Can't Let Curvelight's Lies about AmRen Slide

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Repeatedly in another thread, Curvelight huffs and puffs about how the American Renaissance newslink site can't be trusted.

His repeated and willfull lies cannot go unanswered.

Here's the site:

American Renaissance

Look at the links: Wall Street Journal. Gallup. BBC.

AmRen's website simply aggregates them and provides places for reader comment.

In other words, Curvelight is either LYING or TOTALLY UNINFORMED.

Or just an idiot asshole, but hey, that's for you to decide.

If you're such a PC weenie that a New York Times article with an "American Renaissance" background makes you go pee-pee, you probably shouldn't be leaving your house. Stay inside and watch Oprah.

What's funny is that the pro-white case is so often inadvertently made by the MSM that you could just operate like this... all you have to do is "point out the facts" and you make our case. It's the white haters like Curvelight who have to invent their own little realities.
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I think we can safely say that that site leans in a certain direction but the news gathering part uses mainstream news sources. It also uses logic and evidence to support its points which is more than I can say about sites than lean in the other direction and are very heavy on polemics and semantics to state their case.

As I have said before, ideas stand or fall on their own merits, irregardless of who says them
Is there any actual evidence I "hate whites?" Or is that a false accusation to try and defend Amren
? Let's look at some basic info:

(from amren
's site)

"Promotes a variety of white racial positions."
American Renaissance

It's isn't simply a "news gathering" site. It has a clear focus on demonizing blacks and making whites look like innocent victims. Amren also puts out a monthly publication hell bent on white supremacy.

Here's a glowing review of Amren
from David Duke:

(for those who don't know...Jared Taylor runs Amren
"In fact, as the readers of the Duke Report and Don Black’s Stormfront know, we have consistently linked and led our readers and listeners to the fine work of Jared Taylor."
Thoughts on the Amren Convention | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD

Just a couple of weeks ago the little racist cry babies cancelled a conference from fallout of their agenda being made known.
Virginia: Marriott States White Nationalist American Renaissance Group Reportedly Cancels Conference at Dulles :: Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)

I've already posted quotes from some losers at Stormfront and shown even they admit it is a white supremacist org. Hell, one idiot even bragged since it doesn't dish out propaganda in traditional style it makes it "harder" to get pinned for what it is.....a racist white supremacist group.

I'm pretty sure ianc is familiar that site, aren't you?

Stormfront - Supreme White Alliance - Member List

Unless you want to claim it is a different person. Hell, why not? It's not like you have any credibility at risk. Lol
Oh the irony of William Joyce calling out someone for using a site he says is biased when most of WJ's threads are from the Occidental Observer, which doesn't exactly stand for open minded journalism!
Oh the irony of William Joyce calling out someone for using a site he says is biased when most of WJ's threads are from the Occidental Observer, which doesn't exactly stand for open minded journalism!

He's not really doing that....instead he is accusing me of lying or being ignorant about Amren
since I've pointed out it's a white supremacist site. I've never heard of the O.O. but judging from the few posts I've seen from WJ I'm guessing it too is a white supremacist site.
Oh the irony of William Joyce calling out someone for using a site he says is biased when most of WJ's threads are from the Occidental Observer, which doesn't exactly stand for open minded journalism!

He's not really doing that....instead he is accusing me of lying or being ignorant about Amren
since I've pointed out it's a white supremacist site. I've never heard of the O.O. but judging from the few posts I've seen from WJ I'm guessing it too is a white supremacist site.

Oh, so he's playing the "You hate whites" since you don't agree with his points of view card again?
Oh the irony of William Joyce calling out someone for using a site he says is biased when most of WJ's threads are from the Occidental Observer, which doesn't exactly stand for open minded journalism!

He's not really doing that....instead he is accusing me of lying or being ignorant about Amren
since I've pointed out it's a white supremacist site. I've never heard of the O.O. but judging from the few posts I've seen from WJ I'm guessing it too is a white supremacist site.

Oh, so he's playing the "You hate whites" since you don't agree with his points of view card again?

Exactly. He's probably pissed off everywhere he looks he sees asians, latinos, and african americans owning more success in life than he can account for and of course that could not possibly happen without the "Jews." So all he has left is to whine about them while secretly bemoaning his dicky-do disease.
curvelight-- I have asked you six ways to Sunday but you refuse to answer. Does the exact, same, identical article lose its credibility if it is linked through the amren news gathering site? yes or no. if no then give your reason.
curvelight-- I have asked you six ways to Sunday but you refuse to answer. Does the exact, same, identical article lose its credibility if it is linked through the amren news gathering site? yes or no. if no then give your reason.

I've answered that more than once....and no I'm not hunting those posts down.
Oh the irony of William Joyce calling out someone for using a site he says is biased when most of WJ's threads are from the Occidental Observer, which doesn't exactly stand for open minded journalism!

TOO is all original writing and very definitely from a pro-white viewpoint. That's different from a site that happens to be pro-white but LINKS to MSM sources as a touch-point for discussion.

Is this really so hard to grasp, or does the prospect of anyone dissenting from the 1984ish thought-control world of race debate in America melt your mind so much that facts, logic and simple distinctions get trammeled in the rush of misfiring neurons?
curvelight-- I have asked you six ways to Sunday but you refuse to answer. Does the exact, same, identical article lose its credibility if it is linked through the amren news gathering site? yes or no. if yes then give your reason.

I've answered that more than once....and no I'm not hunting those posts down.

no, you haven't, that is why I keep asking.
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He's not really doing that....instead he is accusing me of lying or being ignorant about Amren
since I've pointed out it's a white supremacist site. I've never heard of the O.O. but judging from the few posts I've seen from WJ I'm guessing it too is a white supremacist site.

Oh, so he's playing the "You hate whites" since you don't agree with his points of view card again?

Exactly. He's probably pissed off everywhere he looks he sees asians, latinos, and african americans owning more success in life than he can account for and of course that could not possibly happen without the "Jews." So all he has left is to whine about them while secretly bemoaning his dicky-do disease.

Both Jews and Asians have higher IQ's than whites, which helps to explain their greater economic success, wherever they are. Does this notion frighten you? Would you admit or deny that this is true?
Repeatedly in another thread, Curvelight huffs and puffs about how the American Renaissance newslink site can't be trusted.

His repeated and willfull lies cannot go unanswered.

Here's the site:

American Renaissance

Look at the links: Wall Street Journal. Gallup. BBC.

AmRen's website simply aggregates them and provides places for reader comment.

In other words, Curvelight is either LYING or TOTALLY UNINFORMED.

Or just an idiot asshole, but hey, that's for you to decide.

If you're such a PC weenie that a New York Times article with an "American Renaissance" background makes you go pee-pee, you probably shouldn't be leaving your house. Stay inside and watch Oprah.

What's funny is that the pro-white case is so often inadvertently made by the MSM that you could just operate like this... all you have to do is "point out the facts" and you make our case. It's the white haters like Curvelight who have to invent their own little realities.

OK sport....I just looked at this site and ALL they talk about is race issues.

Lying..not lying...this site is all about race baiting. You seem to be all about race baiting or have a serious psychosis regarding races other than white. I'm pure Irish...maybe thats not white enough..huh?

If you want to see what this fool is so upity about on...this is just part of the front page

Dobbs Reaches Out to Latinos, With Politics in Mind , Wall Street Journal; 25 comments
Wants to run for Senate against a Hispanic incumbent.

Obama’s Approval Slide Finds Whites Down to 39%, Gallup; 20 comments
But support among blacks as high as ever.

Michelle Obama Racist Image Sparks Google Apology, BBC News; 21 comments
Google apologizes for content that insults Michelle Obama.

Illegal Alien Burns Elderly Woman Alive, Now Gets Life, WorldNetDaily; 19 comments
She hired him to work in her garden.

Daughter of Burned Man Speaks, Jackson Sun (Tennessee); 15 comments
Another white set on fire by a non-white friend.

Too Lazy in Halifax to Work?, Chronicle Herald (Halifax); 24 comments
Nova Scotia’s farmers have to hire immigrants because locals are too lazy.

Welcome to Caledonia, Where Flying the Flag Is Asking for a Fight, Globe and Mail (Toronto); 20 comments
Indians harassed whites; Ontario police didn’t care.

Why Haven’t Any of Our Would-Be MPs Got Normal English Names, Asks Tory Official Peter Hobbins, Daily Mail (London); 16 comments
Labour candidate Chuka Umanna says Tories have not “come to terms with modern Britain.”

Police Hunt Mugger Who Punched Two-Year-Old Girl in the Face and Injured Her Twin Brother, Daily Mail (London); 14 comments
Make that “Police Hunt Black Mugger,” etc.

Why White Skin Is All the Rage in Asia, Global Post (Boston); 33 comments
40 percent of women in Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, and the Philippines use skin lightening products.

Muslim Demographics: The Islamic Tidal Wave, YouTube; 23 comments
“In a matter of years, Europe as we know it will cease to exist.”

The Most Gruesome Multi-Cult of All?, AR Classic Article; 29 comments
Jim Jones—an early proponent of anti-white, racial-diversity thinking.
of course it frightens him. because if what you said is true then the low average IQ for blacks is a main factor in their low achievement, and racism is not the main (or only) cause of all their troubles.
Oh, so he's playing the "You hate whites" since you don't agree with his points of view card again?

Exactly. He's probably pissed off everywhere he looks he sees asians, latinos, and african americans owning more success in life than he can account for and of course that could not possibly happen without the "Jews." So all he has left is to whine about them while secretly bemoaning his dicky-do disease.

Both Jews and Asians have higher IQ's than whites, which helps to explain their greater economic success, wherever they are. Does this notion frighten you? Would you admit or deny that this is true?

You started this thread on the accusation I lied about amren. I responded in part by pointing out David fucked up Duke bragging about getting his crowd and Stormfront to latch onto Taylor's work at Amren. You totally ignored your accusation has been proven false.
huggy- I don't think anyone has said that amren was not biased towards whites and against minorities. the issue is whether the articles linked on the amren site are somehow unuseable because they are found there.
of course it frightens him. because if what you said is true then the low average IQ for blacks is a main factor in their low achievement, and racism is not the main (or only) cause of all their troubles. this how you try to bait people? You guys embed yourselves in sites like stormfront and amren then look at the rest of the world as if you have been gifted with esoteric schools and anyone who disagrees is frightened or hates whites or ....blah blah. Grow the fuck up.
huggy- I don't think anyone has said that amren was not biased towards whites and against minorities. the issue is whether the articles linked on the amren site are somehow unuseable because they are found there.

Nothing is unusable on USMB as far as I know. It is up to the reader to do his own due diligence to decide what to believe. WJ is a pathetic cry baby. He doesn't have to hang out with human beings that sport a skin hue he feels uncomfortable with and I find it insulting that he feels the need to sell his predjudice to my eyes.
huggy- I don't think anyone has said that amren was not biased towards whites and against minorities. the issue is whether the articles linked on the amren site are somehow unuseable because they are found there.

I've been pointing out amren is a white supremacist site and as such is inherently not trustworthy. Nobody has ever said legit articles linked by amren are not usable. WJ has tried to claim amren is simply a "news gathering" source. Horsefuckingchickenbullshit! It doesn't collect "news." it actively seeks out any and all articles that make whites look like victims and blacks as demons.

Amren and stormfront are nothing but pussy filled cry baby self righteous glorified clubhouses oozing with insecurity at every turn. The people who celebrate those sites, either by linking them or participating, are proof positive there is nothing that can be done to prevent children from occupying what would otherwise appear to be adult bodies.
Dammit to hell and back. I am gonna have to agree with Curve on this one. Willyboy is a racist - there is evidence aplenty on this site of that. I may not agree with Curve on anything but I've seen no evidence of racism from him.

And.... AmRen is absolutely a white racist site.

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