Candace Owens interviews Andrew Tate


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Candace Owens flew out to Romania to have a sit down with Andrew Tate. It’s a three hour plus interview.

Eight years ago I did not know who Andrew Tate was and I disagreed with Candace Owens. But today I say this as a Democrat that people like Candace Owens and Andrew Tate are what we need for society talking about things that were common sense just four years ago. Like being proud of who you are, being kind to people.

They talk about a number of things, including the downfall of western society. How for example there are far left-wing women who go to the streets of America with a sign celebrating that they have had 10 abortions, as if that’s a good thing.

The rise of promiscuous men and women in American society. How women can go on Instagram and TikTok and only fans and get millions of man to the subscribe to them who never touch them… how these women make millions of dollars doing these things on only fans.

What is also discussed is a rise of men and women across America in the world who are saying we are going to reject racism. We are going to reject the far left racists who want to destroy western civilization.

The rise of weak men aka simps is discussed… These are the far left wing men who support LGBT things, and BLM things. Men who are quite feminine in how they act talking dress these are the type of man who support Joe Biden, and who support cancel culture.

The fake charges of human trafficking against Andrew Tate are also brought up. One thing worth noting is at one of the women who accused Mr. Tate of human trafficking, has made the same accusations against seven other men, and one of those men recently killed himself. These are points mean nothing to the far left who are out for blood.
How for example there are far left-wing women who go to the streets of America with a sign celebrating that they have had 10 abortions, as if that’s a good thing.

So they make stupid shit up. No wonder you love them.

The rise of promiscuous men and women in American society.
Can you tell us why you think promiscuous men like Andrew Tate are alpha-dude heroes, but promiscuous women are evil sluts?

Anyways, I don't think defending a trafficker is really the way you want to go. Sure, it attracts some of the most depraved scum, but they were already on your side.
So they make stupid shit up. No wonder you love them.

Can you tell us why you think promiscuous men like Andrew Tate are alpha-dude heroes, but promiscuous women are evil sluts?

Anyways, I don't think defending a trafficker is really the way you want to go. Sure, it attracts some of the most depraved scum, but they were already on your side.
No need to make up the views of other people. I can see you’re almost ready to have a legit conversation, but u resorted to the personal attacks again.

In the original post, I talked about promiscuous men and women. Society is looser today than it was even just five years ago.

It is a fact that very specifically young women, who are attractive in the eyes of many men can go on Instagram, TikTok, or only fans, and literally make millions of dollars shaking their ass, getting naked in front of the camera men are paying them to do this. And these men are never even physically touching these women. That’s exclusively a female to male thing. Meaning the female on Instagram, showing her self off to some man, watching her perhaps thousands of miles away.

So you think it’s OK for an innocent person to have to go to jail because you don’t like their political views. What if I just said that Blm leader she go to jail because I don’t like their views it’s the same thing as you’re doing

You didn’t see that one of these women who accuse state of human trafficking has accused 7 men of the same exact thing, and one of those men killed them selves.

Do you see the filth and degeneracy in America today. The president inviting a bunch of trans people to the White House, and one of them flashes his breasts in front of the camera. That’s deprived sir that is the downfall of western civilization. And just as Andrew Tate says a rap video even 15 years ago that showed a woman and a very revealing outfit was not allowed to be broadcast during the day. But now look at the beaches of America, you see men and women wearing thongs in the open. That’s disgusting. It’s disgraceful.

The amount of men and even many women who are completely ZOMBIFIED by porn, is a problem whatever you might think of it, my friend. Do you understand that those men mostly men, but even some women have zero interest in meeting someone in real life to start a family. While other countries of the world, they have Christian values and Islamic values have huge families. Ethan, poor southern American Christian countries dirt, poor people have love and peace and joy because they have a family, sir.
I am not about to watch a 3 hr RW propaganda piece
Then watch a minute or two of it, watch some clips of the interview on YouTube

The popularity in America for this male adam22 bragging about giving his wife way to go have sex on a video. And then he also asked Andrew Tate if he wanted his wife… to have sex with her on camera. Say what you want about it. Either way that it’s somewhat popular among a portion of the left-wing in America.

Again, whatever your opinion is on this it is some portion of left-wing Americans who say “oh yeah, it’s totally cool and fine that a man will give his wife to another man for a night of sex on camera.”

OK here’s a one minute clip

You another far left wingers are posting in my throat. You left wing folks are always posting my threads. I’m going to bet that some portion of you Folks on the left are watching this interview.

Even when I had you folks and ignore, there’s like 20 or 30 of you who would constantly posting my threads. Very interesting stuff. Hope you’re having a good one brother
It is a fact that very specifically young women, who are attractive in the eyes of many men can go on Instagram, TikTok, or only fans, and literally make millions of dollars shaking their ass,
It's called porn, dumbass. It's not anything new. That's why you look so deranged when you call it the end of western civilization.

you see men and women wearing thongs in the open. That’s disgusting. It’s disgraceful.

So, what's the plan to address the dreaded thong problem?

Do you understand that those men mostly men, but even some women have zero interest in meeting someone in real life to start a family.
What? The evil wimmen feel no desire to breed with the incels?

Good for them.
Andrew Tate is a DIRTBAG womanizing piece of shit. He may not be a criminal but he is a pos.
That was in Mr. Tates previous life. Much like iMalcolm X. was once a pimp drug dealer, and a thug. He changed his ways. Same thing with Jay-Z, the rapper who sold crack cocaine. He changed

People change
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It's called porn, dumbass. It's not anything new. That's why you look so deranged when you call it the end of western civilization.


So, what's the plan to address the dreaded thong problem?

What? The wimmen won't breed with the incels?

Good for them.
Ok what are you doing posting In these types of threads if you’re just gonna personally attacked people, ignore key points being made.

Unlike just five years ago. Porn is more readily available and there’s much more sinister things going on on things like Instagram and TikTok. That’s the difference, sir.

There are more young men than ever in America, who are young and single. It’s not a joke. It’s a massive problem whatever side of the aisle you come down on. I don’t know how old you are but maybe you just don’t understand this you’re not able to see it.
It's called porn, dumbass. It's not anything new. That's why you look so deranged when you call it the end of western civilization.


So, what's the plan to address the dreaded thong problem?

What? The evil wimmen feel no desire to breed with the incels?

Good for them.
Yes, we are nearing the end of western civilization. The destruction of the statues of great men who built a civilized western world. That’s one problem. That Democrat politicians are celebrating women who are holding up signs saying they had 10 abortions.

That 60% of men under the age of 30 haven’t had sex in over a year and many of them are virgins. Laugh out at all you want say whatever you want about it. It’s a problem, sir.

Thank God for people like Andrew Tate, and Candace Owens, who are very popular among young people who are waking up. They’re putting down the computer games meeting women in real life. Doing real things working hard being kind to others.
It's called porn, dumbass. It's not anything new. That's why you look so deranged when you call it the end of western civilization.


So, what's the plan to address the dreaded thong problem?

What? The evil wimmen feel no desire to breed with the incels?

Good for them.
I've seen Ghostbusters too.
I address them. And you can't refute it, so you just cry at me.

Talk about wimpy men.
We’re having a conversation here. It’s a matter of what you want for society. You think it’s OK that women go on Instagram shaking their ass in front of the camera making millions of dollars showing this material to men who never actually touch them. Do you think it’s OK that 60% of men under the age of 30 in America haven’t had sex in over a year and many of them are virgins.

We keep going down this trajectory we’re going to have a horrible society. In fact, we already in some cases do have a horrible society. The question is, can enough people rise up and stand up to the racist far left ….can enough people stand up to defend western civilization. ??I think the answer to that is yes.
No need to make up the views of other people. I can see you’re almost ready to have a legit conversation, but u resorted to the personal attacks again.

In the original post, I talked about promiscuous men and women. Society is looser today than it was even just five years ago.

It is a fact that very specifically young women, who are attractive in the eyes of many men can go on Instagram, TikTok, or only fans, and literally make millions of dollars shaking their ass, getting naked in front of the camera men are paying them to do this. And these men are never even physically touching these women. That’s exclusively a female to male thing. Meaning the female on Instagram, showing her self off to some man, watching her perhaps thousands of miles away.

So you think it’s OK for an innocent person to have to go to jail because you don’t like their political views. What if I just said that Blm leader she go to jail because I don’t like their views it’s the same thing as you’re doing

You didn’t see that one of these women who accuse state of human trafficking has accused 7 men of the same exact thing, and one of those men killed them selves.

Do you see the filth and degeneracy in America today. The president inviting a bunch of trans people to the White House, and one of them flashes his breasts in front of the camera. That’s deprived sir that is the downfall of western civilization. And just as Andrew Tate says a rap video even 15 years ago that showed a woman and a very revealing outfit was not allowed to be broadcast during the day. But now look at the beaches of America, you see men and women wearing thongs in the open. That’s disgusting. It’s disgraceful.

The amount of men and even many women who are completely ZOMBIFIED by porn, is a problem whatever you might think of it, my friend. Do you understand that those men mostly men, but even some women have zero interest in meeting someone in real life to start a family. While other countries of the world, they have Christian values and Islamic values have huge families. Ethan, poor southern American Christian countries dirt, poor people have love and peace and joy because they have a family, sir.
another pos... And a POS trans influencer or whatever, a jerk... . Even trans people want dignity and families so cut the crap hate propaganda....

Ahh who you are in this thread, but you never posted my threads talking about helping the middle class reunion. Why do you post in my threads man

Ah u again keep on hitting that fake news buddy buddy. Even though I’ve never done it to you. Go to show you’re incapable of holding a conversation politely. Tell me why I should even respond to you when you think that slavery was just a white mans thing , and that blacks in Indian, who owned slaves treated them compassionately, but whites didn’t. Tell me how you make any sense at all.

Show some respect for your white ancestors


You do realize that if Ukrainian men who support their country (many Ukrainian supports Russia) But tell me if Ukrainian men who supported the country, also supported the me too movement, and its diabolical ultra feminist movement…. Tell me how those men would even be able to defend their country against Russia.

It’s masculine Ukrainian man who would want nothing to do with your political views that are the ones defending western Ukraine.

When the heat is turned on all of you types of pro LGBT, radical agenda, pro ultra feminist radical agenda…. When the heat is turned on the first thing you would be looking for are masculine men who would defend you. Sir, put down the Starbucks latte wake up man.
Tate has made some good points about society and our declining culture, but I'm not sure he's the kind of guy who's role model material.
Yes, we are nearing the end of western civilization. The destruction of the statues of great men who built a civilized western world. That’s one problem. That Democrat politicians are celebrating women who are holding up signs saying they had 10 abortions.

That 60% of men under the age of 30 haven’t had sex in over a year and many of them are virgins. Laugh out at all you want say whatever you want about it. It’s a problem, sir.

Thank God for people like Andrew Tate, and Candace Owens, who are very popular among young people who are waking up. They’re putting down the computer games meeting women in real life. Doing real things working hard being kind to others.
Meeting them and then being swine to them, very impressive, or did you miss that part? The GOP worst anywhere response to the pandemic has a lot to do with this.

Ahh who you are in this thread, but you never posted my threads talking about helping the middle class reunion. Why do you post in my threads man

Ah u again keep on hitting that fake news buddy buddy. Even though I’ve never done it to you. Go to show you’re incapable of holding a conversation politely. Tell me why I should even respond to you when you think that slavery was just a white mans thing , and that blacks in Indian, who owned slaves treated them compassionately, but whites didn’t. Tell me how you make any sense at all.

Show some respect for your white ancestors


You do realize that if Ukrainian men who support their country (many Ukrainian supports Russia) But tell me if Ukrainian men who supported the country, also supported the me too movement, and its diabolical ultra feminist movement…. Tell me how those men would even be able to defend their country against Russia.

It’s masculine Ukrainian man who would want nothing to do with your political views that are the ones defending western Ukraine.

When the heat is turned on all of you types of pro LGBT, radical agenda, pro ultra feminist radical agenda…. When the heat is turned on the first thing you would be looking for are masculine men who would defend you. Sir, put down the Starbucks latte wake up man.
I am pro tolerance peace and reality and science, you continue to prove that you are the haters. Liberals are damn good at defending democracy which you people don't care about one way or another it seems like. Ohh I'm thinking of you as A GOP base voter and... I've never been to Starbucks in my life ignoramus.... Women and gays and trans are pretty damn good at fighting too you may find out, you incredible bigot, oops brainwashed functional bigot... And yes the Ukrainians support these liberal views as opposed to Putin the scumbag authoritarian fascist super masculine **** **** ****....
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