Illegals get debit cards, citizens pay more for groceries. Thank you Biden/Harris! (Poll)

Do you support the government borrowing money to give to illegal immigrants?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 10 90.9%

  • Total voters
Very true. I'm betting that if Trump wins there will be a lot of negotiating as to who gets deported 1st.
I'm thinking Chinese, Russians, and potential terrorists and criminals.
Someone working his ass off to get by probably gets a pass.
Child trafficking is a tougher nut. Biden can't find many illegal kids, ooops.
Actually, his deportation efforts will be a complete clusterfuck.

If he engages in the kind of racial profiling you suggest, the courts will slap him down, hard.
So let me get this straight, US citizens are suffering, while illegal immigrants are given free food and housing?
This could be an election issue.
The government is borrowing money to give to illegal immigrants while citizens suffer runaway inflation and unaffordable grocery prices.

My opinion is that open borders is hurting Americans. 12,000,000 illegals are using food and housing paid for by the government by borrowing more money to increase the DEBT and cause runaway inflation by creating more demand for food and housing without creating more supply.
The Border Czar has some 'splainin' to do.
Did you even read your own link? It never mentions the term "illegal immigrants." Are they? I guess some might be but since your article just mentions "immigrants" we should probably assume they are here legally.
If you are poor then you are probably eligible for SNAP benefits which is federal. It looks like this particular program is administered at the state level in NY though.
Are these people asylum seekers I wonder?
At any rate your intention here is clear. It's a common MAGAt tactic that convicted felon Trump first employed when he came down his escalator in 2015.
Prey on the deepest, darkest, primal fears of his cultroaches.
Tribalism and territorialism.
Tell them "Yeah, you're broke and loosing your importance and political power because these FOREIGN, BROWN-SKINNED people are sneaking in and STEALING your country!"
This his his clever little shell game trick he continuously plays on his MAGAt base to distract them from the fact that fear and hatred is all he really has to offer them.
Not at all, all I saw was a bunch of Racists having a murder boner that Rittenhouse is living your dream. Of course, in his case, he can't get a job, he's a social pariah, and his mother is about to get evicted from her home.

Here's the ugly truth about illegals... you benefit from their labor. The food you eat, the facilities you use, were all there because of undocumented laborers.
What Rittenhouse showed you is that one kid pushed back. And the rioters ran like horses in a race.
Why did Trump do it--the article is from 2007.
Why are you supporting the blob who did it?
Here is where you back away from what you said and somehow will now try to blame Harris for it.
The article in the OP is recent:

Published 1:44 PM EDT, February 6, 2024

Did what?
I'm not following your point. Technical writing means do not use pronouns.
The government is borrowing money to give tax cuts to billionaires. Where is your outrage over that?

There is no "runaway inflation". You have the lowest inflation in the first world. Inflation is less than 3%. Grocery prices went up because there were no illegals picking the crops. Wait until Trump puts a tariff on everything you import!!!

Republicans are the most economically ignorant group on the planet. You need to be forbidden to make comments on the US economy until you learn how it works,.
1. True. The tax cuts are a mistake as well. I'm outraged about the Federal Budget and the Deficit.
2. Yes there is runaway inflation, added up the inflation for Biden is about 24% from start to end.
3. We always had crop pickers dumbass.
4. Tariffs on imports mean we buy domestic.
5. We'll see who voters prefer in November, every trip to the grocery store is an outrage over prices.
Actually, his deportation efforts will be a complete clusterfuck.

If he engages in the kind of racial profiling you suggest, the courts will slap him down, hard.
I'm waiting for Trump to treat the courts like Biden did.
Forgiving student loan debt, not enforcing immigration Laws, etc.
But yes, it will be interesting.
Did you even read your own link? It never mentions the term "illegal immigrants." Are they? I guess some might be but since your article just mentions "immigrants" we should probably assume they are here legally.
If you are poor then you are probably eligible for SNAP benefits which is federal. It looks like this particular program is administered at the state level in NY though. Are these people asylum seekers I wonder?
At any rate your intention here is clear. It's a common MAGAt tactic that convicted felon Trump first employed when he came down his escalator in 2015. Prey on the deepest, darkest, primal fears of his cultroaches. Tribalism and territorialism.
Tell them "Yeah, you're broke and loosing your importance and political power because these FOREIGN, BROWN-SKINNED people are sneaking in and STEALING your country!"
This his his clever little shell game trick he continuously plays on his MAGAt base to distract them from the fact that fear and hatred is all he really has to offer them.
I think you are missing the main points here.
1. Immigrants are not entitled to free food, housing, healthcare, and other lavish benefits from the government.
2. Veterans and poor citizens do not get those same free benefits.
3. Its not fear and hatred that motivates us from not wanting illegals from getting freebies, its the fact that the government is borrowing to fund those freebies and sooner or later that tab needs to be paid.
4. Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt.
5. The National Debt is already more than the GDP, so if/when the dollar collapses you will see suffering by everyone.

I assume you are the (1) yes vote against our (9) no votes.
You need to think harder, especially what another (4) years of democrat policies will bring.

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