Candy Crawley Just Lied During The Debate To Help Obama

BS, dupe. He said "No ACTS OF TERROR" would stop us...

Of course it was a terror attack, dupe. Duh. Change the channel.
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Romney got SPANKED! Looked like the smarmy car salesman he is. No specifics.

You're fucken high.

Obama did better but he showed himself to be rude and totally dishonest.

Obama thinks that he won the debate on the use of one word,Terror, in a speech he didn't even write and obviously didn't even believe.
I just saw the video.

Obama used the words "acts of terror" in the Rose Garden.

This thread is bogus.
He didn't say it was an act of terror.

He said we wouldn't tolerate acts of terror.

After he went on and on about what a despicable abuse of free speech a previously released youtube was.
He didn't say it was an act of terror.

He said we wouldn't tolerate acts of terror.

After he went on and on about what a despicable abuse of free speech a previously released youtube was.

To the left that doesn't matter.

Commentators are now saying that the moderator lied.

He did not specifically say it was an act of terror. Anyone who reads the text can tell that.

The problem being that the Administration claimed this was over a video, not a planned al Qaeda attack.
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President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi | The White House

Check it out at 4:18

"Acts of Terror".

Come on you guys. IT'S RIGHT FUCKING THERE!!!!!!!!!!

What is wrong with these white wingers?

Quote the whole sentence.

Does it say the attack was an act of terror?


These people are so predictable.

I knew they had something up their sleeve. That's why they pick the moderator and the format. It allows them to dictate the flow of the debates. I knew that they would have something in store for Romney.

All they did was give the left something they think they can crow about and no amount of common-sense will matter.
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"Acts of Terror" at 4:18 fucktard. What do you think he's talking about??????

You need to go away cuz you are a dumbass.

Rderp proves that he is utterly hostile to honesty.

Rderp is just a lying hack; he's a Fucking dishonest cockbite.
If Obama was calling this terror attack from day 2. Why was he telling the girls on the View that we cant call it a terror attack before we have all the information nearly a week later?
Notice the last minute announcement that said that Candy Crawley could interject..

That was the set-up for this episode.

It's like it was telegraphing the 'gotcha' scenario.

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