Candy Crawley Just Lied During The Debate To Help Obama

Wrong about you being a "dumbass"?

All I can say is "4:18".

See? Rderp cannot help being a compulsive liar.

"No act of terror" is NOT saying that THIS incident was an act of terror, you dishonest hack. And if he were intent on calling it an act of terror, then why pretend iit was a spontaneous mob reaction? Rderp lies as much as the idiot liar in chief.

I figured you didn't have the balls to admit you were wrong.

You guys are pathetic.

He never called it a act of terror in his Rose Garden speech...
Candy Crowley: He Was Right
Moderator: Romney was 'right in the main' on Benghazi, but 'picked the wrong word'

CNN host and debate moderator Candy Crowley said Republican nominee Mitt Romney was “right in the main” but “picked the wrong word” on the Obama administration’s immediate response to the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead.

Candy Crowley: He Was Right | Washington Free Beacon

Video at link.
It's on record that in the Rose Garden, Obama said it was an act of terrorism. It was Romney that lied.

Just because Republicans think they care rewrite history books doesn't mean they can rewrite everything.
could you please say it a little louder. :)

Won't matter to people who have their fingers in their ears.

Also rw's will never admit that President Obama IS the president. Meaning that just because he's sitting with a group of goofies doesn't mean he can TALK or ACT goofy. Unlike Etch a Sketch (George W. Big Mouth Small Brain Bush comes to mind here), he has to speak carefully at every moment.

How ridiculous to think he's going say exactly what he thinks or believes at every moment.

I've also noticed that although rw's know that R presidents have the use of telephones and other media in every state or country they visit, Obama only has access to a telephone when he's actually in the Ovala Office. :lame2::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Funny. I've never seen anyone deny that Obama is the president.
I just saw the video.

Obama used the words "acts of terror" in the Rose Garden.

This thread is bogus.
I just saw the rose garden video played too. Obama did say "terrorism".

Bullshit. He said "acts of terror" in some extended remarks.

But the fucking White House itself put out the transcript. And that was the prepared remarks. They chose to put in the taq line "close of transcript," there too.

And BEFORE that point, NOT one fucking word of "terror" or "terrorism."

It's HIS transcript. He's stuck with what he said, the transcript HE put out and the things he chose NOT to say subsequently for some fucking time.

Like rderp and Chris, the President is a liar. Plain and simple.
It's on record that in the Rose Garden, Obama said it was an act of terrorism. It was Romney that lied.

Just because Republicans think they care rewrite history books doesn't mean they can rewrite everything.]Barack & Michelle Obama on the "View" [Complete] - YouTube[/url]

Go to 11:40 , Obama says they still don't know, and they are investigating. ON 9/24, 2 weeks after the rose garden speech.

P.S. Candy Crowley just admitted she f'd up
I just saw the video.

Obama used the words "acts of terror" in the Rose Garden.

This thread is bogus.
I just saw the rose garden video played too. Obama did say "terrorism".

Bullshit. He said "acts of terror" in some extended remarks.

But the fucking White House itself put out the transcript. And that was the prepared remarks. They chose to put in the taq line "close of transcript," there too.

And BEFORE that point, NOT one fucking word of "terror" or "terrorism."

It's HIS transcript. He's stuck with what he said, the transcript HE put out and the things he chose NOT to say subsequently for some fucking time.

Like rderp and Chris, the President is a liar. Plain and simple.

And a week later on the View, he still wouldnt call it an act of terror.

Now he wants to go back and change history. No. Not going to happen.
Plus, when he DID make reference to "acts of terror" it was AFTER invoking the memory of 9/11/2001.

THAT was what he was referencing.

Sorry, libs, but CONTEXT does matter.
Plus, when he DID make reference to "acts of terror" it was AFTER invoking the memory of 9/11/2001.

THAT was what he was referencing.

Sorry, libs, but CONTEXT does matter.

I'm with you on this one. Technically, Obama did refer to it as an act of terror on the day after it happened. But he then spent two weeks refusing to say it was an act of terror. For that reason, I can't get all that excited about Romney's claim. Technically incorrect, but substantively solid in the total context.
It's on record that in the Rose Garden, Obama said it was an act of terrorism. It was Romney that lied.

Just because Republicans think they care rewrite history books doesn't mean they can rewrite everything.

He did not say it was an act of terrorism. He implied that it was due to "efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others", i.e., the film.

His reference to "acts of terror" was in a more general part of the speech, after he spoke about 9/11/2001.

After he had JUST mentioned it, in fact.

Excellent point.
Plus, when he DID make reference to "acts of terror" it was AFTER invoking the memory of 9/11/2001.

THAT was what he was referencing.

Sorry, libs, but CONTEXT does matter.

I'm with you on this one. Technically, Obama did refer to it as an act of terror on the day after it happened. But he then spent two weeks refusing to say it was an act of terror. For that reason, I can't get all that excited about Romney's claim. Technically incorrect, but substantively solid in the total context.

Waterboarding is the only way to get our politicians to tell the truth.
It's on record that in the Rose Garden, Obama said it was an act of terrorism. It was Romney that lied.

Just because Republicans think they care rewrite history books doesn't mean they can rewrite everything.

No. The President did lie. Crowley was wrong and YOU are, of course, just a fucking hack lying cock sucker.

Here is what the Asshole in Chief said in the Rose Garden:

Statement by the President on the Attack in Benghazi

I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives.

I have directed my Administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.

On a personal note, Chris was a courageous and exemplary representative of the United States. Throughout the Libyan revolution, he selflessly served our country and the Libyan people at our mission in Benghazi. As Ambassador in Tripoli, he has supported Libya's transition to democracy. His legacy will endure wherever human beings reach for liberty and justice. I am profoundly grateful for his service to my Administration, and deeply saddened by this loss.

The brave Americans we lost represent the extraordinary service and sacrifices that our civilians make every day around the globe. As we stand united with their families, let us now redouble our own efforts to carry their work forward.

Close Transcript

And you can't attack the source, you pissant motherfucking liar, because the source is the idiot's own White House:
President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi | The White House

Go ahead, you lying scumbag. FIND the word "terrorism" in his "speech," you bitch.

That is not the full transcript...THIS is:

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya | The White House

Or, watch the video in your link, move forward to 4:18
It's on record that in the Rose Garden, Obama said it was an act of terrorism. It was Romney that lied.

Just because Republicans think they care rewrite history books doesn't mean they can rewrite everything.

No. The President did lie. Crowley was wrong and YOU are, of course, just a fucking hack lying cock sucker.

Here is what the Asshole in Chief said in the Rose Garden:

Statement by the President on the Attack in Benghazi

I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives.

I have directed my Administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.

On a personal note, Chris was a courageous and exemplary representative of the United States. Throughout the Libyan revolution, he selflessly served our country and the Libyan people at our mission in Benghazi. As Ambassador in Tripoli, he has supported Libya's transition to democracy. His legacy will endure wherever human beings reach for liberty and justice. I am profoundly grateful for his service to my Administration, and deeply saddened by this loss.

The brave Americans we lost represent the extraordinary service and sacrifices that our civilians make every day around the globe. As we stand united with their families, let us now redouble our own efforts to carry their work forward.

Close Transcript

And you can't attack the source, you pissant motherfucking liar, because the source is the idiot's own White House:
President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi | The White House

Go ahead, you lying scumbag. FIND the word "terrorism" in his "speech," you bitch.

That is not the full transcript...THIS is:

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya | The White House

Or, watch the video in your link, move forward to 4:18
Thanks for posting the whole thing. Of course Obama and Crowley were correct.

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