Cancer growing

Big industry wants to be able to dump their toxins in our environment. And then there are those that claim chemicals like roundup have no effect on people. Maybe it's time we hold industry accountable. It costs ZERO, read this, ZERO, dollars to take care of your waste properly. Have one, ONE, break of rules and you are SHUT DOWN.
Scientists are saying cancer is growing rapidly even among the young and they don't know why= pure lie.
Any one with half a brain knows 100% the corporations are selling us cancer, the govts play a part as well. Its a big booming business now. Satan truly rules this world.
I believe the jabs increase your risk of getting cancer.
Scientists are saying cancer is growing rapidly even among the young and they don't know why= pure lie.
Any one with half a brain knows 100% the corporations are selling us cancer, the govts play a part as well. Its a big booming business now. Satan truly rules this world.
Americans are choosing a piss poor diet. It gets worse with every generation.

Go back to a whole foods/ plant based diet and live. You do have choices.
And big industry well they are innocent.
I have to confess, I really don't know what you were trying to say in your OP. Could you be more specific? Are you trying to say that big industry is spreading cancer or are you trying to say they are trying to convince people they have cancer when they don't?
We tend to downplay the AIDS epidemic for some reason. Apparently it still rages among homosexuals. It's an acquired (the "A") disease mostly caused by reckless sexual behavior and often results in cancer among the young. Factor in a couple of million diseased illegal aliens who never saw a doctor in their sorry assed lives and you have a recipe for a statistical health disaster.
Why will we see?

We can see right now.

Your claim is false.

You can run from your lie but its presence will remain on this site for a long time.
My claim isn't false. Cancer has become a huge business. Because many are getting it. Then their solution is to give poison( Chemo or Radiation) to the already sick. It makes no sense.
Americans are choosing a piss poor diet. It gets worse with every generation.

Go back to a whole foods/ plant based diet and live. You do have choices.
Breathing is toxic. China has had to close whole cities down because the inhabitants couldn't breathe. I lived 30 miles from LA, Calif in 1981-When the smog rolled in i was sick everyday, i had to get out of there. Big cities are no good.
If one drank water without it being treated they would get very sick or die as well.
My claim isn't false. Cancer has become a huge business. Because many are getting it. Then their solution is to give poison( Chemo or Radiation) to the already sick. It makes no sense.
I opted for surgery to cure my prostate cancer, no drugs or radiation. Other than a little incontinence I'm doing great.
Scientists are saying cancer is growing rapidly even among the young and they don't know why= pure lie.
Any one with half a brain knows 100% the corporations are selling us cancer, the govts play a part as well. Its a big booming business now. Satan truly rules this world.

Mostly it's that dealing with cancer earns people loads of money AND stopping the things that cause cancer would stop them making money, so they don't bother.

Like formaldehyde. It's everywhere. No one seems to care. People use paint with it in, and breathe it in all the time... who cares? No one.
Mostly it's that dealing with cancer earns people loads of money AND stopping the things that cause cancer would stop them making money, so they don't bother.

Like formaldehyde. It's everywhere. No one seems to care. People use paint with it in, and breathe it in all the time... who cares? No one.
I care. I wear a respirator when I paint, $20 on Amazon.

Amazon product ASIN B092MPQBFM
Scientists are saying cancer is growing rapidly even among the young and they don't know why= pure lie.
Any one with half a brain knows 100% the corporations are selling us cancer, the govts play a part as well. Its a big booming business now. Satan truly rules this world.

Yes, it's the vaccines.

They mess with your immune system, and immunity is highly tied to cancer.

I personally know of two people who were urged to get vaxxed and boosted because of previous cancer. After they did, their cancer returned with a vengeance and both died.
Yes, it's the vaccines.

They mess with your immune system, and immunity is highly tied to cancer.

I personally know of two people who were urged to get vaxxed and boosted because of previous cancer. After they did, their cancer returned with a vengeance and both died.
It's also
1) our food supply is
2). Our water

Big industry has taken its toll but some will deny that. I say we need 10 million erin brokovichs'. Make them afraid and if they don't like it move overseas.

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