Candidates in the GOP Primary I would for for over Trump

Abbott -Stealth Bushbot, who is doing absolutely nothing to secure the border of his own state.

Tim Scott - meh....South Carolina republicans are suspect from the jump.

Nikki Halley - Bush in a skirt.

DeSantis - 2nd pick of this litter, which isn't saying much...Yalies always raise my suspicion.

Condi Rice - Black Bush in a skirt.

Jim Jordan - Looks good....Need to see him leadership to see if he walks the walk.
That list tells me one thing. Republicans have no ideology. They have no real beliefs. And with no beliefs, it can only boil down to a few things. An agenda that involves power, money, and control. That is the Republican platform.
I have no idea what you are talking about?
He wasn’t even able to build a coalition with Republicans to get much done… Obaminationcare is still here… regardless of what people say there was no great deregulation. He did good maneuvering on the border wall, but in reality very little of it was built.

The only real thing he got done was an awful tax bill… I am not rich, but with bonus I make close to $200k. My taxes went up!

The deals he got in Israel were great I will give him that, but that was the only area he got Democrat support.

He might come in with a slim senate margin and House majority. But no doubt Romney, Collins, the Kow and a few other GOP senators will be against him… we won’t see anything done
Nothing on the border; nothing on election fraud; nothing on taxes…. We will see nothing.

He is too divisive within his own party… people might worship him, but he is an asshole that is used to treating people like shit… that doesn’t work when you are trying to build coalitions
I said I dont take party into consideration when voting. You, on the other hand, said you do. Hypocrite.
Oh please I guarantee you have political leanings… and while you say you are independent, you will vote for the person who fits your ideology.

If the Demorats even considered putting up someone like Manchin, who is fiscal conservative and leans left on social issues, I would definitely consider him/her.

However the Demorats will only run a far leftist… someone who is open borders, tax and spend, antiIsrael, pushes the woke race hustling BS, big government, anti-cop, and is a full fledge communist/socialist…

Sorry but I rather vote for the other party at that point regardless of who they are.

There is an ongoing criminal investigation about Trump trying to overturn the election.

Lol George Conway, Lawrence from MSNBC, all proven liars… nice try but you source are BUllshit
Oh please I guarantee you have political leanings… and while you say you are independent, you will vote for the person who fits your ideology.

If the Demorats even considered putting up someone like Manchin, who is fiscal conservative and leans left on social issues, I would definitely consider him/her.

However the Demorats will only run a far leftist… someone who is open borders, tax and spend, antiIsrael, pushes the woke race hustling BS, big government, anti-cop, and is a full fledge communist/socialist…

Sorry but I rather vote for the other party at that point regardless of who they are.
There are no policies for open borders. Can you provide the official policy for such a thing?

Obamanation care should be universal health care, like every other developed nation. Private health care for profit tells us one thing. That profit trumps health care.

Tax and spend? Trump raised the deficit by 36%. Spare us the lecture.
Abbott -Stealth Bushbot, who is doing absolutely nothing to secure the border of his own state.

Tim Scott - meh....South Carolina republicans are suspect from the jump.

Nikki Halley - Bush in a skirt.

DeSantis - 2nd pick of this litter, which isn't saying much...Yalies always raise my suspicion.

Condi Rice - Black Bush in a skirt.

Jim Jordan - Looks good....Need to see him leadership to see if he walks the walk.
Lol you blame Abbott for the border… the border is federal jurisdiction. He could try but he would fail. Ask Sheriff Joe what happens when you overstep jurisdiction. BS attack.

Tim Scott is an absolute great conservative, leader, and smart man… no one is suspect of him.

Halley and Rice are Bush in a skirt… 🤦‍♂️ not even close. Not sure you have heard either of them speak. Both are brilliant and would make great Presidents.

DeSantis would be our best choice… he is running FL like a season businessman and he uses great tactic when facing down the other side… unlike Trump he does it with poise and dignity and that is why he wins.

Jordan is great, but little name recognition he has little chance.
Lol you blame Abbott for the border… the border is federal jurisdiction. He could try but he would fail. Ask Sheriff Joe what happens when you overstep jurisdiction. BS attack.

Tim Scott is an absolute great conservative, leader, and smart man… no one is suspect of him.

Halley and Rice are Bush in a skirt… 🤦‍♂️ not even close. Not sure you have heard either of them speak. Both are brilliant and would make great Presidents.

DeSantis would be our best choice… he is running FL like a season businessman and he uses great tactic when facing down the other side… unlike Trump he does it with poise and dignity and that is why he wins.

Jordan is great, but little name recognition he has little chance.
Abbott has the power to protect his state border from invasion...Quit making excuses for his impotence and dereliction.

Haley and Rice are in fat Bush in skirts...Quit being a fucking sap for the warmongers.
Abbott, Tim Scott, Nikki Halley, DeSantis, Condi Rice, and Jim Jordan.

Trump’s recent attacks on Bibi and now DeSantis reminds why I can’t stand the guy as a person and why he was an ineffective politician. While I loved his ideology and one of the few people that ruled as he ran in his campaign. His thin-skin and natural ability to alienate people is not what I want to see again.

I believe all the people I named have similar political positions, but have the demeanor to run the country effectively.

I will particularly stump for DeSantis.

I don't see any of those people primarying Trump. I suppose if the Trumpster decides to retire, someone will have to be nominated and some of those folks might run.

But right now, the GOP is pretty much united- with the exception of a handful of never-trumper reprobate- behind the 74 million little Trumpsters.

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