Cancer growing

Diet is a huge part of life, period.

I'm a truck driver. I'm gone for WEEKS at a time away from home. I can only cook and freeze so much healthy home cooked food and keep it in the truck with me. Eventually I have to start eating junk because it's all we have access to at truck stops.

We also sit with the sun shining on us sometimes 7 or 8 hours a day through the side glass. We can put up a shade, but then that restricts our visibility out the side and to the rear from the side rear-view mirror that many truckers opt out of using a shade. They say I can deal with a melanoma easier than with a lawsuit from running over someone in an 80,000lb rig.

If you notice A LOT of older truckers have a scar on their left arm. That's from skin cancer being removed from the sun shining through the glass onto their left arm for decades.
I had the same problem on my left forearm and developed a rash. I used a corticosteroid cream to treat it. Now I wear a light long-sleeve shirt when I'm traveling with the sun on that side. Problem solved.
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Scientists are saying cancer is growing rapidly even among the young and they don't know why= pure lie.
Any one with half a brain knows 100% the corporations are selling us cancer, the govts play a part as well. Its a big booming business now. Satan truly rules this world.

I blame Xbox. 22 years of cancer.
Diet is a huge part of life, period.

I'm a truck driver. I'm gone for WEEKS at a time away from home. I can only cook and freeze so much healthy home cooked food and keep it in the truck with me. Eventually I have to start eating junk because it's all we have access to at truck stops.

We also sit with the sun shining on us sometimes 7 or 8 hours a day through the side glass. We can put up a shade, but then that restricts our visibility out the side and to the rear from the side rear-view mirror that many truckers opt out of using a shade. They say I can deal with a melanoma easier than with a lawsuit from running over someone in an 80,000lb rig.

If you notice A LOT of older truckers have a scar on their left arm. That's from skin cancer being removed from the sun shining through the glass onto their left arm for decades.
Did your job choose you?
Leave processed food products on the shelf.
Try to exclude sugar and white flour and starch as much as possible.
No alcohol or tobacco or intoxicants.
Exercise regularly.
Pray and or commune regularly.
Did your job choose you?

Just about. It's the only thing left under Biden that pays the bills. I don't want to make minimum wage.

And I'm not complaining about the job, I'm stating why someone's job could force them to eat bad food.

If you didn't have truckers you'd be naked homeless and hungry so shut the fuck up.
Yahoo homepage says this?

I searched on my own since, you didn't provide a link, and came up with this.
"About 9,910 children in the United States under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer in 2023. Childhood cancer rates had been rising slightly for the past few decades, but have stabilized since 2010"

We will see.
I think you started a good topic but it reeks of conspiracy and again you have no links.

In my opinion, cancers are being sold. They are being sold by lobbyists for the food and drug companies that save billions by injecting food with chemicals and all sorts of shit.

Is that what you mean?
Its in just about everything nowadays
Or eat organically produced foods. Probably cheaper than moving.
There is all kinds of cancer causing elements in the air we breathe-EVERYTHING is polluted. The rain brings those chemicals down and they get into our water, land and food grown in that land. There is no where to move. Gods kingdom is the only remaining hope.
Its in just about everything nowadays
Agreed. Sadly that is capitalism at work. Capitalism is a beautiful system but in some aspects it is a negative.

Europe is much better with their food but they too are starting to copy America's infatuation with additives in their food.

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