Candy Crawley Just Lied During The Debate To Help Obama

Your hatred of our President won't allow any FACTS to interrupt your false attack on him.

Security Fears Hobble Inquiry on Libya Attack

September 28, 2012

BENGHAZI, Libya — Sixteen days after the death of four Americans in an attack on a United States diplomatic mission here, fears about the near-total lack of security have kept F.B.I. agents from visiting the scene of the killings and forced them to try to piece together the complicated crime from Tripoli, more than 400 miles away.

“It’s a cavalcade of obstacles right now,” said a senior American law enforcement official who is receiving regular updates on the Benghazi investigation and who described the crime scene, which has been trampled on, looted and burned, as so badly “degraded” that even once F.B.I. agents do eventually gain access, “it’ll be very difficult to see what evidence can be attributed to the bad guys.”

Piecing together exactly how Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans died here would be difficult even under the best of conditions. But the volatile security situation in post-Qaddafi Libya has added to the challenge of determining whether it was purely a local group of extremists who initiated the fatal assault or whether the attackers had ties to international terrorist groups, as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton suggested Wednesday.

The Libyan government has advised the F.B.I. that it cannot ensure the safety of the American investigators in Benghazi. So agents have been conducting interviews from afar, relying on local Libyan authorities to help identify and arrange meetings with witnesses to the attack and working closely with the Libyans to gauge the veracity of any of those accounts.

“There’s a chance we never make it in there,” said a senior law enforcement official.


My hatred?

So you think that because he's black I hate him?

My problem with Obama is that he's lazy, he's a liar, and he never accepts blame when blame is due. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

My problem with Obama is even last night he claimed to have accepted the blame but we all know Hillary flew to Peru and accepted the blame.

My problem with Obama is that he is tearing this country apart and he thinks it's a fucken joke.

My problem with Obama is that I feel he never should have run for President because he obviously isn't suited for the job. He's more suited for being a Senator, although he doesn't work hard enough to even do that job.

Holy shit! Are you kidding me??? WHERE did you come up with that 'because he's black' crap? I never even hinted that. So it could have only come from one source and one source only...YOU. So, it must reveals an underlying truth.

You sir, are a GD liar.

The primary reason you Obama supporters use to claim Obama detractors "hate" the man personally is because of his race.

I've been accused of hating him personally and the race-card used too many times.
For it to be otherwise one would have to operate in a total vacuum, so don't play dumb with me.
For all you righties splitting hairs about what was said what are you going to say when the truth about what happens comes out and the people responsible are brought to justice. Are you going to say that although President Obama tasked the SEALs he didn't actually do anything? Or will you just move to the next topic no matter of what importance?

Rights can have a gallon of honey and a teaspoon of vinegar and they will run around like loonies screaming about the vinegar. It is how the govern. They can't see the big picture. They don't make delicious treats with the honey. They make vinegar cookies and try to shove them down everyone's throat.

Security was in place and evacuation was success by U.S. and Libyan security. Terrorist NEVER got to the four that dies from smoke inhalation. More sucurity would nto have prevented the fire and the four could not be found and could not be evacuated. Other american did, why didn't they?
That's the sum of the question. "when the truth comes out." It was not out the day after.
Use the small village idiot brain you have.

Stand down the missiles, Capt. TriggerHappy, I'm on your side.

I believe the investigation the Obama administration is the best course of action. All this yelling about whether the word 'terror' was used or whether 'riot' was used is trivial bullshit. There is a truth and until the administration gets to the bottom of this everyone else can just sit on their hands and feel sympathy for the people affected by this tragedy.

Now get your finger off that damn button! :lol:

It takes a village to make an idiot. :D
“The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. We're working with the government of Libya to secure our diplomats. I've also directed my administration to increase our security at diplomatic posts around the world. And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.
“Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts…No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.”
— President Obama, Rose Garden statement, Sept. 12

You're a day late and a dollar short Dick.

And I noticed you cut out the reference to the 9/11 2001 attacks that preceded these comments.

Not really. He was clearly addressing the events in Libya, on 9/11/12. But you sure seem hell bent on word twisting to make it appear that he personally didn't consider this to be an act of terror, even if it were just a vigilante mob gone wild. You seem to like Republicans like Bush, who'll just shoot from the hip, without facts. I'd rather a smarter president, like Obama, who will gather facts to make his decisions. Using facts to support a predefined policy is what caused us to spend over a trillion dollars of Chinese money in the Iraq war.

He mentioned terror once. It is debatable what he was referring to because of the phrase he used. "No act of terror" was a general all encompassing description and the only mention of terrorism in the speech. Let's not forget how many times Obama lied about what happened afterwards, claiming a protest took place before the attack when it was proved that they knew no protest ever took place in Benghazi on September 11th 2012.
My hatred?

So you think that because he's black I hate him?

My problem with Obama is that he's lazy, he's a liar, and he never accepts blame when blame is due. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

My problem with Obama is even last night he claimed to have accepted the blame but we all know Hillary flew to Peru and accepted the blame.

My problem with Obama is that he is tearing this country apart and he thinks it's a fucken joke.

My problem with Obama is that I feel he never should have run for President because he obviously isn't suited for the job. He's more suited for being a Senator, although he doesn't work hard enough to even do that job.

Holy shit! Are you kidding me??? WHERE did you come up with that 'because he's black' crap? I never even hinted that. So it could have only come from one source and one source only...YOU. So, it must reveals an underlying truth.

You sir, are a GD liar.

The primary reason you Obama supporters use to claim Obama detractors "hate" the man personally is because of his race.

I've been accused of hating him personally and the race-card used too many times.
For it to be otherwise one would have to operate in a total vacuum, so don't play dumb with me.

I am not a lair 'son'. The thought of Obama's heritage never entered my mind when I used the word hate. I have seen enough of your posts to know that hate is the correct word to describe your hate for our President. Whatever motivates that hate is for you to figure out.
For all you righties splitting hairs about what was said what are you going to say when the truth about what happens comes out and the people responsible are brought to justice. Are you going to say that although President Obama tasked the SEALs he didn't actually do anything? Or will you just move to the next topic no matter of what importance?

Rights can have a gallon of honey and a teaspoon of vinegar and they will run around like loonies screaming about the vinegar. It is how the govern. They can't see the big picture. They don't make delicious treats with the honey. They make vinegar cookies and try to shove them down everyone's throat.

Security was in place and evacuation was success by U.S. and Libyan security. Terrorist NEVER got to the four that dies from smoke inhalation. More sucurity would nto have prevented the fire and the four could not be found and could not be evacuated. Other american did, why didn't they?
That's the sum of the question. "when the truth comes out." It was not out the day after.
Use the small village idiot brain you have.

Stand down the missiles, Capt. TriggerHappy, I'm on your side.

I believe the investigation the Obama administration is the best course of action. All this yelling about whether the word 'terror' was used or whether 'riot' was used is trivial bullshit. There is a truth and until the administration gets to the bottom of this everyone else can just sit on their hands and feel sympathy for the people affected by this tragedy.

Now get your finger off that damn button! :lol:

It takes a village to make an idiot. :D

Does anyone really believe that this administration will do an honest investigation?

It's on record that in the Rose Garden, Obama said it was an act of terrorism. It was Romney that lied.

Just because Republicans think they care rewrite history books doesn't mean they can rewrite everything.

He said it was "an act of terror", but then spent an entire week saying it was a spontanous act of violence before saying for good that it was a terrorist attack.
For all you righties splitting hairs about what was said what are you going to say when the truth about what happens comes out and the people responsible are brought to justice. Are you going to say that although President Obama tasked the SEALs he didn't actually do anything? Or will you just move to the next topic no matter of what importance?

Rights can have a gallon of honey and a teaspoon of vinegar and they will run around like loonies screaming about the vinegar. It is how the govern. They can't see the big picture. They don't make delicious treats with the honey. They make vinegar cookies and try to shove them down everyone's throat.

A classic case of projection.

The administration is who is guilty of splitting hairs.
It's on record that in the Rose Garden, Obama said it was an act of terrorism. It was Romney that lied.

Just because Republicans think they care rewrite history books doesn't mean they can rewrite everything.

He said it was "an act of terror", but then spent an entire week saying it was a spontanous act of violence before saying for good that it was a terrorist attack.

I think he was backstepping what he said because of the upcoming election. He didn't want to have a terrorist attack so close to the election.
After listening to the debate again I spotted proof of collusion between Obama and the moderator.

When Romney asked Obama when he said it was an act of terror Obama pointed at Crowley and said "Check the transcript" and she had it ready. Then she said the president was right. Then Obama told her to repeat that.

In a breach of the rules Obama and Crowley had prepared together for this issue. This is the strongest evidence to this conspiracy.
A common saying when dealing with courtroom procedures is never ask a question in court you don't know the answer to.

Romney felt he was right when he asked the question. Technically he was wrong because Obama did say the word terror once, but in substance when all things are considered he was correct in questioning Obama's statement.

Of course Obama knew the mod had his back. That's why he asked her to read the transcript of his Rose Garden address. Problem is everything Obama said subsequent to that address conflicted with it. Obama is trying to change history. He is trying to claim that he always said it was a terrorist attack when everyone in the world knows otherwise.
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A common saying in courtroom procedures is never ask a question in court you don't know the answer to.

Romney felt he was right when he asked the question. Technically he was wrong but in substance when all things are considered he was correct in questioning Obama's statement.

Of course Obama knew the mod had his back. That's why he asked her to read the transcript of his Rose Garden address. Problem is everything Obama said subsequent to that address conflicted with it. Obama is trying to change history. He is trying to claim that he always said it was a terrorist attack when everyone in the world knows otherwise.

The actual reading of the Rose Garden Speech certainly leads to another conclusion than the Crowley/Obama one.

5 days later, Susan Rice on all significant Sunday News Programs. 2 weeks later, Obama himself at UN, referring 6 times to the video being the flashpoint. Same day, repeated on THE VIEW, rather than meeting with pesky Middle East leaders.
Crowley already admitted she was wrong. obama had said all along that the attack on the consulate was a response to the movie. He got up and said it six times in front of the United Nations. He sent the UN ambassador out on the talk shows to say it. He made a video to be shown in Pakistan that said it for 40 minutes.

People know this. That's why the exchange, including Crowley's comments was so ridiculous.

Notice the hand-wringing by candy ass...

Candy Crowley’s Benghazi Lifeline to Obama

October 17, 2012
By Matthew Vadum


In an outrage destined for the history books, the moderator of last night’s hotly contested presidential debate uttered an untruth about President Obama’s deadly bungling in Libya after Obama overtly asked her on live television to support his dishonest version of it.

It was truly unprecedented and could only have happened in the Age of Obama.

During the town hall-format debate with an audience of undecided voters, Crowley provided an assist to Obama to help him perpetuate his administration’s ongoing cover-up about the murder of four Americans –including the U.S. ambassador— at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, this past Sept. 11. Reports indicate that Ambassador Chris Stevens and other officials were provided inadequate security in a particularly hostile part of Libya.

Candy Crowley’s Benghazi Lifeline to Obama

It reminds me of a soccer game with Mudwhistle...never once has a soccer player not think he was fouled by the opponent.
It reminds me of a soccer game with Mudwhistle...never once has a soccer player not think he was fouled by the opponent.

Forget Mudwhistle, I'm more concerned about Obama owning up to responsibility. :eusa_whistle:
It reminds me of a soccer game with Mudwhistle...never once has a soccer player not think he was fouled by the opponent.

Forget Mudwhistle, I'm more concerned about Obama owning up to responsibility. :eusa_whistle:

All we hear from Obama when things go wrong is excuses and then he goes into blame-throwing.

We don't need someone who does that. We need someone who accepts responsibility rather than constantly blaming Bush or Romney or whomever they decide is the Strawman of the moment.

Lets see how the Romney backers are reacting:

Blame the BLS
Blame the Media
Blame the Pollsters
Blame the Moderators

Where did you all affix responsibility for the Romney campaign to Governor Romney?


Feel free to show us examples where you personally criticized Romney and cited his many faults.

I'll issue you the same challenge.
Wnen Republicans cry about the mean moderator, that's as close as they can come to admitting how badly they got spanked. Even FOX called it a draw, meaning Obama delivered a buttkicking. Ann Romney's sour face at debate's end said it all, as did the way Obama enthusiastically waded into the crowd, while Mitt did a fast retreat back to his people.

Republicans can't be honest about such things, because their party forbids it. Democrats had no trouble -- okay, not too much trouble -- stating Romney won round 1, but Republicans are incapable of being similarly truthful by stating Biden and Obama took rounds 2 and 3. That's why the polls only show a moderate Obama win, because the 30% on the right side will always close ranks and declare the Republican won, no matter how ridiculous doing so makes them look.

And look at this thread. Not a single Republican cares that Mitt lied. Instead, they're all enraged at Crowley for pointing out the lie. To the moral relativists of the right, it's never a sin when their side lies, but it's the worst sin imaginable to point it out.
Wnen Republicans cry about the mean moderator, that's as close as they can come to admitting how badly they got spanked. Even FOX called it a draw, meaning Obama delivered a buttkicking. Ann Romney's sour face at debate's end said it all, as did the way Obama enthusiastically waded into the crowd, while Mitt did a fast retreat back to his people.

Republicans can't be honest about such things, because their party forbids it. Democrats had no trouble -- okay, not too much trouble -- stating Romney won round 1, but Republicans are incapable of being similarly truthful by stating Biden and Obama took rounds 2 and 3. That's why the polls only show a moderate Obama win, because the 30% on the right side will always close ranks and declare the Republican won, no matter how ridiculous doing so makes them look.

And look at this thread. Not a single Republican cares that Mitt lied. Instead, they're all enraged at Crowley for pointing out the lie. To the moral relativists of the right, it's never a sin when their side lies, but it's the worst sin imaginable to point it out.



Candy "ass" Crowley Plays Biggest Loser with Obama
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