Kamala likely discovered the "root cause" of the immigration crisis.

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I’m talking about the liberal parents who let their kids break the law in their own house.

As far as adults, I’d say it’s fair to say that conservative young adults smoked a little pot in college. No big deal.
i never went to some kids house to smoke ....i was with grown ups in their houses...
The greatest political issue facing America today is not even being discussed seriously.

The entire Democrat party is rapidly succeeding in a massive campaign to swell the voter rolls with unvetted Third World wretches, in the country illegally, whom the Democrats intend to convert to voting Democrat citizens. Most will be almost entirely supported by our Social Safety Net.

Further, the vast majority of them have come in as single males, who will IMMEDIATELY upon gaining citizenship start to "import" all their blood relatives.

In one the clearest signals of this nefarious campaign, immediately after being named, "Border Czar," in an interview revealed that she considered the "solution" to the border problem is "a path to citizenship."

Why is this not the most elevated Republican campaign ad? Why is it not being shown every fifteen minutes, at least on Fox News.

In a country that is evenly divided, if successful, this evil Democrat initiative would mean that the Republicans will never win another national election.

And nobody is talking about it???????
It's okay. Kamala will fix it all after she kicks that fat old man's ass.

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She'd BETTER have a bump in the polls because this is her honeymoon period where voters get excited about a new face and aren't familiar with her beyond the cackles they've been seeing. That will not last very long, however, once policy proposals start coming out and opposition research starts eroding the image she is so desperate to project. She will get another bump at the convention, assuming it doesn't devolve into violence when voters express their displeasure at being disenfranchised yet again, then the real race is on.
The root cause is Dem-Marxists looking for votes. You can't care about some anon guy 5k miles away in Central America. At least care like you do family. But DeMarxists pretend they care.

They encourage the invasion, give the invaders free stuff, and then the invaders vote for them.
The ones who can’t vote?
The ones who can’t vote?

Stupid Trolling OX. This has been explained. Just get names added to the voter roll. USSC ruled States can’t force to show proof of citizenship to vote federal. They get registered. Mail ballots go out to all. They will vote at lwhether they know it or not. Like 2020. Perhaps 10% of voter rolls are corrupted. Presto, CA WA ORE…D win the “popular vote” then you all crow about it. It’s easy to win close States when you start out 10% ahead.
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What bump?


It doesn't exist.

Show us the bump.

And it better not be the Reuters poll.

Show us something real.

It doesn't exist.

Stop mainlining mainstream media bullshit.
5 to 1 ....i dont think so.....i knew a lot of people who were pretty conservative who smoked pot....
My new link shows 6 to 1 (I cited old information).

Make Mark Elias defend sending 10 ballots to a Walmart, 18 ballots to a gas station, and 31 to a vacant lot. I dare you!

Here are 23 people living at addresses the property tax roll – an official government roll – says is a strip mall. Oops, no bedrooms – stop a ballot from going there.

Beginning in earnest in 2022, late in the year, illegal aliens were being registered by NGOs (non-governmental orgs) and they did not register them at homes – they registered them at ballot mills.

**some talk of “no bedrooms, no ballots” can be sent out? Something along those lines is beginning to get traction.
Make Mark Elias defend sending 10 ballots to a Walmart, 18 ballots to a gas station, and 31 to a vacant lot. I dare you!

Here are 23 people living at addresses the property tax roll – an official government roll – says is a strip mall. Oops, no bedrooms – stop a ballot from going there.

Beginning in earnest in 2022, late in the year, illegal aliens were being registered by NGOs (non-governmental orgs) and they did not register them at homes – they registered them at ballot mills.

**some talk of “no bedrooms, no ballots” can be sent out? Something along those lines is beginning to get traction.
in the PO you have to deliver them to those places,not the vacant ones.they get returned to sender,but any good addresses by federal law they have to be delivered....
Stupid Trolling OX. This has been explained. Just get names added to the voter roll. USSC ruled States can’t force to show proof of citizenship to vote federal. They get registered. Mail ballots go out to all. They will vote at lwhether [sic] they know it or not. Like 2020. Perhaps 10% of voter rolls are corrupted. Presto, CA WA ORE…D win the “popular vote” then you all crow about it. It’s easy to win close States when you start out 10% ahead.

So, voter fraud. In most places you have to register to vote well beforehand. This involves providing proof of residence and completing the prior year's local census form. Unless there is some significant benefit to the illegal alien, they are unlikely to participate in political games like that. Hell, if the parents of students might - just might - be in the country illegally, they won't so much as attend parent-teacher night for their students in school. They are not eager to come into contact with anything that seems related to government. In the end, a very small number of likely participants. It is more likely democrats have deceased citizens "vote," and simpler. Add to this the fact that any assumption that immigrants of any sort could be counted on to vote democrat in the event that they could vote, and it seems much ado about little. Illegal immigration itself is a much larger concern for other reasons.
However, she likely won't report it as it would impugn liberals everywhere.

Many are fleeing the crime, danger, and corruption in their countries resulting from the drug trade. America is the biggest market for these drugs. Drug consumption in America is mostly done by liberals, by a five-to-one margin. Therefore, the root cause of the immigration crisis lies at the feet of drug using liberals and Democrats and those who vote them into office.

If Kamala is elected look for illegal immigration and associated problems to get much worse.

Attacking drug use has replaced attacks on Social Security as the 'third rail' of politics for Democrats.
The best way to stop all of this illegal immigration is to take the US military to Central America and wipe out those thug governments. Kamala DID discover the root cause (which was out there right in plain sight for any moron to see) but she has no solution to the problem other than the normal Democrat MO, throw money at it, which just leads to higher inflation and corruption. In fact, our best solution is to become imperialistic again by taking over those countries and turning them into properties of the US, in essence, taking the US to these future illegals instead of them coming here.
I’m worried. Scared, in fact. I live in Liberalville, and the people here are DERANGED - and there are a lot of them. They have convinced themselves that Trump is an evil threat to democracy, and his supporters his enablers.

Believe me, I know those people well.

One of them is my mother, and she's coming to visit for 2 months - TODAY! (Pray for me.)

And I live in a pretty conservative part of Rhode Island, but we are a blue state after all.

(Though not in the SJW fashion of Cali or MA. More like old school lunch bucket Dems who are still gullible enough to believe the Dems are the same party they've always been. Think White6...)

But here's the deal (Biden voice):

The people you are referring to were always going to vote Dem anyway - come hell or high water.

They may not have been as ebullient as they are now, but they weren't gonna stay home with Biden as the nominee.

And their media is pumping them full of absolute BS that in no way even remotely reflects Kackles' chances.

Big surprise, huh? ;)
Believe me, I know those people well.

One of them is my mother, and she's coming to visit for 2 months - TODAY! (Pray for me.)

And I live in a pretty conservative part of Rhode Island, but we are a blue state after all.

(Though not in the SJW fashion of Cali or MA. More like old school lunch bucket Dems who are still gullible enough to believe the Dems are the same party they've always been. Think White6...)

But here's the deal (Biden voice):

The people you are referring to were always going to vote Dem anyway - come hell or high water.

They may not have been as ebullient as they are now, but they weren't gonna stay home with Biden as the nominee.

And their media is pumping them full of absolute BS that in no way even remotely reflects Kackles' chances.

Big surprise, huh? ;)
Two months with your mother?! Yeeks. Good luck.

You bring up good points. I sure hope that Trump can educate independent voters, in the swing states, and VA and NJ as well, as to Kamalot’s radical left, America-destroying policies - and offset the media’s attempt to whitewash her record.

The other thing is that over the next few months, Harris - who will serve as the Acting President - will be reduced to reading statements word for word, that were written by someone else, and then running away before taking a question. Let’s hope that the majority of people can see that it’s just another airhead puppet.
Two months with your mother?! Yeeks. Good luck.

You bring up good points. I sure hope that Trump can educate independent voters, in the swing states, and VA and NJ as well, as to Kamalot’s radical left, America-destroying policies - and offset the media’s attempt to whitewash her record.

The other thing is that over the next few months, Harris - who will serve as the Acting President - will be reduced to reading statements word for word, that were written by someone else, and then running away before taking a question. Let’s hope that the majority of people can see that it’s just another airhead puppet.

Take heart, and don't panic. ;)

This guy is a rare breed indeed.

An honest Lefty.

So, voter fraud. In most places you have to register to vote well beforehand. This involves providing proof of residence and completing the prior year's local census form. Unless there is some significant benefit to the illegal alien, they are unlikely to participate in political games like that. Hell, if the parents of students might - just might - be in the country illegally, they won't so much as attend parent-teacher night for their students in school. They are not eager to come into contact with anything that seems related to government. In the end, a very small number of likely participants. It is more likely democrats have deceased citizens "vote," and simpler. Add to this the fact that any assumption that immigrants of any sort could be counted on to vote democrat in the event that they could vote, and it seems much ado about little. Illegal immigration itself is a much larger concern for other reasons.

Here you go again you trolling OX. They just put down an address? Do you actually think anyone checks it? Challenges them? NGO gets paid by registration. Illegals get rewarded with a pre-paid EBT card. Stuff it clown. They check the box swearing they are a citizen. Uh, with that and $5 you can get a cup of coffee. No one can check it. Ballots get flooded out, harvested or stolen. Whatever "Teacher" lol! go make another sandwich for the little girls. Don't you know they shouldn't be taking anything from Strange men? What dummies you Marxist Obiden people are. 147K mail in votes in GA without SIG verification. uh, one example only. Stupid Oxyen. The Illegals don't have to vote. someone else gets the ballots //

Updated 3:09 PM MST, June 17, 2013
WASHINGTON (AP) — States can’t demand proof of citizenship from people registering to vote in federal elections unless they get federal or court approval to do so, the Supreme Court ruled Monday in a decision complicating efforts in Arizona and other states to bar voting by people who are in the country illegally.
The best way to stop all of this illegal immigration is to take the US military to Central America and wipe out those thug governments. Kamala DID discover the root cause (which was out there right in plain sight for any moron to see) but she has no solution to the problem other than the normal Democrat MO, throw money at it, which just leads to higher inflation and corruption. In fact, our best solution is to become imperialistic again by taking over those countries and turning them into properties of the US, in essence, taking the US to these future illegals instead of them coming here.

Push the Border 50 miles South. Make it a No-Go zone like North to South Korea. That will slow it way way down. They don't like it? Too bad. We don't like your garbage dumped up here.
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