Kamala likely discovered the "root cause" of the immigration crisis.

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Here you go again you trolling OX. They just put down an address? Do you actually think anyone checks it? Challenges them? NGO gets paid by registration. Illegals get rewarded with a pre-paid EBT card. Stuff it clown. They check the box swearing they are a citizen. Uh, with that and $5 you can get a cup of coffee. No one can check it. ...

You are flat-out guessing, and pretending to be sure. You're not. Calm down and read what I wrote again.
Take heart, and don't panic. ;)

This guy is a rare breed indeed.

An honest Lefty.

That was a great read, and refreshing honesty from a lefty.

And all so true. The left will focus their campaign on “oppressed” blacks and “oppressed” gays - all while ignoring the needs and interests od the biggest voting bloc there is: the working class.

They never learn. And they have such contempt for the WHITE working class in particular - whom they alternately call “morons in flyover country” or “white trash” - that they think they’re too stupid to know they’re being overlooked at best, and more accurately dissed completely.

An especially encouraging takeaway from that article is that many of the swing states have an above-average percentage of working class voters, who are already the largest voting bloc.

Thx for posting the article.
America is in trouble thanks to bad leadership

First Baby Boomer president. - bad

2nd Boomer president - also bad

First black president - bad

First female president - if she’s a lib diversity hire dont expect much
Push the Border 50 miles South. Make it a No-Go zone like North to South Korea. That will slow it way way down. They don't like it? Too bad. We don't like your garbage dumped up here.
I have always said we should treat this like we do terrorism, using our military to take out coyotes, even when in foreign lands. Take out the coyotes, put it in the news what we are doing, and much of this stops.
However, she likely won't report it as it would impugn liberals everywhere.

Many are fleeing the crime, danger, and corruption in their countries resulting from the drug trade. America is the biggest market for these drugs. Drug consumption in America is mostly done by liberals, by a five-to-one margin. Therefore, the root cause of the immigration crisis lies at the feet of drug using liberals and Democrats and those who vote them into office.

If Kamala is elected look for illegal immigration and associated problems to get much worse.

Attacking drug use has replaced attacks on Social Security as the 'third rail' of politics for Democrats.

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