinded by red white and blue. Glasses will take offense maybe I don't care they aren't my neighbors but why does such a so called great nation have alarmingly high cancer rates? What is going on?

BTW, B. Hussein O charged Sleepy Joe with the task of curing cancer once and for all. Why did he fail?
Seems like. Mediterranean nations have less cancer rates. Perhaps tied to the diet. I don't buy the old age theory 100 percent. There's more too it than that.

Look at the graph here , for lung cancer.

Very rare in the younger age brackets, much more popular with the geezers

Also, for prostrate cancer, a similar graph.

You can throw all the graphs you want but I am calling america out. Yes america you have a problem.
Yes but what is your theory ad to the reason for the wealthiest nation in the world having high cancer rates? Chemicals in food? Sugar? Corporations? Big business cheating? Big business intentionally doing something bad?
Wealthiest nation on earth?
I don't think so.
Seems like. Mediterranean nations have less cancer rates. Perhaps tied to the diet. I don't buy the old age theory 100 percent. There's more too it than that.
Ralph Nader has written a Mediterranean cookbook full of his mom's recipes. Has certainly worked for him! 87 and still going strong..

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