Kamala Harris: “Women are getting pregnant every day in America, and this is a real issue."

Dual income no kids is gaining traction. More and more young couples aren't having kids. The issue will take care of itself.
Dual income no kids is gaining traction. More and more young couples aren't having kids. The issue will take care of itself.
The problem is that it’s the educated, affluent couples who aren’t having kids. Those of below-average intelligence, and who rely on government programs, and often aren’t even married, are the ones dropping out 3….4….5 kids.

This is a problem. And you don’t help matters when you IMPORT more of the same from foreign countries.

It’s all part of Obama’s plan to transform America into an inferior country.
The problem is that it’s the educated, affluent couples who aren’t having kids. Those of below-average intelligence, and who rely on government programs, and often aren’t even married, are the ones dropping out 3….4….5 kids.

This is a problem. And you don’t help matters when you IMPORT more of the same from foreign countries.

It’s all part of Obama’s plan to transform America into an inferior country.
So close up the border I agree. What do you mean by affluent? Wealthy? Powerful?
Gee if a woman doesn't want to get pregnant all it takes is some personal responsibility on her part and her partner's

They always paint this picture that women are somehow forced to have unprotected sex constantly, or that they are required to get pregnant against their will.

If you don't want to get pregnant it's real easy, just have some willpower to not raw dog every dick they see, use protection, or simply just not have sex until they are ready for a child.

I'm 49 years old and I never wanted kids because I didn't think I would be able to be the father I think a child needs, so I never have gotten a woman pregnant. I used protection and sometimes just chose not to have sex despite having the opportunity to do so.

But that's what happens in a godless society with no morals, values, pride, or standards. You end up with people acting like rutting pigs that don't want to be responsible for themselves or a child so they want the easy way out of murdering a child instead of being strong and responsible.

I just wish at the very least these people would actually face the truth and admit abortion is murdering a child. Because it is murdering a human being.
So close up the border I agree. What do you mean by affluent? Wealthy? Powerful?
By affluent I mean the liberals who surround me in NoVa and close-in Maryland, and who earn enough to encase themselves in gated, white communities or luxury condos - and thus protect themselves from the consequences of their vote.

if you want numbers, I’d say a single earning $120,000 or so, and a family earning $250,000 or so, are affluent. I define wealthy more by net worth - $3 million or thereabouts.
They always paint this picture that women are somehow forced to have unprotected sex constantly, or that they are required to get pregnant against their will.

If you don't want to get pregnant it's real easy, just have some willpower to not raw dog every dick they see, use protection, or simply just not have sex until they are ready for a child.

I'm 49 years old and I never wanted kids because I didn't think I would be able to be the father I think a child needs, so I never have gotten a woman pregnant. I used protection and sometimes just chose not to have sex despite having the opportunity to do so.

But that's what happens in a godless society with no morals, values, pride, or standards. You end up with people acting like rutting pigs that don't want to be responsible for themselves or a child so they want the easy way out of murdering a child instead of being strong and responsible.

I just wish at the very least these people would actually face the truth and admit abortion is murdering a child. Because it is murdering a human being.
Here’s my experience: I never met a guy who refused to make a midnight run to the drugstore if not doing so meant a “no-go”. Not ONCE.

(Not that there have been that many….i was always a decent gal with morals.)
The problem is that it’s the educated, affluent couples who aren’t having kids. Those of below-average intelligence, and who rely on government programs, and often aren’t even married, are the ones dropping out 3….4….5 kids.

This is a problem. And you don’t help matters when you IMPORT more of the same from foreign countries.

It’s all part of Obama’s plan to transform America into an inferior country.
This used to be true but isn't so much true as it once was....hence the current problem of 2nd gen+ live births below the rate of deaths. Too many options for birth control or abortions and guys are much more reluctant to sleep with a woman who will seek child support payments.

Welfare has changed as well to where it's only for 2 years a poor person can receive government financial aid for children. (Except for foster children)

Immigration is a means to alleviate some of problems stemming from this poor birth rate....but it has other massive issues surrounding it. (As Europe and we have experienced with crime rates and organized rioting)

Women and couples need to perceive a stable financial future before they will procreate. Not where both husband and wife need to work or become homeless and cannot afford daycare, diapers, or formula and doctor visits.

Financially speaking:
Things were actually becoming prime in the US for increased birth rates just before the pandemic. Incomes were high enough that sufficient disposable income was available to induce babies. But then the last 4 years it all was destroyed by pandemic, high (double digit) inflation with wages lagging to increase at all.
Here’s my experience: I never met a guy who refused to make a midnight run to the drugstore if not doing so meant a “no-go”. Not ONCE.

(Not that there have been that many….i was always a decent gal with morals.)
This many, many choices can be made up front so pregnancy doesn't occur. Make the right choices up front, so the abortion choice doesn't have to be considered. Personal responsibility is simple.
This many, many choices can be made up front so pregnancy doesn't occur. Make the right choices up front, so the abortion choice doesn't have to be considered. Personal responsibility is simple.
It's as though my body my choice only comes into play when killing the undesirable fetus is helpful. It doesn't exist before conception, like a lot of other things.
Kommie the Ho throws up babies.
We need more families to have more babies in this country.

Hitler however informed me that my civil rights aren't, because they hinge on a clause Dr. Martin Luther King delegated in one of his speeches. He decreed that blacks' love for our oppressors should be primarily impersonal and "spiritual" in nature, as opposed to emotional or erotic. I'm instinctively mainly attracted to guys like my dad who is white, but I'm both too phenotypically black and too poor to evade this rude and intrusive policy.

I told you I'm not interested in this policy, nicely once. The policy pertains to my employment rights, so I opposed it in an employment format. I applied Newton's law of using an equal and opposite force to reject this policy. Next time I'll rip you a goddam new one. So I actually think Harris would make a great President. Not because she'd necessarily sympathize with me. I just like her personality.
However Amadeus highlighted one of Mozart/Bismarck/Hitler's personality traits which remains true to this day: if he thinks you don't like him and you might be hostile to him, he'll try to absolutely DESTROY you. Ooh wee. Ever. He'll also try to nip you in the bud 3 moves ahead. I never liked white people ever since I was a small child. I ambivalently fell in love with him UNTIL I figured out he was my grandpa. But there's also a side to me which preemptively disliked him. I guess you don't get to achieve immortality for nothing. Ne'ertheless he's an evil man.
This used to be true but isn't so much true as it once was....hence the current problem of 2nd gen+ live births below the rate of deaths. Too many options for birth control or abortions and guys are much more reluctant to sleep with a woman who will seek child support payments.

Welfare has changed as well to where it's only for 2 years a poor person can receive government financial aid for children. (Except for foster children)

Immigration is a means to alleviate some of problems stemming from this poor birth rate....but it has other massive issues surrounding it. (As Europe and we have experienced with crime rates and organized rioting)

Women and couples need to perceive a stable financial future before they will procreate. Not where both husband and wife need to work or become homeless and cannot afford daycare, diapers, or formula and doctor visits.

Financially speaking:
Things were actually becoming prime in the US for increased birth rates just before the pandemic. Incomes were high enough that sufficient disposable income was available to induce babies. But then the last 4 years it all was destroyed by pandemic, high (double digit) inflation with wages lagging to increase at all.
Is it true what you say about the two years limit to welfare? I know a young woman in her 20s, with four kids ranging from 18 momths to age 8, three different fathers, none of whom provide support, and she has been getting food stamps for almost two years.

Are you saying that she might have to get a job? As it is, she lives with her mother, who is in her 40s, and the mother doesn’t work either - but watches the kids most days. The younger mother hangs out with her friends for the most part.

I am for ONE of them to get a job, and the other watch the children.
Is it true what you say about the two years limit to welfare? I know a young woman in her 20s, with four kids ranging from 18 momths to age 8, three different fathers, none of whom provide support, and she has been getting food stamps for almost two years.

Are you saying that she might have to get a job? As it is, she lives with her mother, who is in her 40s, and the mother doesn’t work either - but watches the kids most days. The younger mother hangs out with her friends for the most part.

I am for ONE of them to get a job, and the other watch the children.
In most states very much so....
The State itself can provide funding after the two years but it is not federal money providing the income and housing. (I'm not sure if any state provides funding)

This happened during the Newt Gingrich Congress and Clinton years. Part of balancing the budget.

Where it did balance the budget there were consequences for this.

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