Elon Musk: I Vowed to "Kill the Woke Mind Virus" After I Was Tricked Into Approving Transgender Surgery for My Son

Not really. Only about 5000 transgender kids are even getting hormone treatments out of the 300,000 transgender youth in this country.

Bottom surgery for minors is almost non-existent.

Top surgery is bad as well, and 1 under 18 year old kid getting puberty blockers or hormones is too much.
I refuse to call it "X". Yes, she is his daughter, not his son. He needs to learn to deal.

Do they, though?

No, he isn't. He's a mutilated/drugged/cross dressing son.

They include them in the numbers when they talk about "child" deaths
Top surgery is bad as well, and 1 under 18 year old kid getting puberty blockers or hormones is too much.

Careful with the vast generalizations there.

Many girls and teens have problems with their menstrual periods. Sometimes periods are painful, cause heavybleeding, or are very irregular. Sometimes periods can interfere with a girl’s normal activities like sports orschool.

The good news is that there are safe and effective options to manage this problem.Hormonal therapy is a first-line, medical option for treating painful, heavy, or irregular periods. It is also safeand effective for girls and teens. Most of these options are packaged as “birth control” but your provider isrecommending them to treat your medical condition.

Careful with the vast generalizations there.

Many girls and teens have problems with their menstrual periods. Sometimes periods are painful, cause heavybleeding, or are very irregular. Sometimes periods can interfere with a girl’s normal activities like sports orschool.

The good news is that there are safe and effective options to manage this problem.Hormonal therapy is a first-line, medical option for treating painful, heavy, or irregular periods. It is also safeand effective for girls and teens. Most of these options are packaged as “birth control” but your provider isrecommending them to treat your medical condition.

That's the approved use of those drugs.

Not for stopping normal puberty or development.
That's the approved use of those drugs.

Not for stopping normal puberty or development.

Yours was still a potentially harmful vast generalization.

When other issues arise, whether you like it or not, the proscribing of hormones is indeed the approved use of those drugs also.
Yours was still a potentially harmful vast generalization.

When other issues arise, whether you like it or not, the proscribing of hormones is indeed the approved use of those drugs also.

We were talking about specifically treatment of trans youth, that's what I was responding to.
Top surgery is bad as well, and 1 under 18 year old kid getting puberty blockers or hormones is too much.

Not really. It's just not that invasive.

Some kids, that is the appropriate treatment. In fact, it's easier to start transitioning before puberty begins.

Your side has no problem sending kids to prison for life for making bad decisions, they should be able to make these decisions as well.
Not really. It's just not that invasive.

Some kids, that is the appropriate treatment. In fact, it's easier to start transitioning before puberty begins.

Your side has no problem sending kids to prison for life for making bad decisions, they should be able to make these decisions as well.

Some detransitioners beg to differ.

It's never the appropriate treatment. It's medical malpractice. You can't give these kids what they actually want, just a pathetic copy of it.

Usually that involves killing someone else.

We were talking about specifically treatment of trans youth, that's what I was responding to.

Yes but why do some girls have to take hormones for irregular periods when that is not the norm?

Should we condemn them for not being in the "norm"?
Yes but why do some girls have to take hormones for irregular periods when that is not the norm?

Should we condemn them for not being in the "norm"?

That's for an actual medical condition, not wanting to be something you never actually can be.
I doubt you have any background to be deciding actual medical conditions.

I don't need one. The use of these drugs for trans treatment isn't medical, it's societal.

Are you on the spectrum or something? I already said using these to treat things like precocious puberty and other MEDICAL conditions is what they were designed for.
Some detransitioners beg to differ.

It's never the appropriate treatment. It's medical malpractice. You can't give these kids what they actually want, just a pathetic copy of it.

Usually that involves killing someone else.


Um, yeah, so how many "Detransitioners" are there? Maybe a handful out of the thousands who have undergone treatment?

In the US, a survey of nearly 28,000 people found that 8% of respondents reported some kind of detransition. Of this 8%, 62% percent only did so temporarily due to societal, financial, or family pressures..
I don't need one. The use of these drugs for trans treatment isn't medical, it's societal.

Are you on the spectrum or something? I already said using these to treat things like precocious puberty and other MEDICAL conditions is what they were designed for.

Your are not qualified to be speaking on these issues.
Um, yeah, so how many "Detransitioners" are there? Maybe a handful out of the thousands who have undergone treatment?

In the US, a survey of nearly 28,000 people found that 8% of respondents reported some kind of detransition. Of this 8%, 62% percent only did so temporarily due to societal, financial, or family pressures..

That's right, ignore the consequences of irreversible treatments on minors, just to satisfy your need to fuck over the normies.

It's pathological.

All of this ignores the simple fact that you can't give these people what they actually want, only a twisted facsimile of it. You destroy their chances at normal sexual enjoyment and lock them into their situation, because there is NO GOING BACK.
This kid was twenty years old, hardly a minor.

When did the treatments START?

And not just surgery, hormones and puberty blockers cause permanent changes even if later stopped, despite what the trans lobby lies about.

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