Candice Owens lowers the boom on race-baiters again

This is the woman who dismissed white nationalism on the same day the DHS came out and said it was a threat to America? :lol:

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DHS contradicts Candace Owens on same day she testifies before Congress about white nationalism

White nationalism is now recognized as a major terror threat by the Department of Homeland Security

Yawn Political shoeshine.

“While the threat posed by foreign terrorist organizations like the Islamic State and al-Qaeda persists, we are acutely aware of the growing threat from enemies, both foreign and domestic, who seek to incite violence in our Nation’s youth, disenfranchised, and disaffected, in order to attack their fellow citizens and fray at the seams of our diverse social fabric. This awareness, coupled with the history of recent tragedies, has galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating abroad, to include those radicalized to violence within our borders by violent extremists. . . .
Yep! That sums the left up.

Wake me when the DHS puts Antifa, BLM, the Democratic Party, the Southern Poverty Law Center, CNN, MSNBC and the ACLU on the list.
Clearly she is very intelligent. It is interesting that several people have an intrinsic need to declare dissenting opinion as being from idiots. That is monumentally arrogant.
Clearly she is very intelligent. It is interesting that several people have an intrinsic need to declare dissenting opinion as being from idiots. That is monumentally arrogant.
Clearly they are racists & misogynists.
Candice Owens is amazing!

Totally amazing! :clap::clap2::clap2:
Yes, and the odd thing is is she shares a race with the likes of Maxine Waters. But then I share one with the likes of Rdean, or so he claims.
When a Black male walks down the street in Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis.... is the greater risk that he will be harmed by a white nationalist or by another Black Male?

Candace Owens is correct that there are far greater issues than White Nationalism facing the Black Community in the US and that Democrats and their lapdog Liberal media play up racism every Election cycle to get Blacks and other minorities fired up and scared. Watching three women at the hearing, clearly the beneficiaries of what the Left calls “white privilege”, wag their finger at Candace Owens who knows what it is to be Black in America, is pathetic. What was more pathetic was the deafening silence from the Black pundits quick to drop the race card when it suits them.
Wow, Candace is SO smart and wise beyond her age. It's no wonder she is, of course, a conservative.
Can't she just be a person?

This fascination of left/right us/them is us doing our own divide. We don't seem to need Russia for that.
Nationalism is good. It's just the newest word Democrats are trying to attach a bad connotation to. It's exactly the same things neocons tried to do with the word protectionism. Protectionism is good too.
This is the woman who dismissed white nationalism on the same day the DHS came out and said it was a threat to America? :lol:

Do better...

DHS contradicts Candace Owens on same day she testifies before Congress about white nationalism

That was her point. It is bullshit.

Her point was wrong and was contradicted by experts on the same day she made her WRONG "point".

Candace did not deny white nationalism or white supremacy. She took to task her white-privileged, Ivy League Elite intelligentsia for not having empirical data to back up their premise. She also pointed out that there are far greater issues impacting Blacks today vs. white nationalism. Did the experts have any data to counter the significance or weight according to Candace Owens?
This is the woman who dismissed white nationalism on the same day the DHS came out and said it was a threat to America? :lol:

Do better...

DHS contradicts Candace Owens on same day she testifies before Congress about white nationalism

That was her point. It is bullshit.

Her point was wrong and was contradicted by experts on the same day she made her WRONG "point".
Her point was contradicted by political bullshit. She is clearly correct.

And she backed it up with facts. An appeal to authority is a logical fallacy for a reason, it does not make a coherent argument.

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