Canon Andrew White: 'Vicar of Baghdad' on leading a church in Iraq and being in the crosshairs of I


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This is one brave priest.

Canon Andrew White: 'Vicar of Baghdad' on leading a church in Iraq and being in the crosshairs of Isis

Canon Andrew White has a remarkable faith in human nature, but in the face of so much cruelty, even he believes a line has been crossed


Once a doctor, Andrew White is injecting his own stem cells to treat his multiple sclerosis Justin Sutcliffe

They were coming for him and his people. Friends were being killed or fleeing for their lives. So Andrew White did what he always does when faced with an enemy. “I invited the leaders of Isis [Islamic State] for dinner. I am a great believer in that. I have asked some of the worst people ever to eat with me.”

This extraordinarily self-confident priest is best known as the vicar of Baghdad, leader of a church in the chaos outside the protected Green Zone. He made his offer last year as the terrorist forces threatened to take the city. Did he get a reply?

“Isis said, ‘You can invite us to dinner, but we’ll chop your head off.’ So I didn’t invite them again!”

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'The vicar of Baghdad' explains what happened when he invited Isis to dinner

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